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Pahlawan-Pahlawan Red Indian

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Post time 12-8-2003 04:09 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
salam semua,

siapa yang pernah dengar nama-nama ni...Black Hawk...Red Cloud...Sitting Bull...Crazy Horse...Geronimo....

rasanya mungkin nama Geronimo je yang selalu dengar...sebab cerita dia ada difilemkan...

Mereka ni merupakan pahlawan-pahlalawan red Indian ketika menentang kedatangan orang kulit putih yang menceroboh tanah suci mereka...

so ada sesiapa yang nak kongsi maklumat...silakan...

ok...sebagai permulaan kat bawah ni disertakan lirik lagu dari kumpulan Manowar yang menceritakan tentang kedatangan orang kulit putih ni....

The spirit horse of the cherokee

The trail of tears began for all the Cherokee
The white men came to trade & borrow but then they would not leave
Some of us were taken by boat, and died at sea
Those of us who lived were sold to slavery

We welcomed them as brothers knowing nothing of their greed
Born hunters not the hunted as the white man hunts for me
We are descendants of the animals we live among the free
Our trail of tears would end one day at Wounded Knee.

Great Spirit, thunder birds fly, we are wild and free
To fight and die by the open sky, Spirit Horse ride for me

When we do the Ghost Dance, the buffalo will return
Paint ourselves for war, now blood and fire burn
Great Spirit makes us strong, take us to the sky
The Cherokee are brave, we are not afraid to die

Great Spirit, thunder birds fly, we are wild and free
To fight and die by the open sky, Spirit Horse ride for me

Red Cloud, Black Hawk, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Geronimo
Strong and brave warriors to the grave

There has been much killing there will be much more
The Medicine Man is dancing he's calling us to war,
Hatchets sing with pride let the white men die

Great Spirit, thunder birds fly, we are wild and free
To fight and die by the open sky, Spirit Horse ride for me


[ Last edited by valkries on 13-8-2003 at 08:17 AM ]

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Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Post time 12-8-2003 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Agaknya cerita Black Hawk Down tu sempena nama red Indian kot..

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Post time 12-8-2003 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Valkries minat Manowar yer ....
lagu diorg berkonsep kan aper? tak pnah dengar pun nama diorg ... :stp:
kebanyakkan Red Indian kat sana dah pupus ... mix ngan org2 lain or dah tak kenal sapa asal usul diorg ....
kalau tak salah ada satu puak Red Indian yg ganaz .... sapa eh? :stp::stp:

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2003 08:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lone_Ranger at 12-8-2003 04:43 PM:
Agaknya cerita Black Hawk Down tu sempena nama red Indian kot..

Hmmm...mungkin jugak kot Ranger...sebab Black Hawk tu kan ke sebuah helikopter buatan mungkin diorang mengambil nama sempena pahlawan red indian tu...

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2003 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 12-8-2003 07:48 PM:
Valkries minat Manowar yer ....
lagu diorg berkonsep kan aper? tak pnah dengar pun nama diorg ... :stp:
kebanyakkan Red Indian kat sana dah pupus ... mix ngan org2 lain  ...

yep... memang minat kumpulan Manowar ni sebab muzik diorang unik...konsep diorang Heavy metal sikit...tapi best...

ok..kalau Fly nak tau pergi ke thread ni----->

ada sesiapa yang nak tambah info..

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Post time 13-8-2003 12:13 PM | Show all posts
nanti ler Fly cuba2 cari .. ttg Red Indians ....

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2003 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Undang Undang tak bertulis Puak APACHE

1) Dalam Perbicaraan

Kalau ada orang yang dianiaya oleh orang dalam pukanya maka orangyang teraniaya ni boleh membawa kesnya ke Ketua Puak...dia boleh membawa saksinya sendiri dan saksi ini boleh bercakap apa sahaja tanpa terikat dengan soalan yang ditanya..saksi juga tak perlu mengangkat sumpah sebab tiada siapa yang berani bercakap bohong..kalau didapati tak bersalah defenden akan dilepaskan tanpa ada prasaan dendam bagi pihak plaintif...kalau didapati bersalah..terpulang kepada plaintif untuk menentukankan bentuk hukuman..

2) Anak Angkat

Kalau ada anak kecil yang kehilangan kedua ibu-bapa maka secara otomotik akan menjadi anak angkat kepada ketua puak..

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2003 11:53 AM | Show all posts
La...baru tau rupanya lagu Cochise yang kumpulan Audioslave nyanyi tu ambik sempena sorang pahlawan Red Indian..Cochise(1812-1874)
"You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts.
Speak Americans.. I will not lie to you; do not lie to me." -Cochise

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Post time 14-8-2003 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 14-8-2003 11:42 AM:
Undang Undang tak bertulis Puak APACHE

1) Dalam Perbicaraan

Kalau ada orang yang dianiaya oleh orang dalam pukanya maka orangyang teraniaya ni boleh membawa kesnya ke Ketua Puak ...

at least budak tu tak terbiar jer ...
ada gak mak bapak angkat ....

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2003 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 14-8-2003 11:53 AM:
at least budak tu tak terbiar jer ...
ada gak mak bapak angkat ....

tapi best le jadi anak angkat chieftain..mesti orang hormat..

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Post time 14-8-2003 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 14-8-2003 01:13 PM:
tapi best le jadi anak angkat chieftain..mesti orang hormat..

bangga ler tu ....
bayangkan kalau dpt anak angkat Chief ... wow ...

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Post time 16-8-2003 04:36 PM | Show all posts

okay utk memerihakan lagi tajuk topic ni..

salam semua terlebih dahulu...

okay siapa tahu ttg Poca hontas??? dia ni anak ketua red - indian....dan historically she existed sesiapa yg nak mul;akan perbincangan....

- siapa dia
-apa terjadi
-apa sumbangan dia dlm  kebangkitan semangat nasionalime  org Indian tehadap bangsa Eropah
- apa yg kita dapati dr fakta sejarah dan penceritaan animated oleh Disney

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Post time 17-8-2003 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 16-8-2003 04:36 PM:
salam semua terlebih dahulu...

okay siapa tahu ttg Poca hontas??? dia ni anak ketua red - indian....dan historically she existed sesiapa yg nak mul;akan perbincangan....

- siapa dia
-a ...

Pocahontas .. cite dia mmg best .... lawa plak ...
as usual M akan bertanya .. ..
cam main detektif .. Sherlock Homes n sapa nama kwn dia tu ..
lupa lak ... :stp:

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Post time 17-8-2003 12:46 PM | Show all posts are you??

Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 2003-8-17 02:02:
Pocahontas .. cite dia mmg best .... lawa plak ...
as usual M akan bertanya .. ..
cam main detektif .. Sherlock Homes n sapa nama kwn dia tu ..
lupa lak ... :stp:

you mean ..Dr John H Watson..MD  unoversity of London at Charing Cross...:bg:

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Post time 17-8-2003 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 17-8-2003 12:46 PM:
you mean ..Dr John H Watson..MD  unoversity of London at Charing Cross...:bg:

aa ..... yes .. Watson ...
nanti Fly cuba carikan info ttg Red Indians ...
skarang nie bz skit ....

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 Author| Post time 18-8-2003 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 16-8-2003 04:36 PM:
salam semua terlebih dahulu...

okay siapa tahu ttg Poca hontas??? dia ni anak ketua red - indian....dan historically she existed sesiapa yg nak mul;akan perbincangan....

- siapa dia
-a ...

cantik kan dia?..

ok ini ada kisah sikit pasal pocahontas...walaupun umur dia tak panjang (dia mati semasa berumur 21 tahun)tapi dia memainkan peranan yang penting sebagai duta masyarakat pribumi amerika.
Pocahontas ni atau nama sebenar dia Matoaka adalah merupakan anak kepada ketua puak terkenal iaitu Powhattan. Penglibatan Pocahontas denagn koloni Inggeris ni bermula apabila bapa saudaranya iaitu Opechan..telah menangkap seorang Inggeris bernama John smith dan memutuskan untuk menghukum bunuh John smith ni. Tetapi disaat hukuman hendak dijalankan Pocahontas telah menyelamatkan John smith dengan syarat John Smith membekalkan Puak Red Indian dengan senjata api. Walaupun tak dapat membekalkan puak red indian dengan senjata api tetapi john smith tetap mengahantar hadiah-hadiah lain untuk dipersembahkan kepada puak red indian ni...secara tak langsung wujud persefahaman diantara puak pribumi dengan puak pendatang..tetapi tragedi berlaku apabila john smith menadapat kemalangan dan terpaksa pulang ke England..dan selepas dari itu hubungan antara puak red indian dengan pendatang telah renggang. Pocahontas kemudiannya telah dijadikan tebusan oleh puak koloni tetapi telah dilayan dengan baik..dia kemudiannya telah jatuh cinta dengan seorang Inggeris bernama John Rolfe...mereka kemudiannya berkahwin...dan berpindah ke England..di England, Pocahontas telah mendapat perhatian yang luarbiasa di sana. Di England juga dia telah berjumpa kembali dengan John Smith yang disangkanya telah mati...
Sebelum pulang semula ke Amerika Pocahontas telah dijangkiti demam campak dan meninggal pada usia 21 tahun!...

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Post time 18-8-2003 03:50 PM | Show all posts

so ...

apalah agaknya sekiranya dia balik dam melihat Bangsa Eropah ini memporak -perandakan ..pribumi mereka..dgn slogan " wild  west " ..hmm sekadar renungan.
salam to you and bless you for the given info.

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Post time 18-8-2003 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by valkries at 18-8-2003 12:31 PM:

cantik kan dia?..

ok ini ada kisah sikit pasal pocahontas...walaupun umur dia tak panjang (dia mati semasa berumur 21 tahun)tapi d ...

lawa n unique face ... tp cian mati muda ...
slogan wild west ...
kalau dlm cite2 koboi slalu gak depa tulis Wild Wild West ....
sapa yg wild? sapa yg west? koboi or red indian?

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Post time 19-8-2003 12:31 AM | Show all posts
ok dah jumpa ... satu website nih ..
kepunyaan n hakcipta dr native americans ....

The Native American Tribes of the United States

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puak2 native americans yg ada kat american .. masih ada atau dah pupus ..
Fly tak pasti ... sebb Fly baru surf skit2 ...
sapa nak baca sendiri n tgk sendiri leh gi kat website nih ->
n kalau nak surf make sure ada java ...

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Post time 19-8-2003 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Where Will Our Children Live - Legend of White Buffalo

A lonesome warrior stands in fear of what the future brings,
he will never hear the beating drums or the songs his brothers sing.

Our many nations once stood tall and ranged from shore to shore
but most are gone and few remain and the buffalo roam no more.

We shared our food and our land and gave with open hearts,
We wanted peace and love and hope, but all were torn apart.

All this was taken because we did not know what the white man had in store,
They killed our people and raped our lands and the buffalo roam no more.

But those of us who still remain hold our heads up high, and the spirits of
the elders flow through us as if they never died.

Our dreams will live on forever and our nations will be reborn, our bone and
beads and feathers all will be proudly worn.

If you listen close you will hear the drums and songs upon the winds, and in
the distance you will see....the buffalo roam again.

Submitted by Tommy Flamewalker Manasco

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