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Author: JoyahMengayah

[Dunia] All Eyes On Rafah!

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Post time 13-10-2023 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mizruncing replied at 12-10-2023 10:38 AM
tak boleh ke stop perang. i cannot laa tgk bebudak mati. dgn baby kena bom

sebab tu jangan beranak dan beristeri ramai
masa perang..anak tu jd sasaran..isteri jd sasaran

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Post time 13-10-2023 12:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 13-10-2023 12:14 AM
banyak kali dah kena hoax news

tp ramai yg masih x ambik pengajaran

Sama jer propa macam Jihadi john. When come to muslim semua nak behead.

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Post time 13-10-2023 07:07 AM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 13-10-2023 12:30 AM
Sama jer propa macam Jihadi john. When come to muslim semua nak behead.


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Post time 13-10-2023 08:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
stingerkaypoh replied at 10-10-2023 09:26 AM
drp serang jepun..baik serang taiwan ada kilang microchip utk AI tech

Mmg caina dok nak serang tewan kan..tunggu masa jah.. aitot becuz caina klaim tewan tu dia punya.. rupanya ada kilang mikriocip

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Post time 13-10-2023 09:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nutnet replied at 11-10-2023 06:23 PM
Interesting take on the situation. Jika iran, lebanon, syria di tekan utk masuk campur hampir past ...

Something fishy la serangan kat rupanya economy collapse..manipulate smua la perang kat palestine tu..

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Post time 13-10-2023 09:41 AM | Show all posts
aku dah slowly stop menggunakan anything related to america or israel

kena cari alternatif lain

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Post time 13-10-2023 10:19 AM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 12-10-2023 07:41 AM
mungkinkah aku silap...

mungkin WW3 adalah sekarang

Armageddon tu memang bukan WW3

tiada sangkut paut pun


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 Author| Post time 13-10-2023 10:23 AM | Show all posts

GAZA, 12 Okt (Reuters) – Serangan udara Israel telah menyebabkan tanah perkuburan utama di Gaza sangat bahaya untuk dikunjungi sehingga keluarga yang berkabung mengebumikan jenazah mereka di tanah perkuburan yang tidak rasmi yang digali di tanah kosong. Kepungan Israel dikatakan sebagai satu malapetaka kemanusiaan.

Gaza digempur Israel sejak Sabtu apabila kumpulan militan Islam Hamas menghantar beratus-ratus pejuang ke pagar sempadan dan ke Israel di mana lebih 1,200 maut dan berpuluh-puluh orang ditahan sebagai tebusan.

Tindakan balas Israel melalui serangan udara dan artileri telah membunuh lebih 1,350 rakyat Palestin termasuk ratusan kanak-kanak, mencederakan lebih 6,000 dan lebih 218,000 telah meninggalkan rumah mereka untuk mencari perlindungan di penempatan PBB.

Segala bekalan luar termasuk makanan, air, ubat, bahan api dan elektrik telah diputuskan oleh Israel. Krisis kemanusiaan Gaza di tahap paling merbahaya untuk 2.3 juta penduduk di kawasan itu yang kini berhadapan dengan kesengsaraan teruk.

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Post time 13-10-2023 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Israel-Hamas live: Iran says new fronts may open if Gaza bombing continues

saat Hezbollah masuk menyerang dinantikan para syuhada

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Post time 13-10-2023 10:30 AM | Show all posts,their%20Malaysian%20training%20to%20anyone.

Hamas Terror Cell Received Advanced Training in Malaysia
Shin Bet investigation reveals that Hamas terrorists received training in Malaysia and Gaza to infiltrate Israel by air to kidnap and murder Israelis.

IDF Editorial Team

In the early hours of July 21, IDF forces captured a Hamas cell commander in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza. When questioned by the ISA (Israel Security Agency — also known as the Shin Bet Security Service), the cell commander revealed that he had been sent by Hamas leadership to Malaysia for paragliding training. The plan was to parachute into Israel to kidnap and murder civilians.

The prisoner also revealed Hamas plans to ambush Israeli soldiers with anti-tank missiles and even pointed to a terrorist sniper nest on a map of Gaza. The location: the tenth floor of the Palestinian Red Crescent building in Khan Yunis.

Training to be a terrorist

After being recruited into Hamas’ military wing in 2007, the terrorist underwent regular combat training. Every five months he would attend refresher courses which involved training with Kalashnikov automatic rifles, Soviet-made PKC machine guns and locally manufactured hand grenades.
In 2010, the prisoner was enlisted into a special force sent to Malaysia for parachute training, in preparation for a cross-border kidnapping attack on Israel. He and ten other terrorists from across Gaza spent a week receiving training in Malaysia.

After returning to Gaza, the cell was given additional weapons training. They were warned to maintain secrecy, and not to reveal details of their Malaysian training to anyone.

Preparing the attack

In 2014, four years after being sent to Malaysia, the Hamas commando squad was summoned for more parachute training. This time the training took place inside the Gaza Strip. According to the prisoner, the squad was not told about where the kidnapping attack would take place.

The prisoner told investigators about a Hamas training camp that took place in June of this year. Exercises involved training with handguns, Kalashnikovs, M-16s, RPGs, machine guns and demolitions training. Terrorists who attended the camp were trained in various methods for kidnapping soldiers and how to operate inside Hamas’ extensive tunnel network. The prisoner was meant to attend such a course after Ramadan (late July). Ultimately, he was arrested by IDF soldiers operating in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.

The details of the ISA investigation reveal the great efforts and resources that Hamas invested in bolstering its military capabilities including the building and training of a standing commando army to attack and kidnap Israeli soldiers and civilians.

Hamas goes to incredible lengths to carry out attacks against Israel. That is why the IDF will not rest in its mission to dismantle the organization's terrorist infrastructure and keep the people of Israel safe.


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Post time 13-10-2023 10:46 AM | Show all posts
unoryah replied at 13-10-2023 10:19 AM
Armageddon tu memang bukan WW3

tiada sangkut paut pun


mgkn la ni yg WW3...

Armageddon tu mgkn "BATTLE" tapi bukan mgkn "WAR"

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Post time 13-10-2023 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Apa update terbarunya? Gila betul perang neh!

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Post time 13-10-2023 11:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
apa yg hamas nak capai dgn lancar serangan ni? lepas kne attack askar hamas mcm ghaib plak

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Post time 13-10-2023 12:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesian budak2…..

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Post time 13-10-2023 01:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenapa nk perang jugak knowing its an uphill battle against israel , at the expense of nyawa org palestin sdri?

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Post time 13-10-2023 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Radzor replied at 13-10-2023 11:17 AM
apa yg hamas nak capai dgn lancar serangan ni? lepas kne attack askar hamas mcm ghaib plak

False flag war.

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Post time 13-10-2023 02:03 PM | Show all posts
aku bukan apa...ini org sebelah sana tu tak habis habis gaduh siap tunggang agama lagi....kuat betul bergaduh sampai tak aman aman sampai sekarang dah ratusan tahun...kadang tu aku naik menyampah...
kenapalah tanah tu tak dibahagi 2 sama rata mcm sudin & azizi bahagi harta...lepas tu duduk diam diam jangan gaduh...ikut sejarah 2  2 ada hak ke atas tanah tu juga...

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Post time 13-10-2023 02:11 PM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 9-10-2023 07:30 AM
perang kali ni genap 50 tahun lepas berlaku Perang Yom Kippur (6 - 26 Okt 1973)

perang Yom Kippur  ...

teori bodoh...kiamat tidak ujud..yg pasti kiamat kau mati tu are deleted

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Post time 13-10-2023 02:15 PM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 9-10-2023 08:09 AM
rasanya x lama antara WW3 & WW4

NO War...Make Love...

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Post time 13-10-2023 02:21 PM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 13-10-2023 09:41 AM
aku dah slowly stop menggunakan anything related to america or israel

kena cari alternatif lain

mohon senaraikan antara barang yg da slowly stop tersebut dan apa alternatifnya untuk di follow sekali

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