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cara nak tutup akaun FACEBOOK?
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mcm mana nak tutup akaun FACEBOOK?
aku nak bwat yg baru ni.
[ Last edited by trunks at 1-1-2009 12:50 AM ] |
x yah la ttp...wat jer akaun br... |
Reply #1 hijau88's post
click kat Setting (atas kanan), Account Setting -->select Deactivate |
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Balas #3 fns81\ catat
ok. tq.
satu lg, aku nak tanya=
ada problem nak add kwn la, aku bg cth, kwn = A:
begini, aku nak add c A ni, tp takde profilenya, sdgkan kwn aku yg sorg lgi ni mmg dah add dr dulu lg c A ni, mmg ada masi profilenya. apsl tu ek? |
Reply #4 hijau88's post
kadang2 ada orang yg mmg set utk tak terima friend request (mcm ada kawan saya sorang tu.. tp saya sendiri tak pernah cuba & tak tau mcmana dia buat)
apa kata u cuba send message kpd A tu, cakap nk add dia in your friend list.
kalau dia setuju, biar dia yg hntr friend request to u instead.
good luck!  |
Ataupun tanya dgn A, dia guna email address apa untuk Facebook dia.
Then try to search profile dia guna email tu..
Facebook ni mmg kdg2 problem dia yg pelik2..
Ada one of my friend tu tak dibenarkan guna profile nama dgn nama dia sendiri. Nak kata ada duplicate account, dia mmg sah2 tak pernah terjebak dgn facebook pun sebelum ni. Yang ada skrg ni pun assistant dia yg tolong create.. but of course dgn izin dia laa |
deactivate tu dia tak delete account tu kan?nak delete kena hntar email/contact facebook rasanye..even though ko dah deactivate, account tu masih ade...termasuklah apa2 data..cuma org lain takleh search/view je kot correct me if I'm wrong |
Reply #8 flying_cow's post
dia tak delete terus. tapi awak kena bagi reason(s) laa kenapa nk deactivate.
dia mcm block the account & boleh activate semula kalau nak.
kenapa nk create yang baru?
kan masih boleh edit info yang tak berkenan.. |
ok anyway..
ini saya dapat dari help site from facebook:
If you deactivate your account from the "Deactivate Account" section on the Account page, your profile and all information associated with it are immediately made inaccessible to other Facebook users. What this means is that you effectively disappear from the Facebook service. However, if you want to reactivate at some point, we do save your profile information (friends, photos, interests, etc.), and your account will look just the way it did when you deactivated if you decide to reactivate it. Many users deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and expect their information to be there when they return to the service.
If you do not think you will use Facebook again and would like your account deleted, please keep in mind that you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added. If you would like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, log in to your account and then submit your request by clicking "here".
*nanti bila hijau klik kat "here" tu, akan dibawa ke page ini:
Delete My Account
If you do not think you will use Facebook again and would like your account deleted, we can take care of this for you. Keep in mind that you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added. If you would like your account deleted, then click "Submit."*
| Hope this one helps! |
[ Last edited by fns81 at 31-12-2008 08:16 PM ] |
ops sorry lufer nak ajar camner nak ke page confirm delete tu.
hijau scroll home page (lepas login) tu smpai bawah skali.
pastu ada "Help" kat bawah tu kan, klik dia.
pastu kat page Help Center tu belah kanan ada Top Searchers.
hah kat situ ada "Delete", klik jer.
pastu ikut jer arahan seterusnya.
ok? |
Balas #11 fns81\ catat
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