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cara Download dari megaupload?dan tutorial free prmium account
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Post Last Edit by trunks at 9-12-2011 12:59
saya mengguna Maxis Broadband, saya tak dapat download file dari
Saya telah tukar DNS kepada and
Apabila buka laman megaupload dapat error:
Request Error (invalid_request)
Your request could not be processed. Request could not be handled
This could be caused by a misconfiguration, or possibly a malformed request.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
ada siapa tahu untuk membolehkan saya boleh download dari
dah test link megaupload yg lain? still keluar error yg sama pas tu? |
Semua megaupload link sama masalah.
Request Error (invalid_request)
| Your request could not be processed. Request could not be handled | This could be caused by a misconfiguration, or possibly a malformed request. |
For assistance, contact your network support team. |
Ada cara lain untuk membolehkah dowanload dari waluapun maxis block. |
Reply 4# pthsoon
beli akaun VPN iaitu virtual private network. lebih kurang macam proxy la.
tapi speed dia akan jadi mengecewakan sebab slow.
aku cadangkan takyah la sebab SKMM (MCMC) dah keluarkan arahan kpd semua internet provider supaya block megaupload di malaysia. so, better look for other alternative selain megaupload.
info, baca blog ni :
lagi info :Kuala Lumpur (The Star/ANN) - The free-and-easy days of illegal downloading of music and movies may soon be over in Malaysia. A proposed new law will enable Internet Service Providers (ISP) to suspend or terminate the Internet accounts of P2P (peer-to-peer) users.
This new law called the ISP Liability act, will be tabled in Parliament next month, according to Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) chairman Norman Halim.
RIM has been lobbying the Government for an ISP Liability act for the past 5 years as illegal online downloads have been cannibalising the legitimate sales of music, worldwide.
"The act makes the ISPs responsible for curbing online piracy. The ISPs will be fined if they don't take action against illegal downloaders. The ISPs have the technology to track P2P users," said Norman.
However, he said that the fine amount had yet to be determined.
ISPs will send two warning letters to illegal downloaders. Should the downloaders still persist, the Internet access will be suspended or even terminated.
"Other countries that have such an act have seen their respective music industries recover. One good example would be South Korea," he said.
so, dah terang2 malaysia dah block MEGAUPLOAD. kalu nak bypass jugak kena tanya tempat lain la. karang SKMM marah ngan forum cari ni sbb ajar benda2 illegal, aku takmau bertanggungjawab... :re: |
Berkaitan megaupload juga. Ada siapa pernah cuba megakey? Pedapat uolss |
Ada Party Ketiga untuk download Megaupload?
Saya dulu ada guna website untuk download megaupload. Tapi sekarang kena bayar. {:1_270:} 
Saya paste link megaupload kah website mereka. Mereka memberi severice untuk download megaupload, dan kita boleh direct download file dari webiste mereka
Ada siapa ada guna cara ini, atau ada siapa ada webiste third party untuk download megaupload cara ini, tapi free service tanpa bayar? |
ada banyak premium link generator. hatta cookies dan akaun sekali pun ada. google je. |
Bagaimana nak dapat Premium link generator? Boleh bagi contoh |
ianya berbayar. spt rapidshare. legal. |
aku guna maxis bb...buka ok je... |
mana nak beli akaun MU/RS/WUPLOAD neh hah |
Reply 12# nashrudean
FREE punya tanak ke bro. Tapi RS xde a |
Berkaitan megaupload juga. Ada siapa pernah cuba megakey? Pedapat uolss
kiwibenz Post at 9-10-2011 04:00 PM 
itu toolbar bukan? ianya akan steal cookies ko, mungkin termasuk sekali
oline banking password semua..macam too good to be true..ko sudah cuba ke? |
Bagaimana nak dapat Premium link generator? Boleh bagi contoh
pthsoon Post at 8-11-2011 05:28 PM 
ko carilah satu-satu links dibawah,aku malas sebab dulu-dulu pernah cari
asyik terjumpa yang tak boleh guna ... illa:en-GB |
Reply 16# kiwibenz
ele mader fakerla megaupload ..sudahla kena bloked..hampas kelapa nak masuk proxy bagai..
ko tak guna guna mediafire ke yow..laju apa ,kalau speed 1MB..dapat mencapi 400kbps..
lagipun, sudah banyak movies, series yang guna mediafire.. |
aku pakai dns google ok je bule masuk.. unifi & stimix. |
Reply 19# kiwibenz
haha saja geram pula, sebab series yang aku nak itu ,megaupload link..bukan mediafire
kalau ko sudah guna unify, dekat mana problem nya? sebab kalau tukar DNS sudah
boleh access sana apa.. |
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