haih takdak keja la plak pagi2 ni...aku nak tepek tennis lesson la plak utk yg nak baru belajar...
Tennis Grips: Eastern, Continental, Semi-Western
This tennis lesson offers instruction on the four commonly used tennis grips for the forehand
and the one-handed backhand:the Eastern forehand grip, the Continental grip, the semi-Westernforehand grip, and the Eastern backhand grip. (For the two-handedbackhand grip, see The Two-Handed Backhand.)
You'll get to see two instructional videos in a moment, but first, tounderstand the explanation, you need to know what the words mean. Theillustration below shows you what the different facets of your tennisracket handle are called.
The Anatomy of Your Racket handle
In the diagram above, you are holding your racket out before you,in your right hand, as if to hit a forehand. The ball would be comingfrom the left, as shown. So, the left side of the racket face andhandle is the front, or forehand side. (You'd hit a backhand with the other side.)
So, your racket handle has four sides. Four slant bevels between thesides round the handle somewhat to make it more comfortable. The sidesare the top, the bottom, the front, and the back. We number the bevelslike we number the hours on a clock, starting in the upper right andrunning clockwise around the handle.
When tennis players talk about grips, they refer to one or twolandmarks on the hand. One is the base knuckle of the forefinger, andthe other is the point (vertex) of the "V" formed by your thumb andforefinger. These landmarks are shown in the illustrations below.
[ Last edited by MrFed at 24-12-2008 01:50 PM ] |
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Kita belajar Forehand Grip plak
The Forehand Grips
In the following instruction video, Francis Ribeiro of Spain describesthe three commonly used forehand grips according to where you place thepoint of the "V" formed by your thumb and forefinger. In theContinental grip it goes on top of the handle, so that you are holdingyour racket as though it were an axe you are chopping something with.In the Eastern forehand grip, the point of the "V" is a little furtherclockwise around the handle, on the first bevel to the right of thetop. In the semi-Western grip, it is on the back side of the handle.
Continental Eastern Semi-Western
The point of "V" is on the top. The point of the "V" is on the 1st bevel. The point of the "V" is on the back.
Noticethat Francis spreads his fingers apart. Avoid gripping the racket withyour fingers clenched tightly together as in a fist. You might thinkthat spreading your fingers apart weakens your grip, but the oppositeis true. Your fingers are behindthe racket, and when you spread them, they cover a larger area alongthe back of the racket handle. They thus "spread the load" of impactand stabilize the racket better, so that the ball can't knock yourracket head backward on you.
In fact, the force of impact focused on a tightly clenched grip may be responsible for some cases of tennis elbow.
Avoid gripping your racket too tightly, as well. This is a commonerror and another one that may result in some overuse injuries. You maywish to give your racket a squeeze as you swing forward to meet theball, but generally speaking, you needn't grip the racket tightly.Doing so creates muscle tension all the way up your arm. If you aremaking good contact, you can hit perfectly good shots while grippingthe racket with only three fingers
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The Backhand Grips
The one-handed backhand is simpler. You can hit it with the Continentalgrip you learned above or with an Eastern backhand grip. The Easternbackhand grip is generally recommended. The anatomy of your rackethandle is the same, but you hit backhands with the other side of theracket face, the right-hand side, so the front and back are switched.
The Anatomy of Your Racket handle
As you learned above, in the Continental grip, the "V" formed byyour thumb and forefinger goes on top of the racket. In the Easternbackhand grip it goes on the left (4th) bevel. The Eastern backhandgrip is also often described as placing the base knuckle of yourforefinger on top of the racket, as you can see in this still shot fromthe instructional video you are about to see...
Since your fingers are in front of the racket on a backhand,spreading them won't give you added stability. Nonetheless, again don'tclench your racket tightly in a "death grip." You can wrap your thumbaround the handle (as in the photo) or extend it along the back side ofthe grip. Since your thumb is on the back of the handle, extending italong the back of the grip "spreads the load" and stabilizes yourracket.
Nonetheless, I think most pros recommend wrapping your thumb aroundthe handle, and I agree. I myself took advice to extend my thumbstraight down the back of the handle, and I found that doing so doeslend stability, but I also found it contributed to some other problems.Unfortunately, I now find it very hard to switch back to wrapping mythumb around the handle. So, your best bet is to find a comfortable"happy medium" between these two extremes. That is, angle your thumbalong the backside of the racket handle, but do wrap it around thehandle = don't point it straight at the racket head.
Here'san instruction video by Latin America's top tennis coach, Fabi醤 "Fab"Nu馿z Seixa, showing and explaining how to find and use the one-handedbackhand grip. He will go into how to hit the one-handed backhand as well, so we will review this video in the lesson on the one-handed backhand.
[ Last edited by MrFed at 24-12-2008 02:00 PM ] |
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itu cuma persediaan pengetahuan atau teori nyer sahaja. The best is to get a certified coach. |
Reply #2314 MrFed's post
ehhhh sampai Semi-Western je ke..
kan ade grip western... tak silap aku
nadal pakai grip western |
Reply #2313 MrFed's post
aku lemah nak amik overhead la...
ade tak gambo2 yg dia tunjuk nak amik
overhead ngan care yg betul |
Reply #2315 akughi's post
akan diedit serta merta. tadi ada pastu ilang plak iskhh.
pasal overhead akan aku usahakan. Aku ni phobia dgn overhead sbb pernah injured terok sampai skrg.... |
Reply #2319 MrFed's post
same la ngan aku sebulan tak leh main
gare2 nak amik overhead...
aku punye ligemen koyak beb |
Reply #1 MrFed's post
mrfed -
thanks for took up my suggestion bagi gambar2 ni
dan copy ni semua --
i appreciate it -
thread tennis lama saya dah tutup -
so kita boleh discuss dalam thread tennis yang baru ni -
jika ada apa2 nak update kan gambar2 dan news -
that would be great -
harap berforum dengan berhemah
and stop all those perli sindir mengata2
and immature post -
any contribution is appreciated -
thanks - |
Reply #8 akughi's post
sama ler aku, aku amek overhead, baik punya adjust bila nak smash jer nampak matahari so swing angin pastu dgr bunyi POP, punya laa sakit, skrg ni tros phobia...
aku dah dapat picture & cara2 nak amek overhead, nanti aku paste kan. Rata2 instruction nya mmg sama macam yg coaches ajar, footwork, ball adjustment and timing mesti kena perfect. |
thread baru dah??
bagusla ade tutorial pasal nak main tennis. sebenarnya aku ni disebabkan tk berkemampuan tk dpt nak main tennis, so tula pasallnya aku byk sebok je ngn tgok tournament je... hehe.
so ok ke kalau wat 2 thread... satu thread tennis to play, satu lagi tennis to watch (tournament).
Australian Open 2009 nak start dh, 19 Jan-1Feb 2009... harap ade la thread pasal tu. |
Aku skang tgh baca buku The Roger Federer Story Quest For Perfection... sebuah autobiography Roger Federer ditulis oleh pengarang Swiss Ren |
Reply #11 mgs's post
dun worry mgs,akan ku pastikan akulah org yg pertama akan membuka berkenaan Grand Slam.. |
Reply #13 cyclops_psycho's post
takpa kang jgn lupa buka poll sekali masa Aust open...bukan apa, nak bet dgn tasya jer haha
French bagi aku buka plak siap dgn poll heheh, time tu betting makan besar sket
camana tasya...on kaaa? Pizza, McD, KFC semua orite jer
p/s cyclops_psycho ...bukan ada video ker pasal Federer ni...dapat version video lagi best rasanya |
Reply #14 MrFed's post
haha. MrFed, ko nak bet ngn thasya utk French Open ke? nak bet Federer menang aa tu... hahaha. kt forum kt RF.com, tak ramai pun yg yakin Fed leh menang FO even thn depan. Diorang pun malas nak percaya Fed leh menang FO. |
Originally posted by mgs at 24-12-2008 09:38 PM
Bukan nak insult Nadal fans (yg nyata ramai kt sini-termasuk dikalangan fans wanitanya yg ramai di forum ni), but aku lebih impressFed punya cerita. Dan his successes
Ini matter of preference, so aku rasa no big deal to Nadal fan. Tapi aku rasa Fed lambat naik bukan sebab dia tak kaya, sebab masa dia 19 banyak star masih ada seperti Sampras, Agassi dan Rafter. Mungkin masa tu Sampras,Agassi dan Rafter lack of fitness compared Fed masa tu, but they make up in term of strategy and game experience. Tapi tak salah aku, Fed beat Sampras masa umur dia 19 tahun dengan poneytail dan serve and volley masa main kat Wimbledon. |
Reply #16 karim_pin's post
betul gak eh... time tu masih lagi trio yg ko sebutkan tu agak dominant. Fed ngn Sampras ada 1 je pertemuan sepanjang karier dorang, 4th Round Wimbledon 2001, pastu kt quarter Fed kalah ngn Henman. Goran Ivanisevic mng Wimby thn tu.
Even Sampras still lagi leh menang US Open 2002, walaupun dalam 1 year GS-winning hiatus. Baru lah thn 2003 Federer nak menang 1.
Sampras predict Nadal ni akan menang 12 GS. Aku lak rasa kalau Nadal ni maintain betul2 lutut dia tu, dia leh pecahkan rekod Sampras gak, sbb dia muda agi, 22 tahun, andaikan dia nak main sampai umur 32 dan dptkan at least 1 GS a year.
Federer lak, aku tk tau la... last year dia complain pasal mono. Tahun2 mendatang ni tk tau la fitness dia nak menang GS camne... still dia leh pecah rekod Sampras kot, tp tk sampai la angka 20.
Just wait and see |
Balas #14 MrFed\ catat
bet utk makan.. x de hal.. hehhehe.. bet makan KFC la.. boleh makn reramai sikit.. sape lagi nk join bet ni? |
Originally posted by tasyha3 at 25-12-2008 09:21 AM
bet utk makan.. x de hal.. hehhehe.. bet makan KFC la.. boleh makn reramai sikit.. sape lagi nk join bet ni?
Aku nak join! Tunggu line up untuk AU2009, kite baru cerite. |
Reply #14 MrFed's post
yup,mmg ada version sbb..sape yg rajin tu share ar dgn member2 kt sini coz aku x rajin.. |
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