Terlebih dahulu, tahukah anda kenapa bile kite beli ubat, tak kisahla ubat cecair atau pil, ubat sapu dan ubat minum, tudungnya mesti diseal seperti ini?

On the morning of September 29, 1982, twelve-year-old Mary Kellerman of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, died after taking a capsule of Extra-Strength Tylenol. Adam Janus of Arlington Heights, Illinois, died in the hospital shortly thereafter. Adam's brother Stanley of Lisle,Illinois, and sister-in-law Theresa died after gathering to mourn hisdeath, having taken pills from the same bottle. Soon afterward, MaryMcFarland of Elmhurst, Illinois, Paula Prince of Chicago, and Mary Reiner of Winfield, also died in similar incidents.[2][3]Investigators soon discovered the Tylenol link. Urgent warnings werebroadcast, and police drove through Chicago neighborhoods issuingwarnings over loudspeakers.
ginilah rupenye Tylenol tu...
dipercayai isi dalam pil tylenol tu ditukar kepada racun cyanide. dan dimasukkan kembali kedalam pil tu. gila kan pembunuh tu?
tapi Johnson & Johnson amek keputusan utk tarik balik produk Tylenol ni, termasukla di hospital2 dan kedai2 farmasi seluruh negara.
sampai skrang penjenayah sbnr tidak dpt dikenal pasti. antara suspek yg dikenal pasti adalah
1- a man named James W. Lewis sent aletter to Johnson & Johnson demanding $1 million to stop thecyanide-induced murders. Police were unable to link him with thecrimes, as he and his wife were living in New York City at the time. Hewas convicted of extortion, served thirteen years of a twenty-year sentence, and was released in 1995 on parole. sampai skrang die tak ngaku die yg wat. maybe die ingat die leh dpt easy money kot?
2 - A second man, Roger Arnold, was investigated and cleared of the killings. He had a nervous breakdowndue to the media attention, which he blamed on Marty Sinclair, a barowner. In the summer of 1983, Arnold shot and killed John Stanisha,whom he mistook for Sinclair. Stanisha was an innocent man who did notknow Arnold.[6] Arnold was convicted in January 1984 and served fifteen years of a thirty-year sentence for second-degree murder. He died in June 2008.
3- Laurie Dann, who poisoned and shot victims in a May 1988 rampage in and around Winnetka, Illinois, was briefly considered as a suspect, but no direct connection was found.[7]
4- On May 19, 2011, the FBI requested DNA samples from Ted Kaczynski, known as the "Unabomber", as part of its investigation into the killings.
tapi kesan dr jenayah yg tak dpt dikesan ni maka syarikat pengeluar ubat2 telah bertindak menggantikan kapsul dgn pil, tablet dan caplet. dan hampir suma industri consumerism ni menggunakan tamper-resistance packing utk elakkan kejadian yg sama berlaku lg.
oleh itu, beringatla, jgn gunakan ubat2 yg telah ditampered sealingnye.... |
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