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laptop tak detect wifi rumah
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ade sape-sape boleh tolong tak? laptop aku tak leh detect wifi rumah. tapi fon aku elok je connected to the network. its windows xp, lenovo s9.
malam tadi elok je. ni bila log on balik, dah takde wifi rumah in the list. cane nak buat eh?
tgk menu, internet connection, tgk wifi dah on ke belum?
kedua tgk kt modem internet lampu wifi menyala x?
ketiga buat trouble shooting..
kalau xboleh juga hardware komputer rosak.
AdamBillionaire posted on 15-3-2014 05:47 PM
tgk menu, internet connection, tgk wifi dah on ke belum?
kedua tgk kt modem internet lampu wifi m ...
wifi is on.
modem nyala, my phones are connected to the wifi.
erm trouble shooting tu cane? the thing is, the device detects all wifi in my area, tapi rumah punya je xde.
same goes to me, tiba2 je aritu wifi x blh connect
terpaksa pakai direct cable, tp bwk pi office elok je connect dgn wifi office
member bgtau aritu dia call server & diaorg bg instruction camne nk set utk connect balik
umimushi posted on 15-3-2014 06:00 PM
same goes to me, tiba2 je aritu wifi x blh connect
terpaksa pakai direct cable, tp bwk pi office el ...
meaning your friend called the internet service provider la ye?
blythes posted on 15-3-2014 05:52 PM
wifi is on.
modem nyala, my phones are connected to the wifi.
trouble shooting ni bahasa mudahnya u detect satu2 masalah mana berpunca..
mungkin dari wifi?
and other things..
AdamBillionaire posted on 15-3-2014 06:43 PM
trouble shooting ni bahasa mudahnya u detect satu2 masalah mana berpunca..
mungkin dari wifi?
tnx adam. will look into it
blythes posted on 15-3-2014 06:49 PM
tnx adam. will look into it
u google first :
1) troubleshooting lenovos9
2) lenovo wifi problem
3) lenovo s9 wifi problem
4) setting wifi..
u google this keyword and study which page contains good information..
ok.. wish good luck..
ko cuba right klik kat my Computer,klik manage,klik device manager lepas tu tekan Network Adapters dan dalam list pilih chip wifi adapter.dari situ klick kanan tekan uninstall tapi jgn remove driver.akhir sekali klik simbol computer yg ada kat menu atas sekali.
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roblucci posted on 15-3-2014 06:54 PM
ko cuba right klik kat my Computer,klik manage,klik device manager lepas tu tekan Network Adapters d ...
thanks roblucci. tapi aku tak tau mana satu nak uninstall.
Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter
Broadcom Netlink (TM) Fast Ethernet
blythes posted on 15-3-2014 07:03 PM
thanks roblucci. tapi aku tak tau mana satu nak uninstall.
Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter
network adapter
roblucci posted on 15-3-2014 07:05 PM
network adapter
dude, same je. still cannot detect wifi rumah.
blythes posted on 15-3-2014 07:12 PM
dude, same je. still cannot detect wifi rumah.
cuba try ni
roblucci posted on 15-3-2014 07:30 PM
cuba try ni
ok tyvm roblucci. my laptop runs on xp. nak search jap
@roblucci found the steps, tak boleh jugak. haih
blythes posted on 15-3-2014 07:45 PM
@roblucci found the steps, tak boleh jugak. haih
tak try reset router ke?kan malam tadi elok.
roblucci posted on 15-3-2014 08:04 PM
tak try reset router ke?kan malam tadi elok.
tak pandai. tapi i dont think thats the cause, since phones and desktop elok je.
blythes posted on 15-3-2014 08:15 PM
tak pandai. tapi i dont think thats the cause, since phones and desktop elok je.
So hows ur laptop? Kalau x ok lg bole hantar kt sy. Sy dtg umah pun bole, harga kwn2. Peace!! ;)
NamilA posted on 16-3-2014 01:29 AM
So hows ur laptop? Kalau x ok lg bole hantar kt sy. Sy dtg umah pun bole, harga kwn2. Peace!! ;)
hey there namila, tnx but its working now
kalau iols handset yang x mau connect dgn wifi. huhu..