Post Last Edit by novelloverzz at 1-6-2012 09:16
This luxury boutique hotel is not what you would expect from your standard vacation lodging! Located in Kenya, just about 12 miles outside of Nairobi, Giraffe Manor is 12 acres of private land and 140 acres of indigenous forest that is home to a herd of Rothschild Giraffe.
Built in 1932, the manor décor is a combination of traditional and modern, with a two-story entrance hall, majestic staircase, and immaculately furnished interiors. Guests are offered the opportunity to interact with the giraffes at all times of day. According to the website, “Giraffe Manor offers you an unparalleled experience of the giraffes, with them vying for your attention at the breakfast table, the front door and even your bedroom window.”
The grounds also accommodate various animals including warthogs, bushbuck, dik dik (a type of small antelope), and 180 species of birds. There are a number of unique things to do when you visit Giraffe Manor—you can spend the day interacting with the animals, meander along the nature trail, or even visit the nearby capital city of Nairobi.