nak free games byk donlod jer..harga dlm RM800 kot kalo tak silap.. |
psp slim sekarang harga dlm 800 lebih memory 4g sony siap game.ada mcm2 kaler...games semua install dlm memory card...boleh beli kat sg wang atau sm arcade sebelah kotaraya ..u kat ner..kl ke/ |
skrg RM650 je leh dpt slim version.
PSP ni macam gameboy la, tapi lagi advance sebab cuma guna memory card.
game pun buleh tukar2 guna memorycard tu (memorycard macam guna kat henpon dan digicam). game buleh mintak kat kedai tulun downloadkan atau donlod sndiri kat internet. transfer guna pc/leptop melalui card reader atau usb connection. |
Reply #3 alpha_traveler's post
a ah kat kl.....huh...mahal gak 800
ingatkan 700 .... |
Reply #6 keretapilaju's post
skunk dah naik arr....sebab psp 3000 dah kluar.....aku cadangkan ko beli psp slim n lite (2000).....cari yg dah didowngrade supaya boleh main game download.....paling murah skunk 850 paling maha 1400++ |
Reply #8 atigtx280's post
Reply #10 gelupur's post
nintendo DS ape yg best???tak pernah pegang nintendo DS tu.....pernah main PSP je....games dia best2 ke?ada game loco roco mcm PSP tak??hehehe..... |
Reply #11 keretapilaju's post
PSP Lagi best boleh main mp3,game,simpan movie mp4,mtv video mp4,wifi intenet dan simpa gambo jpg...ada yg boleh amik gambo...tapi kena beli adapter camera dia la...ada cable sambung kat tv..utk model psp 2000 dan 3000..yg 1st model takleh.sekarg memory card dah murah dulu mahal gilos. |
Originally posted by bzzts at 10-12-2008 07:15 PM 
skrg RM650 je leh dpt slim version.
PSP baru ke leh dpt RM650?? biar betol
one more thing, apa beza PSP slim ngan PSP fat in terms of specification. Beza saiz tu takyah laaa citer... hehehe... |
baru aje dpt PSP 3000 special edition ratchet & clank. |
aku pun t'ingin nk bli psp...yg hrga rm650 da lg ker.. |
maaf mencelah... Saya ada terbaca artikel ttg PSP ni...
.. errrr.. bulan lepas saya ada hadiahkan sebijik yg slim version buat bro...
Goodbye, Sony PSP
By Mike Smith
Whatever happened to the PSP? The device that Sony once touted as "the Walkman for the 21st century" is fast disappearing from popular consciousness, and if you believe the rumors circulating just three-and-a-half years after its launch, it's up for a major rethink in 2009.
Over the crucial month of November, the Nintendo DS shifted a jaw-dropping 1.5 million units in the US alone (up 20% from last year) while the PSP languished, managing just 421,000 sales -- actually down 27%, in what was in general a tremendously strong month for video games.
Even the software support is eroding. Despite the PSP's healthy install base of around 13 million consumers, only six 2008 PSP releases scored better than 80% on review aggregating site gamerankings.com, compared with 16 on the DS. There's a good reason for that: nobody's making PSP games, because outside of one or two hits like this year's Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, nobody's buying them. That's only going to worsen when the superheavyweight Grand Theft Auto series (previously exclusive to the PSP on handhelds) releases its first DS title early next year.
In a lot of ways, it's a shame. The PSP is a far more capable hardware platform than the DS. It's a phone, a portable music player, a pocket-sized movie device, a mobile web browser, and when paired with a Playstation 3, a remarkably capable remote control for the system, capable of streaming music and movies from a PS3 over the Internet to wherever you happen to be.
Next to it, the DS looks like a product of another age. It's barely capable of 3D, let alone delivering a suite of mobile applications of the PSP's caliber. Not, in fact, unlike the contrast between the Playstation 3 (modern, immensely powerful, and pricey) and the Wii (underpowered, basic, and cheap.) Oh, and phenomenally successful. The parallels you can draw between Sony and Nintendo's offerings go deep.
But then, set the PSP next to the iPhone or iPod Touch, the year's other big winner in portable gaming, and the PSP's hardware design suddenly looks old hat. Where's the touchscreen? What are all these buttons for? What on earth is the point of this useless analog nub of a joystick? And why, in an age when flash memory is so cheap it practically comes in Cheerios boxes, are we still stuck with a huge, bulky, slow, and noisy optical drive? If you're going to compete by offering a powerful hardware platform, you actually need to outperform the competition. As the iPhone steps into the portable gaming ring, it's already got the PSP on the ropes.
Guess what, Sony: Apple already made the Walkman of the 21st century, and you missed the boat.
Originally posted by Naru at 31-12-2008 10:11 AM 
.. errrr.. bulan lepas saya ada hadiahkan sebijik yg slim version buat bro...
Goodbye, Sony PSP
By Mike Smith
Whatever happened to the PSP? The device that Sony once touted as "the Walk ...
uh me yg baru bermain psp ni pun tak tergugat baca benda benca camni...
psp me hanya utk main game which very happy sbb boleh main game di mana mana aje....
nak tenguk movie ke lagu ke... ipod.
Nak buat call, my blackberry....
tepuk dada tanya selera aje.. |
Balas #14 faraway1\ catat
Originally posted by elisdend at 4-1-2009 07:13 AM 
aku nk blh
tak boleh. |
Reply #14 faraway1's post
psp ko da modify ke??
skrg psp 3000 da bole modify blom sbenarnye??? |
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