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Salam Perkenalan Dari Maknyah Bangla (Total 25 photos)
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Post Last Edit by abgsedapmalam at 25-1-2012 17:33
Hijra - one of the untouchable castes in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, which includes representatives of the "third sex." It is a community of men (physically) or hermaphrodites who dress and act like women who describe themselves as a female name, but do not consider themselves to any the floor. The number of hijra according to various estimates range from 50,000 to 5 million. They are part of the culture of South Asia for several millennia. Because of their sexual differences, they are social outcasts. When you meet hijra in Bangladesh, you can feel their pride in what they differ from the rest.

1. Hijra are born male, but dressed as a woman. In the photo: The two "sisters". (Jan Møller Hansen)

2. Many worship the goddess of AH Bahuchara Mata, one of the many incarnations of the mother-goddess. In the photo: Speech hijra in Dhaka. (Jan Møller Hansen)

3. According to custom, this person becomes the AH, after going through the ritual castration, usually at the hands of another more senior member of the community (the operation is illegal in India and is held in private homes in makeshift conditions). (Jan Møller Hansen)

4. Transsexual. (Jan Møller Hansen)

5. Two transsexual friend from Delhi who came to Dhaka. (Jan Møller Hansen)

6. Hijra have cult status: childless women asking them the blessings come AH (often uninvited) for weddings, celebrations of the birthday boy, take part in the crossings. (Jan Møller Hansen)

7. Parboti and her two "daughters". (Jan Møller Hansen)

8. Transsexual from New Delhi. (Jan Møller Hansen)

9. Address in Dhaka. (Jan Møller Hansen)
Hijra, singing and dancing, demanding for a "badhai" - a kind of reward for a blessing. Otherwise, they threaten to put a curse. 
10. Parboti and her daughter. (Jan Møller Hansen)

11. Show is over. (Jan Møller Hansen)

12. Three transsexual. (Jan Møller Hansen)
AH, the majority are Hindus, the minority are Muslims. They tend to live together in communities or "houses" within which there is a clear division of roles and support system. 
13. The troupe of actors. (Jan Møller Hansen)

14. Prepared (a) for the show. (Jan Møller Hansen)
About 20% of the hijras have a family - married to a woman and even have children. 
15. Before going on stage. (Jan Møller Hansen)

16. (Jan Møller Hansen)

17. Hijra are the main group that fights discrimination against the LGBT community in Bangladesh. Over the years AH were ostracized, but now they are actively campaigning for equal rights. (Jan Møller Hansen)

18. Greeting photographer. (Jan Møller Hansen)

19. Preparing for the evening. (Jan Møller Hansen)

20. Parboti and her "daughter." (Jan Møller Hansen)

21. "Daughter." (Jan Møller Hansen)

22. A good friend. (Jan Møller Hansen)

23. Greetings from the city of Dhaka. (Jan Møller Hansen)

24. . (Jan Møller Hansen) |
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Speechless  |
nape ade sorang tu rupa mcm nabil raja lawak??? |
azabnyaaa... |
kasta yang direka oleh golongan buangan.... |
preety zinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
muntah ijo secara marathon.... |
sure mlm ni lil mimpi ngeri |
Yang No 21 jer comel
yang lain  |
Hazabedahnyaaa.... |
mak aih muka diorang tu pakai tepung berapa kilo tu. huuhuhu. |
x cun langsung..!semua muka jantan! |
Kalo korang layan Learning Channel kat Astro (luper ar which channel), ada diciterkan pasal transvetite around the world dan terdapat satu segment menciterkan pasal golongan Hijra nie...
Di India... golongan ni dianggap yang suci. Mereka tak berani nak mencaci or menghina golongan ni sebab sekali mereka menyumpah seranah or cursing, maka tak berkatlah hidup.
Sekiranya ada kelahiran baru... golongan hjra akan dijemput utk membuat persembahan dirumah keluarga yang mendapat baby baru tu...
*Lain tempat lain budaya.... |
Adoiii meremang bulu roma aku  |
uiksss seram...kalah mak lampir....aku igt kan hot2 belaka...rupanya rentung sudaaa...ngerriiii |
loya tros tekak nih  |
Scary...! But then, just realise diorg ni kan susah, so mmg xdpt la nk pakai2 produk utk mencantikkan lg diri diorg ni... |
walawei...... patah selera ai nak makan ari nie.... Mau minum air ketum ni nak ilangkan sengal kat mata ai.. |
terlampau hazapnye........ |
nak muntah aku............. |
| |