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Akhirnya skandal Scorpene?
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Post Last Edit by Acong at 18-4-2010 01:46
Malaysia's submarine scandal erupts in France
Friday, 16 April 2010 Super Admin
Murky arms deal linked to international pattern of kickbacks
Judges in the Paris Prosecution Office have been probing a wide range of corruption charges involving similar submarine sales and the possibility of bribery and kickbacks to top officials in France, Pakistan and other countries. The Malaysian piece of the puzzle was added in two filings, on Dec. 4, 2009 and Feb. 23 this year.
Written by John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel
A potentially explosive scandal in Malaysia over the billion-dollar purchase of French submarines, a deal engineered by then-Defense Minister Najib Tun Razak, has broken out of the domestic arena with the filing of a request to investigate bribery and kickbacks from the deal in a Paris court.
Although the case has been contained for eight years in the cozy confines of Malaysia's courts and parliament, which are dominated by the ruling National Coalition, French lawyers William Bourdon, Renaud Semerdjian and Joseph Breham put an end to that when they filed it with Parisian prosecutors on behalf of the Malaysian human rights organization Suaram, which supports good-government causes.
Judges in the Paris Prosecution Office have been probing a wide range of corruption charges involving similar submarine sales and the possibility of bribery and kickbacks to top officials in France, Pakistan and other countries. The Malaysian piece of the puzzle was added in two filings, on Dec. 4, 2009 and Feb. 23 this year.
For two years, Parisian prosecutors, led by investigating judges Francoise Besset Francoise Besset and Jean-Christophe Hullin, have been gingerly investigating allegations involving senior French political figures and the sales of submarines and other weaponry to governments all over the world. French news reports have said the prosecutors have backed away from some of the most serious charges out of concern for the political fallout.
The allegations relate to one of France's biggest defense conglomerates, the state-owned shipbuilder DCN, which merged with the French electronics company Thales in 2005 to become a dominant force in the European defense industry. DCN's subsidiary Armaris is the manufacturer of Scorpene-class diesel submarines sold to India, Pakistan and Malaysia among other countries. All of the contracts, according to the lawyers acting for Suaram, a Malaysian human rights NGO, are said to be suspect.
With Najib having moved on from the defense portfolio he held when the deal was put together in 2002 to become prime minister and head of the country's largest political party, the mess has the potential to become a major liability for the government and the United Malays National Organisation. Given the power of UMNO, it is unlikely the scandal would ever get a complete airing in a Malaysian court, which is presumably why Suaram reached out to French prosecutors.
"The filings are very recent and have so far prompted a preliminary police inquiry on the financial aspects of the deal," said Philippe Vasset, the editor in chief of a Paris-based military intelligence website. "There isn't a formal investigation yet. The investigation will most likely use documents seized at DCN in the course of another investigation, focusing on bribes paid by DCN in Pakistan."
Vasset said police have confined their inquiry to bribery allegations so far and have not looked into the 2006 murder of a Mongolian woman in Malaysia who was a translator on the deal for Najib and his friend, Abdul Razak Baginda, during a visit to Paris.
There have been numerous deaths involving DCN defense sales in Taiwan and Pakistan. Prosecutors are suspicious that 11 French submarine engineers who were murdered in a 2002 bomb blast in Karachi – first thought to have been the work of Al Qaeda – were actually killed in retaliation for the fact that the French had reneged on millions of dollars in kickbacks to Pakistani military officers.
The Malaysian allegations revolve around the payment of |
Despite efforts to bury it, the case achieved considerably notoriety after the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a 28-year-old Mongolian translator and Razak Baginda's jilted lover, who participated in negotiations over the purchase of the submarines. By her own admission in a letter found after her death, she was attempting to blackmail Razak Baginda for US$500,000.
She was shot in October 2006 and her body was blown up with military explosives by two bodyguards attached to Najib's office after Razak Baginda, went to Najib's chief of staff, Musa Safri, for help in keeping her away from him. Not long after being acquitted in November 2008 under questionable circumstances of participating in her murder, Razak Baginda left the country for England. The bodyguards were convicted but no motive was ever established for their actions.
The submarine deal was never brought up in court during a months-long murder trial that was marked by prosecutors, defense attorneys and the judge working studiously to keep Najib's name out of the proceedings. A private detective hired by Razak Baginda to protect him from the furious Altantuya filed a statutory declaration after the trial indicating that Najib had actually been the victim's lover and had passed her on to Razak Baginda.
The detective, P. Balasubramaniam, said later that he was unceremoniously run out of Kuala Lumpur. He eventually emerged from hiding in India to say he had been offered RM5 million (US$1.57 million) by a businessman close to Najib's wife to shut up and get out of town. He also said he had met Nazim Razak, Najib's younger brother, and was told to recant his testimony.
In the current complaint in Paris, the issue revolves around what, if anything, Razak Baginda's Perimekar company did to deserve €114 million. Zainal Abidin, the deputy defense minister at the time of the sale, told parliament that Perimekar had received the amount – 11 percent of the sale price of the submarines – for "coordination and support services." The Paris filing alleges that there were neither support nor services.
Perimekar was registered in 2001, a few months before the signing of the contracts for the sale, the Paris complaint states. The company, it said flatly, "did not have the financial resources to complete the contract." A review of the accounts in 2001 and 2002, the complaint said, "makes it an obvious fact that this corporation had absolutely no capacity, or legal means or financial ability and/or expertise to support such a contract."
"None of the directors and shareholders of Perimekar have the slightest experience in the construction, maintenance or submarine logistics," the complaint adds. "Under the terms of the contract, €114 million were related to the different stages of construction of the submarines." The apparent consideration, supposedly on the part of Perimekar, "would be per diem and Malaysian crews and accommodation costs during their training. There is therefore no link between billing steps and stages of completion of the consideration."
As Asia Sentinel reported on April 1, services for the subs are being performed by a well-connected firm called Boustead DCNS, a joint venture between BHIC Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of publicly-listed Boustead Heavy Industries Corp Bhd, and DCNS SA, a subsidiary of DCN. Boustead's Heavy Industries Division now includes Perimekar as an "associate of the Group. PSB is involved in the marketing, upgrading, maintenance and related services for the Malaysian maritime defence industry," according to Boustead's annual report.
Originally Boustead told the Malaysian Stock Exchange that the service contract was for RM600 million (US$184.1 million) for six years, or US$30.68 million annually. However, the contract later ballooned to RM270 million per year. Boustead Holdings is partly owned by the government and has close connections with UMNO.
"There are good grounds to believe that [Perimekar] was created with a single objective: arrange payment of the commission and allocate the amount between different beneficiaries including Malaysian public officials and or Malaysian or foreign intermediaries," the complaint states.
malas nak baca panjang2 nie..... tak baik tau depa nak kaitkan dgn KD Altantuya....... |
bro acong, cuba ringkaskan dlm bhasa melayu...maleh nak amek kamus dn bace pjg2..hehehehe |
Reply 3# super_nova
pakai je google translate atau pung baca tang yg highlite merah je.......... |
Post Last Edit by archery at 18-4-2010 08:31
not quite understand |
Dah nama pun pembangkang... |
Post Last Edit by Acong at 19-4-2010 02:23
Dah nama pun pembangkang...
Laxamana. Post at 19-4-2010 02:20 bagus kaa kalu sokong membabi buta?
Dalam buku Tarekat Naqsyabandi, disebutkan tentang tanggungjawab disiplin pengikut tarekat: “Meninggalkan ikhtiar diri dan menyatukan ke dalam ikhtiar syeikh dalam segala urusan, baik ibadat mahupun adat kebiasaan.
Salah satu tanda murid yang benar, kalau syeikh menyatakan kepadanya: “Masuklah ke dalam api yang menyala”, ia akan memasukinya” (H.A Fuad Said, Hakikat Thariqat Naqsyabandiah, m.s. 103).
Padahal dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari dan Muslim, di mana Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah menghantar satu pasukan kecil tentera dan dilantik seorang lelaki Ansar mengetuai mereka serta memerintahkan mereka agar taat kepadanya.
Semasa dalam tugasan, lelaki itu pernah marah kepada mereka dan berkata: “Tidakkah kamu diperintahkan untuk taat kepadaku?”.
Jawab meraka: “Bahkan”. Katanya: “Aku telah putuskan apabila kamu siap kumpulkan api, kamu nyalakannya dan hendaklah kamu masuk kedalamnya”.
Maka mereka pun mengumpulkan kayu api dan menyalakannya dan apabila mereka hendak masuk ke dalamnya maka mereka melihat antara satu sama lain.
Maka salah seorang dari mereka terfikir: “Kita ini mengikut Nabi s.a.w. hanya kerana ingin lari dari api (neraka) apakah kita patut masuk ke dalamnya?”.
Sedang mereka dalam keadaan tiba-tiba api tersebut pun terpadam dan kemarahan ketua mereka kembali tenang.
Maka apabila kisah tadi disebut kepada Nabi s.a.w., baginda bersabda: “Jika mereka memasukinya maka mereka tidak dapat keluar darinya selama-lama (mereka akan mati dan tidak dapat kembali ke dunia).
Ketaatan itu hanya itu hanya dalam perkara ma’ruf (kebaikan)”. Maksudnya, tidak boleh taat kepada arahan yang menyanggahi ajaran Islam.
Ketua yang dilantik oleh Nabi s.a.w sendiri pun tidak disuruh taat membabi buta, inikan pula sekadar guru tarekat yang hanya melantik diri sendiri!
Dah nama pun pembangkang...
Laxamana. Post at 19-4-2010 02:20
kalau bende ni terbukti betul, ini melibatkan duit semua rakyat Malaysia, tak kira pembangkang ke, memerintah ke... |
Dah habis citer nak korek balik ... apa pun, al-kisah, bukan soal Najib je, ini melibatkan top management DCN & Armaris yg berpengkalan di Sepanyol & Perancis, berkemungkinan melibatkan pegawai2 tentera Pakistan serta bbrp sumber drp India ...
Bukan Malaysia shj yg involved ... |
aku bukan pro govt atau pembangkang... kalu ada bukti yang menunjukan terdapat usur2 corruption atau penyelewengan dalam pembelian kapai selam tu .. memang patut disiasat. kalu salah patutu dihukum ,kira lah si pelaku ni PM ka atau ketua pembangkang. |
kesian kru2 kapal selam ni bila terbaca citer2 cam ni...padahal derang x bersalah dan berkorban utk negara... |
Be objective la opposition ni.
Kalo highlight pasal jerung2, salah laku (rasuah/komisen), elok sangat tu. Military personnel pun akan sokong sebab dah bengang sangat kat jerung2 ni.
Tapi kalo tahu nak hentam sampai question jenis2 hardware, training (...dsb) military, bukan dapat simpati malah org meluat lagi.
Apa2 pun diharapkan kes ni akan memberikan impak positif terhadap prosedur perolehan aset2 military slepas ini. |
Be objective la opposition ni.
Kalo highlight pasal jerung2, salah laku (rasuah/komisen), elok sa ...
observateur Post at 20-4-2010 01:10
bukan bangkang nak membina or jadi check n bangkang nak membenci...ape bodoh la opposition ghuper ni....c'mon la kan, bagi aku la skrg ni kan dah MEB antaranye pasal ketelusan perolehan ditingjkatkan x de lg direct kita tgk plak ape wayang diaorg...coz some military spec x blh nak reveal bro....kita tgk je ape kesudahan citer ni |
Abdul Razak Baginda da taubat nasuha uols.. Muka pun da berjanggut n berjambang.. Credit to Berita Harian (20th April 2010) ... 879,163102,00.html?
20 Apr 2010
Razak mahu jadi Muslim yang baik
Chairul Fahmy Hussaini
SETELAH dibebaskan daripada tuduhan bersubahat membunuh wanita Mongolia pada 31 Oktober 2008, pakar strategi politik Malaysia, Dr Abdul Razak Baginda, kini berusaha mendekati dan mengenali semula Islam.
'Alhamdulillah, saya tidak bersalah. Apa yang ingin saya katakan ialah saya adalah mangsa keadaan,' ujar beliau semasa ditanya Berita Harian berhubung kes pembunuhan mendiang Altantuya Shaariibuu, yang dibunuh dua anggota polis antara 9.54 pagi 18 Oktober dan 9.45 malam 19 Oktober 2006.
Ditemui pihak media selepas memberikan ceramah Islam Radikal dan Kekhalifahan Baru di Sekolah Pengajian Antarabangsa S. Rajaratnam (RSIS) di Universiti Teknologi Nanyang (NTU) semalam, Dr Abdul Razak, 50 tahun, yang kini berpangkalan di Universiti Oxford, Britain, tanpa berselindung berkata:
'Sebagai seorang Muslim selama 48 tahun lalu, pemahaman saya, tafsiran saya tentang Islam adalah lebih tipis daripada kertas ini (sambil menunjukkan ketipisan sehelai kertas daripada sebuah buku nota kecil di tangannya).
'Hari ini, pemahaman saya tentang Islam tebal sedikit, mungkin setebal dua helai kertas ini. Ia bak satu penemuan semula bagi saya. Ia begitu memberi kesedaran kepada saya,' katanya.
Beliau, yang kini berjambang dan lebih gempal sedikit berbanding masa dalam penjara, berkata pengalaman dua tahun dalam tahanan telah membantunya melihat keadaan daripada sudut berbeza.
'Saya ingin menjadi seorang Muslim yang baik dan seperti yang dikatakan, hidup ini hanya sementara dan bagi memastikan kita masuk syurga adalah dengan membuat amalan yang baik,' ujar beliau yang berlepas ke Kuala Lumpur hari ini. |
Dah nama pun pembangkang...
Laxamana. Post at 19-4-2010 02:20
wah teruk gak pembangkang peranchis ni ek?
bole investigate ahli2 politik n kompeni2 negara dia yg rasuah kan?
negara dia tarak court macam kat malaysia ka? |
Reply 16# ira_229
Hidayah Tuhan boleh dtg dalam pelbagai bentuk. Mudah2an dia betul2 insaf & kesal.
Mana tahu, lepas ni dia jadi muslim yg lebih baik drpd kita... |
Reply 15# lkick2113
betul3.... setuju.
Kita harapkan lepas ni akan ada perubahan positif. |
Bagus gak terdedah citer2 salah guna kuasa dan rasuah dalam pembelian sistem pertahanan negara. Aku tak sanggup kalau pemilihan sistem pertahanan negara bukan based on effectiveness of the system, but how much kickbacks those defence contractors are willing to give to the countries' leaders... |
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