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Post time 1-8-2008 02:54 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Mods...kalu dah ade thread nie..tolong mergekan...coz dah selongkar...tak jumpe..

Forumers...just wanna share/refresh some info/tips for HP korang ( especially NOKIA )..

FYI, kalu korang nak formatphone....diwajibkan format skali memory card tuh utk mengelakkan hpkorang lag @ hang bile korang cube nak run software yg dah diinstall....

sbb pe...bile korang install 3rd parties software, tak kire arr installke phone memorr or memory card  tuh... pecahan komponen software tuakan diinstall ke phone dan memory card skali...aku bg contoh...

kalu install ke memory card...cth daripada 10 komponen softwaretu...paling tidak 1@2 bahagian akan diinstall jugak ke phone memory...

sbb tu bile korang cube run balik..kadang bleh run...kadang terustendang keluar semula...ikut nasib n software tu sdr...sometimes jugaksoftware yg dah full version akan jadi trial version semula....

apepon..aku cadangkan...kalu korang nak format hp:

1.Backup dulu phone book ..( yg nie kes kalu hp korang still blehon..kalu takleh on langsung...takleh watpe arr...kirenya babai arrphone book korang tuh....)

-samada pakai nokia pc suite ( transfer ke MS outlook )
-save / move / copy ke simcard ( FYI, sim card memory terhad, hanyableh save nombor dan name jer..kalu ade thumbnail ke...lain lain infocam email or notes takkan dibackup)
-copy/move pakai internal software ke memory card...biasenye akan savelam format .vcf ....location bile save lam memory card akan pergi ke"Ether" individual .vcf file
-import/export pakai 3rd parties sofware cam smartvcard....akan savesume contacts termasuk info2 yg len lam satu .vcf file jer(compilation)
-kalu tak reti gak...korang salin balik pakai tangan or send businesscard pakai bluetooh ke hp adik ko ker..utk sementara waktu ( kalu phonebook korang bawah 20 aku dah lebih 1000entry...perghhh....taknak aku...maunye kebas tangan duk salin semula...)
-ade sesetengah simcard, provider ade bg function tambahan, korang blehbackup/upload phonebook korang secara virtual melaluiGPRS/WAP/3G...kene caj arr wooo...

2.Backup notes/calendar/to do entry coz mende nih akan ilang maseformat...kene backup pakai manual (salin kat kertas arrr...) or pakainokia pc suite

3. Messages pown akan ilang unless korang save lam memory card or import as a text or html file gune 3rd parties software

3.Then baru backup memory card ke komputer.....Please take note thatbackup gambar/video/sound/ and also folder "other-ada phonebook yg dahsave tadi" jer...folder len tak perlu backup coz software kalu naksemula...install balik...tak digalakkan utk copy paste folder system orapplication coz nanti hp korang akan hang balik...tak stabil...

4.Then baru format phone and memory card(memory card format pakai card reader kat pc)....

5. dah format phone, insert semula memory card yg diformat pakai readertadi ke hp semula...pastu memory kad tu kene format semula dlam hp tuutk auto configure / akan auto create folder cam hp tu kenal and beramah mesra ngan memory card tuh...hehehehe

6. Then baru restore semula gambar/videos/sounds/mp3 ke lam memory cardtuh pakai card reader or pakai pc suite....masukkan balik ke dalamfolder yg same cam asal in order kalu korang nak view semula pakaiimage/video gallery...kalu korang letak or create folder yg len lammemory card tu...nanti gambar or video takkan appear lamgallery...unless korang pakai file explorer (3rd parties) or pakai filemanager( default program)

7. Pastu baru korang install semula software yg korang nak....akuulangi...tak digalakkan utk korang copy paste folder program cozsofware kene install in order utk kemaskini registry phone tusdr....kalu tak hp korang bleh jadi tak stabil...slalu shutdown sdrker....jadi lembab ker...hang hanya kene boleh not copy paste...unlesskorang tau ape yg korang at your own risk!!

8. Dah setel sumer...baru hp korang akan beroperasi semula cam barukluar dr kilang or cam baru beli dari kedai hp tuh...hehehehe ..jgn lupe...restore/backup/import semula phonebook.

Sedikit info utk forumer yg xtau or masih pening pening lalat camnerstep nak format phone.Forumers terrer yg len....betulkan ape ygsalah...and tambahkan ape yg tak cukup...hehehe...

Sharing is caring...Adios...!!!

Use magic Report


Post time 1-8-2008 05:43 AM | Show all posts
tq bro..

nice info..

Use magic Report

Post time 1-8-2008 06:45 AM | Show all posts
nk tau lbh lanjut blh tgk kt thread tutorial yg abg tonk bukak tu. Mod dah stick kt sub board

Mana mr tonk? Trus menghilang lps kawin

Use magic Report

Post time 1-8-2008 07:47 AM | Show all posts

Balas #3 musang_pulut\ catat

Tonggeng menghilang terus...tanpa jejak...tanpaberita...

Use magic Report

Post time 1-8-2008 07:54 AM | Show all posts
baru kawin...luangkan masa lebih untuk bini bagi membina keyakinan

...kang berporem jam2 bini baru syak ada affair pulak!!

Use magic Report

Post time 1-8-2008 07:59 AM | Show all posts

Balas #5 baba838\ catat

bukannya apa...langsung tak masuk...aku dulu....2 jam lepas bersanding terus masuk forum dan reply post...

Use magic Report

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Post time 1-8-2008 08:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #6 medangmru's post

aku ada sms dia kdg2
dia bgtau aku bz la ni....

ada jgk dia tanya khabar porem..............

Use magic Report

Post time 1-8-2008 08:09 AM | Show all posts


sesungguh nye aku telah terkena smlm.. kusangkakan symbian 60 3rd edition leh wat macam Ngage, xyah format memory kad..
parah jadinye..

Use magic Report


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