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Author: JoyahMengayah

[Dunia] All Eyes On Rafah!

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Post time 11-10-2023 06:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OshinDaSolja replied at 9-10-2023 02:49 PM
selagi China tak bertindak serang Taiwan atau N.Korea serang south, buat masa ni kita kt Malaysia ta ...

kalau china or north perang kita slmt ke sis?
nak lari mana? negara yg plg slmt?

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Post time 11-10-2023 06:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yg perang tu belah gaza je kn..yg tmpt org have have palestine xperang pun kan..
abg apa nuri ke apa yg neleis kawen palestine tu..hrp hrp ok la..dh lama i x follow cite dia..

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Post time 11-10-2023 06:23 PM | Show all posts

Interesting take on the situation. Jika iran, lebanon, syria di tekan utk masuk campur hampir pasti menganggu supply black gold. Dgn USA tenat funding ke luar ke Ukraine, hampir pasti kacau bilau dan kemungkinan world economy collapse.


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Post time 11-10-2023 06:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nutnet replied at 11-10-2023 06:23 PM
Interesting take on the situation. Jika iran, lebanon, syria di tekan utk masuk campur hampir past ...

Hi !    finally someone coming selain me and pengecat dare to mention about "economy collapse".  If this war prolong lama skit memang nak bagi manusia bankrupt in order to usher for reset. The rest is history.

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Post time 11-10-2023 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Sangat mencurigakan bila dia komen mengenai israel let their guard off sampai boleh infiltrate dan culik rakyat dia. Benarkah dari segi kelemahan terlalu bersandarkan algorithm AI dia, sampai tak menjangkakan akan berlaku kemasukan dan culikan dari pihak hamas.

At the same time, waktu US tinggalkan weapons di Afghanistan begitu sahaja sampai ada yg kata sampai ke tgn hamas, unverified. Agent of chaos ni makin lama makin plausible.

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Post time 11-10-2023 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Punyalah canggih mossad, perisik israel, sekor pun tak boleh detect serangan hamas, security pun lemah benar kat festival tu.
Agak fishy lah semua ni, mustahil israel tak tahu, dia biar je tu, nak support seluruh dunia tuk tunjuk betapa jahatnya hamas.
Lagi satu, dan2 je parti tories kat uk dapat sokongan padu, dulu teruk kena kecam isu ekonomi, donation di ukraine, migrant, parti labour yg dilabel anti yahudi pulak kena kecam
Uk tories yg dpt manfaat byk dari serangan israel ni

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Post time 11-10-2023 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Israel pun tak nak parti labour pro palestin memerintah uk, asal je negara2 barat nak mengundi ada je keganasan luar biasa dekat 2 negara ni, so fishy lah.

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Post time 11-10-2023 08:19 PM | Show all posts
pasa replied at 11-10-2023 05:44 PM
Al_Qaeda pun dulu YUSA gak yg fund gitu...

ya btol...

yg kesian pengikut2 bawahan yg benar2 nak membela Islam

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Post time 11-10-2023 08:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by pengecatbintang at 11-10-2023 08:24 PM
Bolabulat replied at 11-10-2023 07:28 PM
Punyalah canggih mossad, perisik israel, sekor pun tak boleh detect serangan hamas, security pun lem ...

pasal Yisrael tak sedar tentera Hamas attack beberapa hari lepas...

tengok pilm Golda 2023..

kisah Perang Yom Kippur 6 - 25 Okt 1973...

pon Yisrael x sedang diserang

pasal bugging system Yisrael utk dengar komunikasi musuh switched off

sengaja switch off

outcome Perang Yom Kippur 1973

Mesir iktiraf negara Israel


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Post time 11-10-2023 08:43 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey replied at 11-10-2023 03:12 PM
teringat yahya ayyash yang kena bunuh sebab talibarut israel dalam palestin

US Congressman Ron Paul - Israel created Hamas to destabilize Arafat who was very powerful at the time.


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Post time 11-10-2023 09:06 PM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 11-10-2023 06:35 PM
Hi !    finally someone coming selain me and pengecat dare to mention about "economy collapse ...

geopolitical crisis (rusia vs ukraine+NATO, China vs taiwan, Middle East)

recession (kat Japan, China, UK, US, France, German)

global food crisis

lepas ni

banking crisis akan restart, stock market akan lingkup, sistem matawang dunia akan huru hara

tunggu trigger sama ada plandemik 2.0, matawang yen japan lingkup atau cyberattack

tonton dokumentari Billion Dollar Heist 2023 - kisah benar hackers rompak Central Bank of Bangladesh

semua krisis ini akan menuju ke satu arah iaitu The Great RESET (transforming old world order to new world order)

film Gran Turismo 2023 minit 11.49

"You know if u get in a wreck out here, u can't hit reset, right


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Post time 11-10-2023 09:09 PM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 11-10-2023 09:06 PM
geopolitical crisis (rusia vs ukraine+NATO, China vs taiwan, Middle East)

recession (kat Japan, Ch ...

for the first time in history...

seluruh dunia sedang menuju atau dah ada dalam recession mode..

bila krisis matawang Asia 1997/98 & Great Financial Crisis di US, ada negara2 besar seperti China, Western Europe yg pulled up global economy

la ni bila seluruh dunia kena

negara mana yg akan tarik keluar dunia dari recession


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Post time 11-10-2023 09:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 11-10-2023 01:58 PM
pemimpin tertinggi HAM@S tu yg talibarut Yisrael...  

pejuang2 HAM@S yg bawahan ni mgkn lurus bend ...

Aku rasa forumer confused dengan Hamas dan Al Qassam. You think so?
Al Qassam yang solat penghafaz bukan calang2 terpilih kan?


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Post time 11-10-2023 10:25 PM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 11-10-2023 09:20 PM
Aku rasa forumer confused dengan Hamas dan Al Qassam. You think so?
Al Qassam yang solat penghafa ...

Ya btol...

Al Qassam tu yg benar2 ibadah lebih banyak..

depa x menonjolkan diri

ada dikalangan depa doktor

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Post time 11-10-2023 10:33 PM | Show all posts
nutnet replied at 11-10-2023 06:48 PM
Sangat mencurigakan bila dia komen mengenai israel let their guard off sampai boleh infiltrate dan c ...

Kan....sistem pertahanan Yihserael ni bukanlah sepadu yg disangka

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2023 06:12 AM | Show all posts

Thousands of foreigners have found themselves stuck in Israel and across the West Bank and Gaza, where a full-blown war has erupted since Hamas terrorists launched their devastating onslaught on Saturday.
With the violence having already claimed thousands of lives on both sides, several countries have launched operations to repatriate their citizens, while others plan to do so in the coming days.
Here is an overview of ongoing and planned evacuations, according to official sources.


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Post time 12-10-2023 07:27 AM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 11-10-2023 08:43 PM
US Congressman Ron Paul - Israel created Hamas to destabilize Arafat who was very powerful at the t ...

kalau betul israel sendiri create hamas,

this is genocide..not only to palestinian, to israeli also..

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Post time 12-10-2023 07:37 AM | Show all posts
lil_honey replied at 12-10-2023 07:27 AM
kalau betul israel sendiri create hamas,

this is genocide..not only to palestinian, to israeli al ...

false flag attack mcm 9/ 11

perang Yom Kippur 1973 - Yisrael sanggup korbankan beratus tenteranya

hasil perang, Mesir iktiraf kedaulatan Yisrael sbg sebuah negara

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Post time 12-10-2023 07:38 AM | Show all posts
Dunia Arab + Parsi sedang bersatu membela Palestin dan menentang Yisrael


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Post time 12-10-2023 07:41 AM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 12-10-2023 07:38 AM
Dunia Arab + Parsi sedang bersatu membela Palestin dan menentang Yisrael

mungkinkah aku silap...

mungkin WW3 adalah sekarang

mungkin Battle of Armageddon tu bukan WW3

mungkinkah Battle of Armageddon itu berlaku antara WW3 dgn WW4 (Malhamah Al Kubra, di Syria - Imam Mahdi pimpin)

Armageddon akan berlaku di Banjaran Megido, suatu tempat di utara Yisrael

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