The salt of human tears
Each of us has experienced moments of sadness just when I wanted to cry bitterly. It turns out all that remains after the tears dry up, or the painful loss of separation, can be applied with advantage. One of the London store has decided to launch an unusual product - salt, made from human tears.
According to the manufacturer, a London firm Studio Weave with Halen Môn, Choice of salt is made of tears shed at the time of unbearable grief and suffering. In conjunction with the delicate aroma of lavender, this salt is a "fresh tears of man." They are slightly boiled to highlight the salt crystals and collected by hand, using centuries-old tradition. It can be assumed that this salt will not only be the saddest in the world, but also the work of collecting human tears is unlikely to bring much joy to man.
However, before you start flooded with bitter tears, you should understand the method of its manufacture. Can I use the tears of man to make salt?
The average person in tears allocates very little grain of salt. To collect them, ophthalmologists use a special paper for analysis, but the tears gather for the manufacture of salt is more problematic. Probably, this would require very thin pipette.
Manufacturers do not specify exactly how they collect the salt tears, but they offer the salt from the tears of different emotions, from tears while cutting onions, tears during sneezing, laughing to tears and sadness. Each of these types of salts in particular is successfully combined with certain foods. For example, according to an unusual salt manufacturers, salt sadness is well suited to dishes of lamb and roast potatoes.
Tears of a 99 percent water, and only one percent of the tears of sodium chloride, ie, salt, and other inorganic substances.
Lacrimal gland constantly produces tears that moisten and cleanse the eye. There are two types of tears: the emotional, which we identify as experiencing stress, grief or joy, and those that are allocated for different types of stimuli, such as when we cut onions.
The chemical composition of tears is also unstable. It is interesting that emotional tears contain more protein-based hormones that are produced during stress. This explains why, after we cry, often a sense of relief. Just go with tears chemical stress.
Bilakah terakhir kali anda menangis? Pada saat menonton film? Atau setelah bertengkar dengan pasangan anda?
Dan ketika anda sedang menangis, sadarkah anda saat anda menjilat bibir anda dalam kenikmatan rasa asin?
Dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi bahwa apa yang anda lakukan, ada kabar baik!
Sebuah emporium unik di London telah memajang berbagai garam yang mereka klaim terbuat dari air mata manusia.
Mereka mengatakan Garam Yang Terbuat Dari Air Mata Manusia paling segar lembut direbus.
Anda bahkan dapat memilih jenis air mata yang anda suka. Anda dapat memilih garam yang dibuat dari Air Mata Marah, Tertawa, Sedih, Rajang Bawang atau Bersin.
Ini semua adalah trik pintar - asal-usul sebenarnya dari bumbu kesedihan ini adalah Anglesey - namun, dengan nilai £ 30 satu set, harga ini mungkin cukup untuk membuat anda menangis. .