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Bare-Eyed Cockatoos
The Bare-Eyed Cockatoos are also known as Little Corellas or Short-Billed Corellas in their homeland of Australia and New Guinea. They are medium-sized Cockatoos that range from 14 to 15 inches in length. The coloring of the Bare-Eyed Cockatoo is primarily white with varying amounts of peach in the face and chest and yellow under the tail. They have a large patch of skin around the eye, thus giving them the name "Bare-Eyed."
Bare-Eyed Cockatoos are highly energetic, silly, extremely playful, and full of zest! They are known for their intelligence, talking ability, affectionate nature, and their friendliness towards everyone and anyone. They thrive on being the life of the party!
These comical little clowns are often overlooked because they don't necessarily fit the image that most people have when they think of a Cockatoo. However, to those of us who know them up close and personal, a Bare-Eyed Cockatoo makes a wonderful companion.
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Black Palm Cockatoos
The Palm Cockatoo, also known as the Black Palm Cockatoo, is found in Australia on the tip of Cape York Peninsula. They are also found in New Guinea, the Aru Islands, and Indonesia. In the wild, Palms usually travel in pairs or in very small flocks. Palm Cockatoos are the only Cockatoos with totally dark feathers. They are the largest of Cockatoos, ranging from 22 to 28 inches in length, depending on the subspecies. Their wing spans range from 27 to 39 inches and are extremely good flyers. They can travel long distances to forage for food. Palms mainly eat nuts, berries, and fruits. Their food of choice is the seed of Pandanus palm fruit, which is an extremely fibrous fruit that contains several small seeds. The fruit requires opening with strong hand tools when opened by humans. This is probably why the Palm's beak is structured so differently than other parrots. The upper and lower mandibles do not meet in the back as with other parrot species. This allows for their tongues to hold a nut or seed against the top mandible while the lower mandible works to open it. Palm Cockatoos have naked red cheeks, a color-coordinated black and red tongue, and a beautiful, yet distinctive black crest containing many spiny, backward curving feathers. When Palms become excited, their facial patches become much more red in color. They have a powdery coating on their black feathers, which gives them a slightly gray appearance at times.
Mature male Palms have massive black beaks while the females have slightly smaller beaks. Young Palms have a distinctive horn colored beak which progresses to completely black between 18 months to 2 years of age. Unlike other Cockatoos, their crest is usually erect. The crest is pinned down to their heads during times of depression or submission. Palm Cockatoos of all ages have been observed stomping their feet. It has been said that this behavior is usually correlated with excitement. Another odd behavior that has been observed in the wild is the beating of sticks on hollow logs. It's been said that this is considered to be some sort of communication, possibly to ward off other birds or predators. Palm Cockatoos not only look different than other Cockatoos but are a totally different bird when it comes to personality. Palms have a pleasant mixture of the playfulness of Macaws and the socialization skills of other Cockatoos. They don't seem to require the constant attention demanded by the Moluccan and Umbrella Cockatoos. They are capable of keeping themselves entertained with their toys for hours. Also, they are not constant chewers like some of the other parrot species.
Palm Cockatoos are severely threatened world-wide. They are listed in CITES Appendix I and are protected in Australia. Unfortunately, there are people who still illegally hunt them for food or trap them for sale as pet birds. Palm Cockatoos command a high purchase price due to their extreme rarity in aviculture. Perhaps contributing to their rarity is the fact that they lay only one egg per clutch. Breeding season for the magnificent Palms is usually between October and December.
Citron-Crested Cockatoos
The Citron-Crested Cockatoo is a medium-sized Cockatoo with an orange crest, dark gray beak, and pale orange ear patches. The underside of the larger wing and tail feathers have a pale yellow color. The eye color ranges from brown to very dark brown to black. Citrons range between 13 to 15 inches in length. Their medium size and sweet personality makes them the perfect parrot. Citrons are often referred to as the quietest of all medium-sized Cockatoos.
The Citron-Crested Cockatoo is a subspecies of the Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo. They originate from the island of Sumba in Indonesia and are not as common in aviculture as some of the other Cockatoos.
Some Citrons are known to be escape artists. Therefore, it's important to house a Citron in a cage with a bird-proof lock so they cannot escape their confines when you are not at home. They are highly intelligent, very affectionate, highly sensitive, and super gentle. Citrons make great lovable family pets.
Ducorps Cockatoos
are medium-sized Cockatoos that range between 12 to 14 inches in length. They are not very common in aviculture, but they are abundant in the wild throughout the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. Ducorps are best described as stunning, beautiful, elegant, and graceful. They are mostly white, with yellow under the wings and tail. They have a beautiful crest which is a pale pink coloration. The most striking feature of the Ducorps is their piercing eyes, which are surrounded by vivid blue eye rings.
Most eggs are pulled from the nest for incubation due to the high probability of the parents destroying the eggs. Ducorps possess a very good ability to mimic sounds and human speech. Ducorps are not as energetic or loud as some of the larger Cockatoos. These beautiful creatures are great with children and make wonderful family birds.
Goffin s Cockatoos Goffins are approximately 12 inches in length and are one of the smallest members of the Cockatoo family. Goffins have a small crest that is displayed when upset or excited. Their chest feathers are primarily white with a tint of peach coloration. The underside of the tail is yellow. The degree of peach coloration in the feathers varies from one bird to another. Goffins are very playful and mischievous and are known to be escape artists! It's important to house them in a cage with a bird-proof lock so they cannot escape their confines when you are not at home.
Goffins possess a fair ability to mimic sounds and human speech. It is not uncommon for Goffins to experience night fright. The best ways to avoid night fright is either covering the bird's cage or placing a nightlight near the cage. Goffins are not as loud as some of the larger Cockatoos. Goffins are loveable and affectionate and make great family birds.
Leadbeater (Major Mitchell) Cockatoos The Leadbeater Cockatoo, also known as the Major Mitchell, is the most magnificent of the Cockatoo species. It is named in honor of Major Sir Thomas Mitchell, who wrote: "Few birds more enliven the monotonous hues of the Australian forest than this beautiful species whose pink-colored wings and flowing crest might have embellished the air of a more voluptuous region." The most striking feature of the Leadbeater is their beautiful crest feathers, which are light pink at the base and white at the tips. There is a yellow band in the center surrounded by 2 orange-red color bands. The head and chest are a beautiful salmon pink color. The bare skin around the eye is white. The adult female has a reddish brown iris whereas a mature male has a dark brown to black iris. The beak is light grey as well as the legs. The average size of a Leadbeater is approximately 14 inches in length.
The Leadbeater is not that common in aviculture, as they are difficult to breed in captivity. As a result, they tend to be bred in small numbers. They command a high price due to their rarity and great beauty. Leadbeaters are avid chewers so it is important to have a durable cage with a bird-proof latch. They require a variety of wood toys to keep their beaks busy and to avoid becoming bored.
Leadbeaters can be quite loud, as they have a distinctive shriek. Although they are not considered great talkers, they do possess the ability to learn a few words and phrases. Young Leadbeater Cockatoos are known to be affectionate and playful. As they mature, they may try to assert dominance over you, which can be prevented by raising them properly with nurturing guidance.

Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos
The Lesser Sulphur-Crested is a medium-sized Cockatoo that is about 13 inches in length. They are mostly white with yellow coloring under their flight feathers and tail.
The most striking features of the Lesser Sulphur-Crested are their yellow curved crests and yellow ear patches. The beak and feet are both black. Once these birds reach maturity, they are sexually dimorphic, meaning you can visually tell a male and female apart. The eyes of the adult male are mostly black, and the eyes of the adult female are reddish brown in color. In both sexes, the skin around the eye is blue in color.
Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos are extremely smart and can be taught to speak, whistle, and perform tricks. They are also known to be escape artists. Therefore, it's important to house a Lesser Sulphur-Crested in a cage with a bird-proof lock so they cannot escape their confines when you are not at home.
These birds are typical Cockatoos with their sweet-natured personalities. The Lesser Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo makes a wonderful lifetime companion. |
Rose-Breasted Cockatoos Rose-Breasted Cockatoos, also known as Galah Cockatoos, are approximately 15 inches in length. They do not have the typical white color associated with the more commonly known Cockatoos. Their head coloration is a light pink, and their chest varies from a medium to dark rose color. Their back and wings vary from a light to medium gray.
Rose-Breasted Cockatoos originate in Australia and are as common in the wild as pigeons are in North America. Huge flocks of Rosies are known to destroy corn and grain crops and have become pests to farmers.
Rosies are usually somewhat challenging to breed in captivity. They are less common than other members of the Cockatoo family, thus, commanding a higher price for these beautiful creatures. Rosies are curious, mischievous, and have lots of energy! They need to be stimulated with wood chew toys to keep their beaks busy. While they are known to be more independent than other Cockatoos, Rosies should be handled regularly in order to maintain their pet quality.
Triton Cockatoos
The Triton Cockatoo is one of the largest Cockatoos at approximately 18 inches in length. The most famous Triton Cockatoo was a regular on the American television show "Baretta." The Triton has stunning white plumage with a striking yellow crest. Yellow feathers may also be seen under the tail and wings. Tritons are not only big in size, but they are also big in personality. They are very affectionate to their owners, and in return, they demand a great deal of time and attention. Tritons are not considered the bird of choice for a family where the bird will spend most of their time alone.
Tritons can be very loud and are not suited for apartment living. Tritons possess a very good ability to mimic sounds and human speech. Tritons are best known for their intelligence, and because of this, they are able to learn many tricks.
Tritons are known to be escape artists, so it's important to house them in a cage with a bird-proof latch or locking mechanism. They love to chew and absolutely need plenty of toys, particularly wooden blocks, that will keep their beaks busy. Because of their large size, we recommend the Kings Model 406 Cage for a Triton Cockatoo. Not only does this cage have a bird-proof latch, but it is also large enough at 46 inches wide to enable the bird to spread his/her large wingspan. Tritons make great family pets, but they are not for everyone. A Triton demands much attention. They thrive best with a family who is willing to be devoted to their every need.
Umbrella Cockatoos
The Umbrella Cockatoo makes an affectionate, loving, family pet. They are very intelligent and possess strong cuddling behavior. They tend to form strong bonds and may grow to regard their owners as mates. If allowed, they can learn to manipulate their owners. Umbrellas have a broad, pure white crest which normally lays flat against the head and unfolds when raised (which usually happens when they are excited or frightened). Beaks, legs, and feet are a blackish gray, which often look lighter due to a covering of Cockatoo powder. Cockatoos all produce a powder from their feathers when preening, so daily baths or misting is highly recommended.
In general, Umbrellas are not the prolific talkers like the African Greys and Amazons. However, some Umbrellas do acquire a significant vocabulary. They are generally good at doing tricks and some excel at mechanical feats such as undoing locks and bolts. Umbrellas can also be very loud. They have strong voices which carry and are not good candidates for apartment living. They have strong beaks and are chewers. If not properly monitored, an Umbrella will destroy anything within reach.
Given the appropriate nutritional requirements in a nurturing environment, the Umbrella Cockatoo can have a lifespan of 60 to 80 years. Measuring between 14 to 18 inches in length, the Umbrella Cockatoo requires a large cage to keep him happy and healthy. We recommend the Kings Model 406 Cage, which will allow for plenty of room to play and wing-flap to eliminate boredom while being caged. The Umbrella Cockatoo should be given plenty of daily time outside his cage. We carry a wide variety of play stands that allow your bird to have hours of fun outside of his cage. Be sure that your Umbrella Cockatoo has plenty of toys to satisfy the chewing urge and to keep him from becoming bored. When trained at an early age, Cockatoos are loving birds that can make wonderful lifetime companions to those who seek a totally devoted friend.
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