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Hindus! Stop Preaching All religions are Equal!

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Post time 12-1-2011 09:09 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Some valid points here :

WHY is it that the majority in India (namely Hindus) have to bow down and listen to the minority (Muslims)? No where in History of Mankind have such thing happened before. Majority will have the vote and run the government as they see fit, shape laws and order as they were taught (by their forefathers) and continued to push their own heritage and values to their future generations.

But in India, the opposite have been happening. Hindus despite of being majority listens to the minority (Christians and Muslims) to the point that India have become secular nation, last it's heritage and culture. It cannot even support its own religious beliefs and celebrations (like the Maha Kumbha which conducted every years, mostly with the help of non-government parties) without some bleeding-hearts yelling "Unfair! You didn't kill my arse!"

Hindus outside India at least fares better than in India. In UK, US and Malaysia, new temples have been built by Hindus themselves who have become self-sufficient for nearly 50 years or so. They celebrate their beliefs, culture and heritage without any persecution (from Christians or Jews or Atheists). But in India, the opposite is going on there. Hindus themselves are persecuted not only from outside forces like Christian missionaries and Muslim terrorists, but Indians themselves in form of Atheism and Communism. India have become a cess-pool of these group and whatever good thing Hindusm have brought to India and Hindus, is slowly getting erased there.

Indians often says that their nations have been liberated back in 1947. I say India is still under foreign rule if the majority of Indians cannot even exercise their own religious freedom without some minority barking orders at them.

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2011 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Another valid point in that Youtube presentation is about the statement that All Religion is the Same (or that we worship the same God).

Hinduism is the FIRST religion in the WORLD to come with the concept of One God. But Hinduism view is slightly different. It is a view of a World which is before it's time.

Before Democracy have even invented in Middle-East, Hinduism already pictured a Universe which revolves around Democratic belief. Sentient beings from various World chooses their own Gods and Goddesses to worship (the same way we choose our leaders to present us) and we follow the Laws of Karma (which even the Gods and Goddesses have to follow) and the only one who is above this Law is Paramatham (Super Soul or Supreme God). IF this is not a picture of Democracy, THEN WHAT IS?

When Judaism came, it had to defend itself against infidels like the Romans and Greeks, so it had militarized itself. When Christianity came, it too militarized itself against Jews and Pagans (Romans and Greeks). Unfortunately, it lost because the Romans have absorb the religion into their own beliefs and the result is what you have today as Christianity.

And when Islam came, it too militarized itself against Jews, Christians and Pagans, AS WELL AS its own Munafik (Pretender) groups within its own society. Only way Islam could have survived is by use of violence, information control and control of the masses (sounds very much like the Communist today in China). So, Islam is very much OPPOSITE to Hinduism in every way.

But since 1940s, Hindus themselves have been preaching that religions which we all (Hindus, and non-Hindus) follow are the same (in quality and value) which is nonsense. And frankly speaking, this have caused more problems for Hindus than anything else. It is an illusion created by Hindus themselves.

Therefore, IF Hinduism is to be revived properly, Hindus MUST understand that their religion is NOT the same with other religions. They DO NOT worship the same God nor do other religious followers (except for Buddhism) follows the Laws of Karma.

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2011 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Hinduism and the Picture of a Democratic Universe

Here in Malaysia, United Kingdom and Japan (and South Korea perhaps, not sure they have a monarch system), we should easily understand how the Hindus have pictured their Universe to be.

In Malaysia, the highest Monarch is the Yang Dipertuan Agong (His Highness the King) while lower to him is the state Sultans and Queens. Each 5 years (if not mistaken), the Monarchy changes from one Sultan to another, allowing each Sultan to be the Yang Dipertuan Agong at least one in their lifetime. Below the Sultans are the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers, all voted in by the People (at least that's what Barisan always says).

The Country has one Law - Common Laws for all its people, and secondary Syariah Laws for Muslims (which Non-Muslims do not have to follow). Only one exempted from the Laws could be the Yang Dipertuan Agong and the Sultans (but even they have their own procedures to follow nevertheless).

In Hinduism pictured Universe, there's only ONE Ruler - Paramatham or the Super Soul (Param = Super, Athman = Soul). There's ONE Law - The Laws of Karma and Paramatham is OUTSIDE the Universe so He is exempted from the Law (unless He incarnate into the Universe like a Child comes in to Play).

We have more than one Earth - some World can be like Heaven with honey flowing like river, fruit trees every where and peace and quiet for all it's denizens; while some are hellish worlds with lava flows, poisonous air and cruel creatures which lives by killing or end up killed. There's also Middle-Worlds like Earth where humans take shape. It is called Middle World because here, the sentient beings can take their time and find God by cultivate Spiritualism.

Gods and Goddesses are like human beings also, except they live in a different plains of existences. They could be in charge of various "departments" just like Government Officials could be in a government sector, and humans could come to know them in various terms - like Angels, Elementals and Demons. But one thing we all have in common is - everyone and everything within the Universe is under the Laws of Karma (no exception).

In a democratic World, we have elections where we choose a party to lead the country. The Party could then choose its people to play in various sectors and ministries and civil servants will have to answer to this ministers while they conduct their business. So, how effective a government is depends on how effective the Party which leading the country is. If the Party is not effective, the country and its people will suffer.

In Hinduism, if Man failed to choose the right Gods and Goddesses to follow (and empowering them with the people's prayers and worship as their forefathers had done), the Gods and Goddesses will be powerless to fight the Darkness (Adharmic influence) and the World System will grind slowly. We will experience humans who have lost their interest in Spiritualism and conduct in immoral activities. Some will follow Religions for sake of self-cravings (like pleasures of Heaven) and God (the Paramatham) will be abandon.

And when things get very bad, Parathamam will have no choice but to do another "election" by removing the ruling party from the World System.

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Post time 14-1-2011 02:19 AM | Show all posts
Salute for ur information here!!! Great yar!!!

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 Author| Post time 14-1-2011 08:37 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Sephiroth at 14-1-2011 08:40
Salute for ur information here!!! Great yar!!!
kirhmuru Post at 14-1-2011 02:19

The "ones" who are qualified to be saluted is God (Ishwara) and Our forefathers. God established Universe which is democratic in nature (before any humans have done it) and our forefathers learned and followed it, and then used the knowledge to establish societies based on the (model of the) Universe. This is Proof of God (Ishwara).

If you read words of many of the sages of our times (like Shri Praduphada), they all knew about this and have mentioned. This is why India (one of the first Asian nations to embrace Democracy) easy accepted Democracy.

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Post time 17-1-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts
Reply 5# Sephiroth


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2011 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Hinduism and Democratic Universe - part 2

As I have stated before, I like to add something which I have just understood (while helping one of my nephews with his Pengajian Am/ Moral Studies) for school yesterday. In Malaysian Constitution, the power of the Government is divided into three portions - the Executives, Legislative Body and the Judiciary.

Executives are given the responsibility of carrying out matters of governing and administration.
Legislative Body - power to draw up, amend and pass the laws (which done mostly in Parliment).
Judiciary - keep watch and ensure that the laws do not go against the provisions in Constitution.

Suddenly, I have understood why there are three Trinity Gods in Hinduism and not just one God like in Abrahamic religion. Bhagawan (God) wants to show His existence by creating the system of Democratic rules even before the Westerners (or Greeks and Romans) have thought about it. It is not even far-fetched to say that today's modern Democratic rules exists because the Westerners have imitated Hinduism (when they were in India for 250 years) and created a system we are most familiar with.

In Hinduism, the role of Lord Brahma is similar to the roles of the Executives. He is responsible to ensuring the creation process is working properly (and does so with help of the Satha rishis - Seven Rishis appointed by Him). Lord Brahma also responsible for creation of Religions or Laws which governs the Created World.

In Constitution, Yang di-Pertuan Agong sits within the Executives as the top-most ranking personal within the Government and has the right to call the Parliament and if necessary, dissolve the Parliament. And like the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Lord Brahma sits at the highest position in the Created Universe, and have the right to create or dissolve the Universe.

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2011 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Continue from above ...

In the Constitution, the role of Legislative is to draw up, amend and pass laws. It is done in Parliament, and by the representatives of the People's choice - the Ministers and the MPs. So, this body monitors the laws already amended, review it if necessary and then pass the new laws to update the ever changing situation within the nation to ensure that the People are protected under the Constitution. And if necessary, new laws which did not exist before could be created in order to handle situations which considered new.

In Hinduism, these roles are played by Lord Vishnu, the Preserver.  He monitors the changing Universe as Energy within the Universe. As stated below :

“This entire universe is pervaded by me, in that eternal form of mine which is not manifest to the senses. Although I am not within any creature, all creatures exist within me.” (Bhagavad Gita 9:4)

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2011 01:32 PM | Show all posts
And finally, the role of Judiciary.

Judiciary is the portion of the Constitution which deals with ensuring that the Executives do not abuse their powers by going against the Constitution.

In Hinduism, that role is played by Lord Shiva, who is the destroyer of the Universe. Lord Shiva is in charge of the Judiciary system of the Universe, ensuring the souls of the dead are recycle according to their karmic actions and at the same time, ensures that all lifeforms on the Cosmos have their required portions to sustain itself. Like a good law-system, Lord Shiva also ensures that the laws which have been implemented are met with proper implementation and ensures that the requirement and the rights to pass the laws (by Lord Brahma and His seven sages) are within the Constitution of the Universe itself.

And just as the Court System can produce harsh judgment according to rules broken, so does Lord Shiva destroyed Evil if such "being" are capable of creating imbalance within the Universe. Also, this explains why in many of the Puranas, demons often meditated to Lord Shiva, asking for boons (instead the other two trinities). By seeking the permission of the Judiciary System beforehand, the demons are free to perform actions according to the boons they had received and they could be allowed to do so continuously till their karmic reached a dangerous portion which could cause imbalance within the Universe (thus requiring destruction from Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu).

So, in that context, it is easy to see why Hinduism has three trinity of Gods instead of One. It is because Hinduism is the ONLY religion in the World which mimics the actual working of the Universe in its core belief.

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2011 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Source :

What the Hindu community experienced under British Christian domination, however, was an ominously innovative form of cultural genocide. What they experienced was not an attempt at the physical annihilation of their culture, but a deceivingly more subtle program of intellectual and spiritual annihilation. It is easy for a people to understand the urgent threat posed by an enemy that seeks to literary kill them. It is much harder, though, to understand the threat of an enemy who, while remaining just as deadly, claims to seek only to serve a subjugated people's best interests.  

The Christian and British inspired neo-Hinduism movement attempted to execute several overlapping goals, and did so with great success:

a) The subtle Christianization of Hindu theology, which included concerted attacks on iconic imagery (archana, or murti), panentheism, and continued belief in the beloved gods and goddesses of traditional Hinduism.

b) The imposition of the Western scientific method, rationalism and skepticism on the study of Hinduism in order to show Hinduism's supposedly inferior grasp of reality.

c) Ongoing attacks against the ancient Hindu science of ritual in the name of simplification and democratization of worship.

d) The importation of Radical Universalism from liberal, Unitarian / Universalist Christianity as a device designed to severely water down traditional Hindu philosophy.

Source :

Several contemporary groups, collectively termed Hindu reform movements, strive to introduce regeneration and reform to Hinduism. Although these movements are very individual in their exact philosophies they generally stress the spiritual, secular and logical and scientific aspects of the Vedic traditions, creating a form that is egalitarian that does not discriminate based on Jāti (caste or subcaste), gender, or race. Thus, most modern Hindu reform movements advocate a return to supposed ancient, egalitarian forms of Hinduism, and view aspects of modern Hinduism, such as discrimination and the caste system, as being corrupt results from colonialism and foreign influence.[1]   

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2011 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Even today, the effect of British Rules are still strong and can be felt in India. This is because Indians in India have came to feel the direct blow to Cultural Genocide which the British had conducted in the past 200 years (since 1750s - 1948). Even Hindus in Malaysia have not felt such blows because the British here were more concentrated in "educating" the Malays toward their ways than Hindus.

As stated above, the common goals which British have been tried to achieve was :

1. Attacks on Gods and Goddess and disturbing the practice commonly held for thousands of years.

2. Pushing up Western philosophy (and Science) as superiors and wisdom of the Vedas and thousands of years of practice in Indian Subcontinent as inferior and out-to-date.

3. Trying to rationalize Hindu practice through the understanding given by the British (usually from Christianity point of view).

Most common notion we have that worshiping multiple Gods and Goddesses are "wrong" and should not be done.  This view comes from Christian point of view.

Hare Krishna Movement for example have tried to push Hindus to worship Lord Krishna alone, and consider worshiping other "Gods" and "Goddess" as something which Hindus shouldn't do, despite of Bhavagad Gita clearly stated that Gita allows worship of multiple Gods. This could probably be the reason why Hare Krishna movement didn't get too much support from mainstream Hindus (including those in Malaysia).

British also responsible toward the current Caste Practice which plaques India today. In the past (at least in Malaya), such practice was called "Divide and Conquer" Policy where the British, in order to ensure that Hindus cannot rise up against them, have promoted Caste System by promoting Western Education to those which they can control (usually people who are working for them directly). This British-Educated Indians could then be used against Hindus and that process continued to this day.

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