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obama vs israeli palestinian conflict

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Post time 23-1-2009 06:54 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
obama like other presidents wanna have a hand in solving israeli palestinian conflict.  the solution is simple ie 2 state with israel n palestine boundaries as in 1947-48 un partition.  sure both sides gonna cry foul.  but obama gotta be firm if he wanna have his name glows in world history as the first american pres who's able to end the conflict ... view/404353/1/.html

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama vowed Thursday to aggressively pursue Middle East peace as for the first time since taking office he laid out his vision for ending the age-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In a sign of his determination to act quickly, Obama and new Secretary of State Hillary Clinton named veteran negotiator George Mitchell as a high-profile special envoy to the region.

Mitchell, who helped forge a peace deal in Northern Ireland, will travel to the Middle East "as soon as possible" armed with a commitment to seeking to secure two states living side by side in peace, the new president said.

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Post time 23-1-2009 07:23 PM | Show all posts
presiden US ni macam presiden bumi ye? semua bende kena buat...

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Post time 24-1-2009 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Thursday, January 22, 2009Yahudi Gembira Obama Sebagai Presiden AS     BagiYahudi Amerika, kemenangan Barack Obama menjadi lambang kemenanganmereka. Para Yahudi AS itu mengatakan, perjalanan hidup seorang Obamayang berasal dari keturunan imigran kulit hitam hingga berhasilmencapai kerusi presidenan AS, mirip dengan perjuangan kaum Yahudi yangdatang ke AS sebagai imigran yang mencari kehidupan yang lebih baiksetelah mereka selalu menjadi kaum terusir di pelbagai penjuru dunia.
Salahseorang tokoh Yahudi AS yang beranggapan seperti itu antara lain DavidAxelrod penasihat senior Rumah Putih dan ketua strategi kempen Obama,yang selalu berusaha menutup-tutupi latar belakang ke-Yahudi-annya.Dalam sebuah pesta untuk Obama yang didanai sejumlah organisasi Yahudidi AS, Axelrod mengatakan, prestasi Obama merupakan satu lagi langkahmaju kaum Yahudi dalam perjalanan Amerika Raya, yang sebelumnya telahdilakukan ayah dan datuk neneknya ketika melarikan diri dari Bessarabiake AS.
"Mereka datang ke AS bukan cuma untuk mencari tempat yangaman, tapi mereka juga mencari tempat yang menjanjikan dan memberikankesempatan. Dan Amerika adalah lambangnya," kata Axelrod.
Diamengungkapkan harapannya, suatu saat nanti bukan hanya Obama yang bolehterpilih ke Rumah Putih, tapi anak-anak Yahudi lainnya seperti RahmEmanuel yang ditunjuk Obama sebagai ketua staff Rumah Putih. Axelrodmenyebut Emanuel sebagai "putera dari para imigran Israel."
Axelrodmengaku sangat puas dan bangga begitu melihat hasil pilihanraya lepas,dan melihat besarnya dukungan Yahudi AS kepada Obama. Yang menurutnyamerupakan dukungan terbesar kepada Parti Demokrat dalam jangkamasabeberapa tahun ini.
Tokoh Yahudi lainnya yang memiliki pandangansama dengan Axelrod dah ikut hadir dalam acara sambutan untuk Obamaadalah aktor Bryan Greenberg. Dia mengaku hadir dalam perayaan ituuntuk mengetahui lebih jauh bagaimana pemerintahan baru AS ini membinahubungan dengan komuniti Yahudi dan menanggapi isu-isu ke-Yahudi-an.Buat Greenberg, kepentingan Israel mesti tetap nombor satu.
Greenbergmenceritakan bagaimana nenek moyangnya berhasil lolos dari Jerman padamasa holocaust dan pengalaman perjalanannya ke Israel. Daripengalamannya itu, Greenberg merasa betapa pentingnya bagi Yahudimemiliki satu tempat, setelah terusir dari satu tempat ke tempat lainselama ribuan tahun.
Rekan Greenberg, Debra Winger, salah satupendukung Obama dan pendukung Yahudi mengatakan bahwa doa mereka telahdikabulkan dengan terpilihnya Obama. Bahkan Abner Mikvner, juru bicarakaum Yahudi Zionis, mantan anggota Kongres, mantan hakim federal yangjuga mentor Obama berkomentar,"Obama adalah presiden Yahudi pertama".
Tidakhairanlah jika Barack Obama menunjukkan dukungan butanya pada Israelseperti juga presiden-presiden AS sebelumnya. Dan sama sekali tidakmengeluarkan pernyataan apapun melihat tragedi kemanusiaan di JalurGaza. Melihat fakta yang terang benderang ini, bisakah Obama diandalkanmenjadi pemimpin AS yang membawa perubahan bagi perdamaian dunia,terutama dunia Islam? (ln/JP)

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Post time 25-1-2009 02:07 PM | Show all posts
Bacalah  ObamaBiden polisi tentang Israel di pautan dibawah....huh! jangan haraplah ada 'Change' ttg Palestin dalam pentadbiran Obama  
tengok quote Obama speech kat AIPAC pun cukuplah ..menandakan tangan dia dah diikat ke belakang oleh puak2 Yahudi Zionis kat Washington...

揙ur alliance is based on shared interests and shared values. Those who threaten Israel threaten us. Israel
has always faced these threats on the front lines. And I will bring to the White House an unshakeable
commitment to Israel抯 security匢 will ensure that Israel can defend itself from any threat - from Gaza to

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Post time 26-1-2009 03:23 PM | Show all posts
obama nie human being nape org anggap die nih boleh selesaikan segalanyerr cam ovverated lakk tkt kena baling dgn kasut tinggi lak lps nihh

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2009 12:49 PM | Show all posts
perhaps there's no harm in hoping israeli palestinian conflict gonna end in due course.  but the reality on the ground indicates peace between them is bleak ... s/main4749723.shtml

It抯 known as the "two-state" solution. But, while negotiations have been going on for 15 years, hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers have moved in to occupy the West Bank. Palestinians say they can't have a state with Israeli settlers all over it, which the settlers say is precisely the idea.

Daniella Weiss moved from Israel to the West Bank 33 years ago. She has been the mayor of a large settlement.

"I think that settlements prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state in the land of Israel. This is the goal. And this is the reality," Weiss told 60 Minutes correspondent Bob Simon.


"While my heart still wants to believe that the two-state solution is possible, my brain keeps telling me the opposite because of what I see in terms of the building of settlements. So, these settlers are destroying the potential peace for both people that would have been created if we had a two-state solution," Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, once a former candidate for Palestinian president, told Simon.

And he told 60 Minutes Israel's invasion of Gaza - all the death and destruction in response to rockets from Hamas - convinces him that Israel does not want a two-state solution. "My heart is deeply broken, and I am very worried that what Israel has done has furthered us much further from the possibility of [a] two-state solution."

Palestinians had hoped to establish their state on the West Bank, an area the size of Delaware. But Israelis have split it up with scores of settlements, and hundreds of miles of new highways that only settlers can use. Palestinians have to drive - or ride - on the older roads.

When they want to travel from one town to another, they have to submit to humiliating delays at checkpoints and roadblocks. There are more than 600 of them on the West Bank.

Asked why there are so many checkpoints, Dr. Barghouti said, "I think the main goal is to fragment the West Bank. Maybe a little bit of them can be justified because they say it's for security. But I think the vast majority of them are basically to block the movement of people from one place to another."

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