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Singapore playing Newater card.
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89MM89 This user has been deleted
January 16, 2004 21:50 PM
S'pore's Fourth Newater Plant To Flow By 2006
SINGAPORE, Jan 16 (Bernama) -- Resource-parched Singapore says its fourth and largest NEWater facility in Ulu Pandan will be operational by 2006.
"When it is completed in two years' time, we will have put in place all four "National Taps" to meet our long-term water needs in a much more sustainable manner," Environment Minister Lim Swee Say said at a ground-breaking ceremony, Friday.
"By then, our third "national tap" will be firmly in place - with a network of four NEWater plants located at four different parts of Singapore to complement our traditional sources of supply", he said.
Its first two NEWater plants, at Bedok and Kranji, supply about 10 million gallons of NEWater daily to wafer fabrication plants, factories and commercial buildings located in the northwest and southeast areas for direct non-potable use, and to its reservoirs for indirect potable use.
In May 2002, the Government announced that it would increase its supply capacity by enlarging its water catchment areas and at the same time increase the sources of supply from the traditional two "National Taps" (local reservoirs and Johor) to four taps before 2011.
This month, its third NEWater plant at Seletar will come into production, delivering NEWater to wafer fabrication plants and industries located in the Northeast area.
To speed up self-sufficiency, Lim said Singapore had in January last year, awarded a contract to SingSpring, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hyflux Ltd, to supply 30 million gallons of desalinated water per day for 20 years.
Construction of the first desalination plant started Friday.
The city State of four million people is aiming to be less dependent on its northern neighbour, Malaysia, for vital water supply which has been piped to Singapore under two agreements.
NEWater, produced from waste water using the latest technology, made its popular debut on Aug 9, 2002, when some 60,000 Singaporeans and foreign guests attending a traditional National Day parade were supplied with free bottles pf it.
The water issue has been a key irritant in relations between Malaysia and the island republic since Singapore became a separate State in 1965.
Interesting...what concession would SG extract from her northern neighbour in return for paying more than 3 sen ? |
good move i must say
one day sporeans dont need no water from no neighbour
they can circulate their shit pizz from man animals pigs n chickens etc nonstop till kingdom come thy will be done. bless spore :bg:
peace |
89MM89 This user has been deleted
A way to piss off ur neighbour
I cant help feeling that SG northern neighbours are pissed off in their trousers, pants, sarongs etc.
Perhaps, if SG refuses to pay more than 3 sen in any renegotiated negotiation, then the excess m'sia water could be used for washing all the "shit pizz" from the foul mouths of bad losers. |
Originally posted by 89MM89 at 2004-1-17 04:06 PM:
I cant help feeling that SG northern neighbours are pissed off in their trousers, pants, sarongs etc.
Perhaps, if SG refuses to pay more than 3 sen in any renegotiated negotiation ...
u should be glad that sporeans wanna be self sufficient, wanna be independent. they dont wanna be dependent on their neighbours water resources irrespective they got it cheap or expensive. thats the price sporeans have to pay (either cheap or expensive) if they wanna be dependent on others water.
thats why sporeans r all out to consume newater n nuthin else. n thats desite the fact newater components r man n animal shit pizz etc + pig dog cat bird etc shit pizz. hope their shit pizz dont have no sars or bird flu virus etc :bg:
peace |
89MM89 This user has been deleted
NEWater - SG response to water as a weapon.
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 20-1-2004 05:22 PM:
u should be glad that sporeans wanna be self sufficient, wanna be independent. they dont wanna be dependent on their neighbours water resources irrespective they got it cheap or expensive. ...
It's obvious that Singapore does not allow any other country, especially M'sia, to hold her hostage to the supply of water. Waste water and clean drinkable water management in that tiny republic is the envy of many countries. Can you say the same for many parts of Bolehland ? And mocking them about recycling waste water from man, animal, etc only make your immaturity and jealousy stand out like a sore thumb. |
Originally posted by 89MM89 at 2004-1-21 11:08 AM:
It's obvious that Singapore does not allow any other country, especially M'sia, to hold her hostage to the supply of water. Waste water and clean drinkable water management in that tiny republic is the envy of many countries. Can you say the same for many parts of Bolehland ? And mocking them about recycling waste water from man, animal, etc only make your immaturity and jealousy stand out like a sore thumb.
so u think me matter of fact response to ur thread is mockin at sporeans right? u're wrong big guy
am responding in good faith
since spore is strivin to be independent self sufficient then be it so.
infact spore's endeavor to be independent is a blessin in disguise for the republic as well as her neighbour(s) right?
spore dont have to buy no water from no neighbour n her neigbour(s) neednt feel obligated to spore's needs right?
n if u think am mockin bout sporean recyclin man n animals shit pizz etc, then can u enlighten me wot they gonna wanna recycle? wot? :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 21-1-2004 at 01:08 PM ] |
yu do sound very sore especially when yu talk abt shit water werebn't yu.
why be jealous of Singaporeans for their water technology?
Hahahahahahahahaha.................. |
wots exactly the component of newater? anyone? :bg:
peace |
it is actually cleaner than the tap water yu drink in KL. |
89MM89 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 21-1-2004 05:25 PM:
wots exactly the component of newater? anyone? :bg:
If you are interested to know what are all the "component" or "composition" in the water that SG proudly named NEWater, then follow this link: |
Originally posted by 89MM89 at 2004-1-21 09:46 PM:
If you are interested to know what are all the "component" or "composition" in the water that SG proudly named NEWater, then follow this link:
[url] ...
i know u're more knowledgeable than me.
even ur choice of english words is appropriate. yup it should be composition n not component 
so the source of newwater is waste water right?
wot is waste water exactly? methinks ur link didnt elaborate on that :bg:
peace |
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-1-21 08:34 PM:
it is actually cleaner than the tap water yu drink in KL.
wheres the tap water come from?
n wheres newater come from? any idea? :bg:
peace |
89MM89 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 22-1-2004 10:22 AM:
i know u're more knowledgeable than me.
even ur choice of english words is appropriate. yup it should be composition n not component 
Thank you for the nice compliment 
so the source of newwater is waste water right?
If you are asking about the "source" of NEWater, the answer is Yes
wot is waste water exactly? methinks ur link didnt elaborate on that
Waste water is longkan water, toilet water and/or any polluted rainwater contaminated by discharges from animals and poultry farms that eventually flow into sewerage pipes to be treated at the NEWater plants.
More detailed information on the recycling of waste water can be very educational if you further explore the link I provided you earlier. |
Originally posted by 89MM89 at 2004-1-22 05:00 PM:
Thank you for the nice compliment 
ure welcome
If you are asking about the "source" of NEWater, the answer is Yes
n wot waste water consists of?
it contains man animals pig chicken etc pizz, shit etc right?
so wot me said in me first postin is right. right? that they (the sporeans) can circulate their shit pizz from man animals pigs n chickens etc nonstop till kingdom come thy will be done. bless spore. right?
hence wots eatin u with me first postin?
Waste water is longkan water, toilet water and/or any polluted rainwater contaminated by discharges from animals and poultry farms that eventually flow into sewerage pipes to be treated at the NEWater plants.
inother words newater is treated water from wotever source u state up there right?
More detailed information on the recycling of waste water can be very educational if you further explore the link I provided you earlier.
sure its educational more so for sporeans who gonna be dependable solely on day
as it is it would do sporeans good not to be overly emotional over the composition of newater or its soures. face the HARDfact sqarely. only then they gonna be free from any possibility of "holdin at ransom". right? :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 26-1-2004 at 05:50 PM ] |
89MM89 This user has been deleted
I hope you understand now what is waste water/NEWater, composition of waste water/NEWater, sources of waste water/NEWater and the technological advances of recycling waste water, instead of discharging them into local rivers or the open sea, commonly done by many countries, including m'sia.
The achievement of turning waste water into drinking water called NEWater whose clarity and purity exceeded int'l standard and even singapore PUB tap water should be acclaimed, not laughed at, as is clearly evident in the tone of your postings. And I'll shall leave other readers to judge your motive and intent.
Back to the topic of my thread, I'm pleased you acknowledged that SG make a good move by producing NEWater for a few reasons you stated earlier.
I would add that m'sia would have a tough renegotiation over the price of 3 sen in view of SG move to implement their "4 TAPS" strategy : NEWater, desalinated water, water from own reservoirs/catchment areas and water from the rivers of Johore.
Perhaps, I venture to suggest that M'sia best response is to seek arbitration at the courts of Johore citing revision of price due to inflation and any award beyond 3 sen can be interpreted as a win for Pak Lah...and all of us love a winner...right ?  |
Originally posted by 89MM89 at 2004-1-26 11:56 AM:
I hope you understand now what is waste water/NEWater, composition of waste water/NEWater, sources of waste water/NEWater and the technological advances of recycling waste water, instead of discharging them into local rivers or the open sea, commonly done by many countries, including m'sia.
thats honourable great achievment bearin in mind spore has to work the tough way to achieve self sufficiency. me hat off to sporeans
The achievement of turning waste water into drinking water called NEWater whose clarity and purity exceeded int'l standard and even singapore PUB tap water should be acclaimed, not laughed at, as is clearly evident in the tone of your postings. And I'll shall leave other readers to judge your motive and intent.
nope. me dont laugh at spores efforts. when me said they (the sporeans) can circulate their shit pizz from man animals pigs n chickens etc nonstop till kingdom come thy will be done. bless spore, thats part of a prayer from OUR FATHER. understand it in the right perspective
Back to the topic of my thread, I'm pleased you acknowledged that SG make a good move by producing NEWater for a few reasons you stated earlier.
ure welcome
I would add that m'sia would have a tough renegotiation over the price of 3 sen in view of SG move to implement their "4 TAPS" strategy : NEWater, desalinated water, water from own reservoirs/catchment areas and water from the rivers of Johore.
methinks since spore is processin newater in sophisticated manner, it would best not to be held at ransom at the negotiation table. me viewpoint is spore dont need to renew the water agreement. jest stick to newater n all sides gonna be fine
Perhaps, I venture to suggest that M'sia best response is to seek arbitration at the courts of Johore citing revision of price due to inflation and any award beyond 3 sen can be interpreted as a win for Pak Lah...and all of us love a winner...right ?
methinks spore should stick with consumin newater n forget the water deal with msia. no turnin back. forget msias water once n for all. okie dokie? :bg:
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 26-1-2004 at 06:07 PM ] |
Yes, Singapore can be fully self sufficient, but no burning bridges here sonny. We are not so dumb.
Same for Msia, dumb if yu burn bridges over nothing when yu have all to gain.
Forget abt all that Mahathir BS, let the sensible Pak lah way take over for Msia. |
Whoa ... deb ... pro - Pak Lah!?:stp: |
not pro pak lah but i believe he is an honourable man.
do yu like mahathir? |
Mahathir - he's ego and do the talking without thinking first!
Pak Lah - he's humble! If he maintained his good approach with Malaysian people like now. I'm sure he'll be elected again in the next election. At least he's not corrupted as Tun M! |
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