Damn, and here is fruitful and Asians threatened by flood all around :-)
Asian carp are ready to gobble up the Great Lakes. In order to save the ecosystem from invasive species, ichthyologists advise insulate the lake from the channel over which the fish dam. However, in them, and so live for 150 "settlers."
The channels connecting the North American Great Lakes to the Mississippi River basin, threatening the lake ecosystem. The channels in the lake penetrate unwanted invaders - invasive species that have already caused irreparable harm to native fauna. Stop the occupation possible, but only by putting a reliable "check point", according to specialists. And most importantly - to keep out Asian carp in the lake, which in Illinois River and its tributaries, behaves like a bandit.
Great Lakes combined with pool Mississippi more than a century ago, a system of canals and rivers. Thus, the Americans joined the fresh water of Lake Michigan, which is used to supply the city of Chicago. But through these channels in the lake had already penetrated 150 invasive species of fish and other aquatic organisms. They are very harmful to the local fish fauna: some introduced species eat, eat more - rob prey. Millions of dollars had to be spent on attempts to control only the invasion of the zebra mussel and clam chernorotogo bull who took advantage of a corridor between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River.
But the most terrible enemy, who should bar the way to the Great Lakes - the Asian carp. He has not yet penetrated into Lake Michigan, but is located 80 km away, and scientists are afraid not to keep the carp on this line. "These Asian carp invasive species behave unpredictably, and the consequences of his disastrous invasion and irreversible - Bremmeir said Joel (Joel Brammeier), president of the Great Lakes Alliance (Alliance for the Great Lakes). - We have to cut his way. "
The Asian carp - a huge fish. Its length is 1.2 meters, and weight - 45 kg. It is extremely voracious daily eats plankton and 40% of its weight. And it is very prolific: females spawn up to two million eggs. He clearly feels the climatic conditions of the Great Lakes, which are similar to conditions in its Asian habitat. This "superryba" has virtually no competition among the local fish fauna. Asian carp in the pond behaves like a bandit: once in the Great Lakes ecosystem, it can easily leave without eating the local inhabitants. This can lead to the collapse of commercial fishing on the lakes, which generates income of several billion dollars.
To escape from the occupier, the experts suggest the Alliance to build canals in the concrete walls and floodgates to build overlooking the court, but overlapping path of the fish. Estimated construction cost is $ 15 million. However, this is not the first project proposed to protect the Great Lakes. As the carp captured Illinois
Two species of Asian carp - silver and a large head, came to the U.S. in the 70s of the twentieth century. They brought fish farmers to destroy algae in fish ponds. Carp eat algae. But during the big flood in 90 years, many of the ponds were flooded, overflowed, and the Asian carp escaped to the vast basin of the Mississippi River. Illinois River, connecting the Mississippi with Lake Michigan, came to his taste, he began to move steadily to the north, and soon became the most abundant species.
Local fishermen on the river Illinois carp are not pleased. They were getting it from the reluctant networks instead of traditional fish species. Americans are not accustomed to carp - it is considered too bony. While some fishermen have changed their opinion and even admit that smoked carp delicious salmon, but fishing with fish, and he did not.
A recent Asian carp on the Illinois River and other rivers completely unbelted. Not that they swarm in the water, they also jump out of the water like flying fish. Tourists and fishermen on the boats are at risk for a person to obtain a powerful fish tail. Have already been broken noses, broken arms and broken boats. They say the witnesses, "there have been cases where these fish during the jump to people broke ribs, nose, teeth knocked out. And if you're not ready, she may knock you out of the boat. "
It is an acute situation on the Mississippi River, where a giant carp filled almost the entire river. Weight of fish reaches 40 pounds, and the height to which the fish jumps, sometimes more than 1.5 meters. "Flying Torpedo" very threatening to tourists, carp, weighing 20 pounds can easily break a small hole in a wooden vessel, sinking it into the river.
Local fishermen are very very nervous, as their catch declined to only a few species of fish. Huge shoals immediately grab the bait, leaving no hope for a more noble fish.
Local authorities have allocated 80 million dollars to fight the carp and received permission to bring the military and environmentalists.
Great Lakes block the dam
River - a river, and the Great Lakes - too much ecological value, to prevent there such an aggressor. Back in 2002, professionals built the first electric temporary defensive barrier on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in Romeoville, Illinois (The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Romeoville). 13 electric cables laid under the bottom of the channel, creating an electric field, which was to get the fish to turn back. Tests have shown that the barrier works well. In 2006 built a permanent electric barrier, which consists of 46 electric cables and creates three times more powerful electric field.
ikan nie dorg xmkn pun.. lagi ikan ini cepat membiak n mengancam populasi ikan lain... aku tgok dlm national geographi ikan2 ni da dianggap sebagai ancaman...
kalo masuk dlm mana2 tasik membawa kepada kepupusan habitat ikan2 lain..
mula tengok dalam natgeo tu tak sangka lak ikan ni aktif sampai boleh melambung2 cam tu..
sebab kat sini, dapat pancing ikan Tongsan ni dia tak melawan pun..ikut je orang tarik