Salam to all,
Try cari kot2 dah ada thread pasal breakfast cereal tapi tak jumpa so saya bukak lah satu. Just nak tanya pada expert2 makanan kat sini boleh dapat ke Granola kat Malaysia. Bukan granola cereal bar. Granola yg mcm cereal tu. Kalo ada jual granola kat Malaysia, dalam bentuk packet siap mcm Quakers tu ker atau jual timbang kati. I love granola and I have made it into my everyday breakfast. Your response is very much appreciated.
[ Last edited by maisya at 29-10-2008 10:20 AM ] |
awak kat mana sekng? pergi Cold Storage kat klcc tu atau di alamanda....juga boleh cari di tmc bangsar dan hock chun ampang (sebelah victoria stesen berhadapan sucasa ampang) |
saya kat US. igt kan td x dpt reply langsung sbb saya rasa granola ni tak popular kat malaysia. kira ada jual jugak la walaupun tpt yg jual tu agak terhad. dulu2 saya try oatmeal. tak sedap sgt. bila rumet sy kenal kan sy dgn granola ni. syiok makan sbb dia rangup. + pisang, raisins dan susu soya ber++ sedapnya |
Reply #1 ai#eru's post
You can find it at almost any supermarkets/hypermarkets. For a good selection try Cold Storage. |
Boleh cuba buat sendiri...kat internet byk resepi.
Ni ada satu resepi dari forumer mclaren
http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthr ... ;page=1#pid26023405
yg maisya pernah buat plak resepinya macam ni:
book: Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen by Kathleen Daelemans
1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup water
4 teaspoons vanilla essense
1 teaspoon salt
8 cups rolled oats
2 cups chopped walnuts, pecans or slivered almonds
dried fruits (optional)
Preheat oven to 160 C.
Combine brown sugar and water in a 4-cup microwave proof glass measuring cup or bowl. Place in microwave on high for 5 minutes and cook until sugar is completely dissolved. ( maisya larutkan dengan air panas je)
Remove from microwave, add vanilla extract and salt.
In a large mixing bowl, combine oats, nuts, and brown sugar syrup mixture. Stir until thoroughly mixed.
Spread the granola onto cookie sheets and bake 45 minutes to 1 hour or until golden and crunchy. ( every 10 minutes maisya keluarkan dan gaul supaya dapat bakar sekata )
When the mixture comes out of the oven, it is still very pliable. You may choose to add in dried fruit as a finishing touch at this time.
When granola has cooled completely, store in an airtight container. |
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Balas #5 maisya\ catat
granola ni makan dengan apa ye..? susu ek...? |
thanks maisya sebab bagi publisiti (gurau je)...
yes, saya selalu buat granola ni. in fact, petang tadi baru lepas makan ice cream with granola topping on top.
granola ni saya include dalam kudapan hari raya tahun ni, ramai jugak orang yang tak pernah tgk or makan granola ni, datang rumah masa raya, suka makan, ada yang sampai tak boleh stop kunyah
something healthier to kudap lah.. anyway, walaupun berkhasiat, especially oats tu (can help to flush out bad cholesterol), i believe it is high in calories, sebab banyak nuts, my recipe lah at least, yang banyak nuts tu.
nak low calorie, omit nuts, just guna oats, & maybe minimal amount of raisins (dried fruits pun high in calories jugak sebab retain a lot of sugar). |
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