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parenting lessons won't stop child tantrums!!
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Parenting lessons don't stop toddler tantrums: study
A new study shows that parent training programmes fail to reduce behavioural problems in toddlers, suggesting that coaching on how to rear children may be a waste of time and money.
Troubles in childhood often have serious personal, social and economic consequences later in life, experts say.
Left untreated, approximately 50 percent of preschoolers with behaviour problems develop mental health problems, including depression.
Besides the direct cost of treatment, there are social costs as well: unemployment, family stress or violence, drug use and increased crime have all been linked to behavioural difficulties very early in life.
One approach is to deal with the problems as they emerge through counselling, drug treatment, or psychiatry. But this is expensive, and not always effective.
Another tack is to try to nip the problems in the bud by discouraging the kind of parenting that can lead to troubled behaviour, such as unduly harsh discipline and unrealistic expectations.
For the study, published in the British Medical Journal, researchers enrolled 300 mothers and their eight-month old tots in the Melbourne area into the training programme.
Unlike earlier studies, this one looked not just at high risk families, but a representative sampling of parents and children from poor, middle income and wealthier families.
The scientists, led by Harriet Hiscock at the Centre for Community Child Health in Parkville, Australia, compared behaviour of the test group over an 18 month period with another set of mothers and kids who did not receive any special counselling.
The results showed very little difference between the two groups.
Mothers in the programme were somewhat less abusive and acquired more realistic expectations of how quickly their children would progress.
But there was no significant difference is the level of behaviour problems in the children, or in the mental health of the mothers.
"The outcome at two years are insufficient to support widespread introduction of a very early universal programme to prevent behavioural problems in toddlers," the researchers conclude.
aku tau la yang ni... masa study kat states... dah ada study ni.. banyak mana pun lessons parents or parents to be nak ambil... tak kiralah apa pun.. cara nak handle kids yang tantrums.. kids yang susah nak makan.. kids yang degil dan tak dok diam.. etc etc... still perangai anak depa tu tak akan berubah pun... tak ada effect apa2 dan tak ada kena mengena dengan all those lessons yang parents gi signed up..
so pada pendapat aku la.. benda2 camni -- child tantrums terutama yang masuk umur 2 years (terrible twos) - kena handle dengan sabar .. dengan consistents.. tak yah la dok ambil courses and programs.. your kids tantrums tak sama dgn other kids tantrums.. you will learn as time passes by camne nak handle your kids...
have patients parents!!! |
teori satu hal....perlaksanaan satu hal....perlaksanaan dlm keadaan yg genting satu hal...
cuba tanya i, tgh tenang2 camni....berlist-list ku boleh bagi
cuba tanya, waktu tenang2..anak tantrum taknak makan, akan ku pujuk, ku masak berkali-kali..utk dia ada variety of foods
cuba tanya, waktu pepagi...wa cam ribut berlari nak siapkan bekfas, anak kecik nie nangis nak sus, abg dia taknak mandi sendiri...bapak dia duk dlm toilet tak keluar-keluar....
dlm keadaan yg berbeza-beza nie, sorang angle would become an evil |
heh i like this article..
reminds me of my own bitter sweet childhood days which i assume would be pretty different from others'...
and my own struggle to raise my explosive kids especially the eldest son.. at least my 5 yo girl has improved in maturity and sesne of responsibility since she started going to kindy.. mcm hari ni bgn pagi je terus cari buku nak buat homework..siap announce 'i lovee homework!!" (kakaka....pandai dia encourage diri sendiri undefined ) yg anak teruna lak dr bgn pagi sampai le baru taid dia tido asyikkk nak kasik org marah ajee... basuh tgn pon setengah jam main sabun, dah masak mee tanak makan.. mase m andi main sabun lagii, org nak susu kan adik dia terjerit2 nak itu ini... wah mau sawan gue!!!
* yg tgh letih * |
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