Singapore has long been known for its harsh system of punishments and fines. Interestingly, what is the size of fines for any, even minor offenses. If you throw a cigarette butt or gum on the street, then parted with $ 500. Smoking in the wrong place devastate your pocket is $ 1,000. And if God forbid you have to bring in a public place, such as the subway legkovosplomenyayuschiesya material - $ 5000. The local is an ambiguous expression of "Singapore, the fine city", which can be translated as the city fines, and as a beautiful city. Or maybe he is a great because of their fines?
By the way, very interesting things with the motor vehicle fines. For example, if you crossed a double solid or have not missed an ambulance or fire truck, you can get away with a fine of 130 dollars, the violation is considered minor. On the other hand, if you suddenly feel like a racer and dangerous driving, be prepared to part with $ 1,000 and go to jail.
Most of the fines start at $ 500. For what you can get a fine?
Bringing fruit durian on the subway
Garbage in public places
Food consumption in public places, condescending only to young children who drink water / juice
Chewing gum in public places
Consumption and possession of cigarettes without excise stamps in Singapore. Even if you import cigarettes, you have to pay duty on the border
Import more than one unit of cigarettes
Selling cigarettes to minors. Here in general sternly young talent will be flogged, the seller - whipped / sits, the owner of a shop - fined
Embarkation and disembarkation of passengers (for cars) at the bus stop
Drug trafficking, for it is generally the death penalty
Fireworks in undesignated places
Crossing the street in the wrong place. They can close their eyes, but if it happens in the alley between the apartment buildings
Smoking in public places in the room, in the subway
Spitting in public places
The penalty is provided, and for feeding stray animals and birds. Apparently, for reasons of the transfer of dangerous human viruses. The most interesting thing is that the stray found in Singapore is not so easy.
An interesting fact. When, in 2009 in Singapore was Medvedev, he was shown a local e-parliament. He jokes sake, registered for 5 minutes jur. face, such as restaurant opened. A year later, local authorities have appealed to our asking, and who will pay taxes? Jur. the person is not created by lime, and the present, to cancel the registration nobody bothered, so let us, in accordance with the data on registration ... The matter was hushed up, but on the local machine it says is best.
In addition to the severe penalties of the city is a great outreach program. Everywhere hang funny pictures that explain why or how bad litter need to go into a public toilet.
Penalties for motorists:
Parking in the wrong place
Unfastened the belt
Stopping at the wrong place
Riding without a helmet on a motorcycle
Insubordination demand regulator
Transportation of a child without a chair
Penalty: $ 120 - $ 150
Speeding up to 20 km / h
Do not miss the car, which has priority
Crossing a double solid
Do not give way to ambulance or fire engine
Turn not from his series
The stop on the autobahn
Penalty: $ 130 - $ 160
Driving on an opposite
Speeding 20 to 30 km / h
Do not miss the pedestrian
Interfere with pedestrian
Careless driving
Penalty: $ 150 - $ 180
Speeding 30 to 40 km / h
Non-compliance with the distance
Penalty: $ 170 - $ 200
Speeding 40 to 50 km / h
Directions to the red light
Penalty: $ 200 - $ 230
Talking on a cell phone while driving - arrest or deprivation of rights
Speeding 50 to 60 km / h
Dangerous driving
Matter to court. There is a fine up to $ 1,000 or arrest up to 6 months. For a second violation fine is doubled.
Police on the streets are not very many, but vigilant residents must be told where it is necessary, if you break the law. Posters calling to call the police if you see rogues:
Over 30 types of crimes in Singapore used corporal punishment (hitting with sticks). The number of such crimes are - attempted murder, armed robbery, violation of immigration laws and the length of stay in the country, as well as vandalism. The stick has a length of about 1 meter and 20 centimeters and a thickness of one inch and three millimeters, is made of rattan. Man tied to a massive iron frame. Strikes are on the bare buttocks. The procedure is very painful.
For example, vandalism is punishable by a fine of up to 2,000 Singapore dollars (1,400 U.S. dollars) or up to three years in jail, caning punishment, in addition. Punished and their tourists.
In 94 goduv Singapore already had a case where a carved American teenager Michael Fay for vandalism in 1994 - Singapore has ignored requests for leniency of the then U.S. President Bill Clinton - when the U.S. president drew international attention to the severe punishment in the country.
In addition to the fine and prison sentence sticks are available for the taking of hostages and blackmail, robbery (+ in a gang), including with murder, drug use, vandalism and hooliganism.
Corporal punishment used as part of a mandatory sentence for rape, drug trafficking (and then to life imprisonment), usury, etc.
In conjunction with the death penalty - not beaten. Only men over 18 and only 50 (less than 18 - in particular the decision of the Supreme Court and the weaker canes). By the way, maximum - no more than 24 strokes in total.
Another strike in prison (for violating the regime), in the army (violation of statute, etc.) may be in school, not much. Whipped for crimes not eligible to serve in the army.
You should know that the criminal law in Singapore is directed entirely against the defendant. Confession may be the reason for the death penalty. Pre-trial familiarization with the case and there is no defense kept in ignorance of what the defendant said during questioning by the police. In addition, the defendant may be sentenced to death only on the basis of circumstantial evidence.
Singapore is one of the first places in the world in the number of executions per capita. In the period since 1991 has been hanged 420 people. 70 percent of these executions were carried out against drug traffickers.
In some cases, the citizens of Western countries can avoid the death penalty. For example, a citizen of Germany, Julie Ball was convicted of drug trafficking, but escaped the gallows. British citizen Mack Green was accused of double murder, but was pardoned before the court.
The death penalty is applied to drug traffickers for crimes against the state, the president, ubistva, theft or acts committed with weapons.
Prices in local dollars. One dollar - 80 cents.
That's it. But because of its judicial system and criminal law, Singapore is the safest and most law-abiding city in the world.
wah, hidup rakyat singapura dikawal oleh undang-undang(denda), setiap kesalahan boleh tahan dendanya walaupun kesalahan nampak kecil
...tu sebabnya rakyatnya takut, serba serbi tak boleh..tapi sebaik saja melintasi tambak johor...ha terserlah lagaknya, apa yang dia tak buat dinegara mereka habis dikeluarkan tingkah laku tak berdisplin itu
bagusnya singapura, undang-undang seriring dengan penguatkuasan...tak macam malaysia, undang-undang ada penguatkuasaan tak de..tu sebabnya orang tak takut buat salah
Dah cara dia orang sebegitu untuk mendisplinkan rakyatnya tu yang gigih ikut peraturan. Tapi bila terlepas masuk Mesia terus tukar ikut perangat rakyat Mesia lak. Ialah nak buat macam mana kat Mesia kurang penguatkuasaan. Yang rajin kenakan saman pun untuk kesalahan letak kereta kat bahu jalan.
kadang2 undang2 rekaan manusia lebih ditakuti manusia drpd undang2 agama sebab hukumannya tak nampak.
sebab itu di zaman moden ini kalau kita tenguk dgn ikhlas akan nampak org agama lebih kejam dlm bab membunuh,menipu,kedekut,bongkak bila kaya,menghina kepercayaan lain, berpuak puak,banyak merosak mukabumi tumbuhan,bunuh binatang dan merosakkan yg lain sedangkan dlm mana2 agama telah di terangkan perbuatan2 tersebut berdosa dan akan di humban dlm api neraka bila mati nanti..sebaliknya manusia yg tak percaya akhirat malah menjadi pencinta kasih sayang sesama manusia berbilang bangsa,suka pelihara alam dan jaga tumbuhan dan haiwan,dermawan dan bencikan permusuhan ,peperangan dan ajar anak2 mereka nilai2 murni,pentingkan pedidikan dan displin anak menjaga etika dan selalu membuat kebaikan.
cakap pasal singapore ni dah mls nk dgr,sedara mara aku ada kt sane...yg baik byk je yg ditunjuk tpi klu yg buruk he3 sorok je...mcm penindasan org melayu kat sne la,pakcik aku kt sne byk crita hal tlg jgn bangga la dgn diorg huh
Aku setuju. Diorg nie dekat negara diorg mmg laaa berdisplin tapi kat negara kita...HAMPAS... Tgk laaa kalo diorg gunakan highway kita mcm mana....PELESIT, nak laju jer. Kalo kat Melaka weekend...penuh dgn diorg. Baguslaa utk ekonomi kita. Tapi perangai biarlah bertempat. Mmg x berdisplin.