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Author: lisza


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Post time 27-10-2013 02:53 PM | Show all posts

Kami pi nepal bulan 4 lepaih...8 hari ...3 hari di pokhara...selain tu di Kathmandu....pemandangan yang menarik...orangnya  baik2...makanannya terbaik!

Yang tak tahan....letrik yang dicatu....huhuhu...jalan2 yang berdebu...(sila bawak face mask)...dan jalanraya yang menakutkan itu!

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Post time 27-10-2013 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Buat visa di kl jaaa....tak sampai pon 1 jam kami tunggu hari tu....rm90 satu visa...

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Post time 27-10-2013 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Guna currency depa pon ok...duit malaysia pon ada yang accept....USD lagilah ok...

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Post time 27-10-2013 05:35 PM | Show all posts
subee posted on 27-10-2013 02:55 PM
Buat visa di kl jaaa....tak sampai pon 1 jam kami tunggu hari tu....rm90 satu visa...

subee..betul ke sejam jer tunggu neh? i bace kat website dia... buat ari neh and kena collect esok nye?

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Post time 27-10-2013 08:16 PM | Show all posts
Jane......... know what we did...kami kata kat clerk kat situ....kami from outstation....not from kl...mmg pon kami from pahang.....teruih dia kata....'have a seat....The visa will be ready in a short while...'hmmm... Kami tunggu tak sampai 1 jam pon....

Isi borang visa awal2... Download from the internet....then bawak gambaq and duit...

VOA .kat thibuvan airport....line dia panjang gilaaa weeiiii....


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Post time 27-10-2013 09:37 PM | Show all posts
subee posted on 27-10-2013 08:16 PM
Jane......... know what we did...kami kata kat clerk kat situ....kami from outstation. ...

haaa..nasib baek hang clarify. else aku dh terjah dh. i guess that'll be case by case lah tu. hehehe.
anyway, time is short now and xde peluang kot nk gi esok lusa, aku akan go VOA. hopefully okla..


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Post time 4-11-2013 02:35 PM | Show all posts
LelaRentaka7 posted on 25-10-2013 12:18 PM
Hey Truly,
welcome back!
you must've been busy..

Hi Lela and @matsputnik,

Thank you so much for all your replies so far. I am learning a lot I have had a discussion with my siblings. While we would like to cover a lot of Kathmandu and the surroundings, we also need to be mindful that this is a holiday, hence we want to be relaxing and have a more laidback plans. So I guess our intinerary later will be based on that in mind. I'm just excited to have a memorable new years celebration, since its not always I can celebrate the new year in such an exotic surrounding. and sampling their food. People say they have the best yogurt hehe. I heard Nepalese people are also some of the friendliest! That to me will contribute to a wonderful vacation.

Thanks once again for your kindness and time. Take care all


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Post time 4-11-2013 10:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bersiaran dari pokhara. Siang td baru selesai trekking. Tgh tgu dinner sambil melayan hiruk pikuk street performance by locals kat lakeside neh. Diaorg tgh dlm celebration diwali lg. Esok rasanya peak. Uhuhu...masih kepenatan trekking. Laporan bakal menyusul...

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Post time 15-11-2013 09:34 AM | Show all posts
truly posted on 25-10-2013 10:06 AM
Hi Suhazlina,

Lebih kurang sama time dengan you hehehe perhaps we might see each other there  ...

Hi Truly,

Ada few places cuma ambik masa sbb perjalanan naik bus tu makan masa lama 5 jam or more depend pada condition road.

Tp i p nie tak ada involve with hiking sbb i'm the hiking type of person (mental lemah, hahahaha).

U booked airlines mana?  Tarikh sama i ke?

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Post time 17-11-2013 04:13 PM | Show all posts
salam all.

entry tertunda. x smpt nk menghedit gambar.
apapun aku nk ceritalah seringkas nye pengalaman pegi nepal ari tu.

important tips
1. buatlah visa dia malaysia. aku nye turn ari tu sebenarnya ok jer 1 jam lebih..tapi sbb melayan pelbagai kerenah kat airport tu...akan buat ko rasa macam2. la...officer dia semua part para tetamu neh..yg tade manners. pastu..tade penegasan terhadap peraturan2 kecil yg perlu di patuhi like - beratur, jangan kerumun kat kaunter etc. btw..ada budak cina malaysia yg aku jumpe masa trekking kata..dia kena 2jam setengah. silalah buat kat malaysia.

2. eventhough travel agent quoted menda2 dalam usd ... memang tukar duet kepada rupee lah nanti. usd to rupee...and also malaysian ringgit pun bole tukar to rupee. cuma rate aku x pasti. yang aku pastiii ialah money changer kat msia neh..xdelak aku jumpe bole tukar to nepalese rupee

3. make sure itinerary, payment etc. di clarify and confirmkan betul2 - it took 65 emails between me and travel agent...and bile sampai kat sana thought of ok semua...rupanya ada gak terbabas. so..bile sampai sana, if you happen to call for meeting the travel agent etc. make sure table out evertyhing and tanyala face to face abes abesan. some of travel agency neh..ok..and layan ko tip top...but mine was not that pleasant. the boss is arrogant...even starting our conversation with an annoying remark - guys..i did not make any profit with you guys.

4. ok..pengalaman travel time diwali neh..ada yang tak best - travel agent kalau sambut neh..diaorg distracted kot sbb nak raya etc...mind that the celebration tu sampai 5 hari kot... so sepanjang trip neh..since yg bawak aku neh org2 yg celebrate diwali neh - trekking nak cepat abes, pastu nk balik umah cepat, pastu even boss travel agen aku siap cakap..we are kind because we sacrifice our time ..hope you can appreciate and complete the tour earlier kalau boleh cari la yg stok2 sambut wesak ke apa. but then hard to know. satu lag...the last day of the celebration - kedai banyak tutup...susah betul nk cari makan...even anatolia yg halal tu pun tutup..sbb staff dia kebanyakannya sambut diwali kot.

5. trekking gears, clothes etc. - kalau x beli lagi...sila rembat kat sana...hehe...murah2.

okeh...travelogue aku akan menyusul nanti.

Last edited by About-Jane on 17-11-2013 06:06 PM


Salam AJ.Bile nak bg TR ni.Lela nk pg dh & nk baca ur TR b4 i go. bley ke? but klu xsiap lg no hurry. lela redah je la mcm dulu jugak hehehe :)  Post time 26-11-2013 04:19 AM



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Post time 26-11-2013 07:39 PM | Show all posts
About-Jane posted on 17-11-2013 04:13 PM
salam all.

entry tertunda. x smpt nk menghedit gambar.

ahaks..lela..sorry..tertunda2 report..sbb at the same time menghedit gambar2 n menghapdet blog.

bile pegi neh? ok2..i'll start posting slowly

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Post time 26-11-2013 08:12 PM | Show all posts
ok..laporan part 1.. ringkas ajer..nk detail bole bace my ramblings kat blog. hehe.

day 1 - dari KL ke kathmandu

flight dari KL ke kathmandu on 30th october was full. sebab orang2 nepal semua balik sambut diwali..dan ada rombongan dari indonesia on the same trip.

insiden2 tak best and important tips
  • member terlupe buat copy of melilau cari tempat fotostat. and finally jumpe - biz centre kat plaza premium lounge. sgt membantu incase korang nk kena buat last minute fotocopy ke apa.
  • kalau pegi trekking, make sure bawak banyak sket copy of passport photo...white bground ye.. (eventhough xde specific info).. like me, i was told to bring 3 copies..ended up aku guna dekat 4-5 keping gak..sbb utk trekking tu..diaorg mintak 2 copies utk each TIMS and ACAP

anyway..naek jer flight..dah ade org hijack window seat..and gotta to hush him away. and flying with flight full of org2 nepal neh - BO adalah sgt significant, and also diaorg neh agakla tak reti follow rules...and i pity the AAX crew terpaksa bertegas and tinggi suara kat diaorg neh..antara insiden yg aku ingat..time flight dah on tarmac and ready to fly..bole lagi cakap telepon kuat and also bangun nak bukak compartment atas..sampai AAx crew terpaksa jerit2 sit down!!!! etc. pastu..flight full tak best..sbb toilet Q panjang...and u know lah...the rest...

some piccas

after 4 hrs flight...finally kami pun dah berada di ruang udara nepal..and dari jauh...nampak banjaran himalaya tu...hehe..and perlahan2..plane berlegar2..menunggu pelepasan untuk mendarat. dari atas..nampakla view kathmandu valley...yg dalam kabus neh.

ok... time settlekan VOA ni..adalah insiden yang aku dh mention before yg buatkan aku sakit kepala. aku siap gaduh2 lagi dengan rombongan cina indonesia sebab diaorg potong Q aku...even sami yang datang sekali dgn diaorg tu bole pulak terkedip tengok sambil amik pot potong Q, while letting me cat fight dgn makcik ketua rombongan diaorg. ..anda banyakla lagi nasihat aku..buatla Visa kat malaysia. okeh.

#anyway.officer diaorg semua ok etc. and rasanya cepat jer diaorg buat keje ..sbb my visa tu aku dapat dalam 1jam++...despite the people yg semua barbaric etc.

dah amik luggage...cari wakil dari travel agen. and dia pick up kitaorg ke hotel di thamel.

hotel shree tibet..

ok. dh check in hotel - basic...and yg aku x suke sket sbb air dia bau karat..and aku rasa agak common kot. then wakil travel agen bawak kitaorg ke office..and jumpe big boss..yg greet kitaorg - you guys...i don't make any profit with u guys...and layan kitaorg sendu2 jer etc. pastu x sabar2 nak setelkan balance pakej kitaorg i.e. usd310 per person. pastu dia offer nk tukar duit nepal tak dgn dia..and barula dia cakap semua transaction dalam rupee etc. walhal selama ni duk quote menda2 kecik and add on dalam usd. so kitaorg tukar dgn dia few hundred usd..sbb rate dia offer lagi tinggi. i.e. usd1 = 98 rupee. pastu dia just cakap esok driver taxi akan dtg amik pegi airport utk ke pokhara..and jumpe guide semua kat pokhara.

dah setel..kitaorg blah dari office dia and balik hotel. mandi2 siap2 and solat semua..baru kuar cari makan. so kat thamel neh ada satu jer halal food/restaurant i.e. Anatolia.

and few tips aku bole kasi ialah kalau nak cari restoran nih:
  • khangsar guest house is the landmark. sebab kalau ko cakap restoran ni..x semua org tahu..even org hotel aku pun tak tahu. but i mention khangsar guest house nih..baru diaorg tau nk kasi direction. and even kalau ko naek teksi ke ape..bole quote la khangsar guest house neh..sebab restoran neh..letaknya berhadapan dgn hotel khangsar neh.
  • or..kalau korang jejalan kat thamel neh...make sure jumpe Kathmandu Guest House (sebab femes hotel neh kat thamel)..and bila berdiri menghadap gate guest house neh..ko gerak ke kiri and follow jer jalan tu sampai jumpa simpang 3 yg besar...and turn right...and you'll see khangsar guest house.

ok..harap membantu. lepas dinner..kitaorg jejalan usha barang kat thamel..sebelum balik hotel and packing balik barang2 utk ke pokhara that ends our 1st day there.


Last edited by About-Jane on 26-11-2013 08:21 PM



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Post time 26-11-2013 10:02 PM | Show all posts
pi nepal ni, kalo tak trekking boleh dak?
setakat jalan2 je

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Post time 27-11-2013 08:14 AM | Show all posts
nenektua posted on 26-11-2013 10:02 PM
pi nepal ni, kalo tak trekking boleh dak?
setakat jalan2 je

nenek..bole jer kalau tanak trekking.

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Post time 27-11-2013 08:26 AM | Show all posts
About-Jane posted on 27-11-2013 08:14 AM
nenek..bole jer kalau tanak trekking.

ooo okey jane. tengkiu.

teruskan menulis catatan perjalanan tu. hehe


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Post time 27-11-2013 01:28 PM | Show all posts
About-Jane posted on 26-11-2013 08:12 PM
ok..laporan part 1.. ringkas ajer..nk detail bole bace my ramblings kat blog. hehe.

day 1 - dari  ...

Wow Jane, such interesting entry!! Terus kan teruskan bercerita Tunggu dengan penuh minat ni.


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Post time 27-11-2013 01:29 PM | Show all posts
nenektua posted on 27-11-2013 08:26 AM
ooo okey jane. tengkiu.

teruskan menulis catatan perjalanan tu. hehe

Nenek, saya pun ingat tak mo trekking, menyusahkan diri hehe ingat nak enjoy enjoy saja makan makan lepak lepak jalan jalan tengok tengok.

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Post time 27-11-2013 07:22 PM | Show all posts
sambungan entry

day-2 -

leaving for pokhara

early morning. bangun awal pagi sebab flight to pokhara is scheduled at 830am, dan kami ke airport around 7am. teksi semalam dh sampai and kali ni tade rep. dari travel company. btw..kami tinggal beg besar kami kat hotel shree tibet...sebab bila balik nanti kami akan bermalam semula di sini.
sampai di airport...terus ke domestic terminal..and dah ramai org tgh check in dan menunggu. well..stended domestic terminal dia memang bawah par lah...tapi check in was smooth. bila nak scan, beratur ikut laki and pompuan..but the scanner tgh jam terpaksa tunggu. masa ni dh ada drama sket..sbb org2 local neh jenis tak sabar...pastu membebel bahse nepal dgn aku (aduh...aku neh muke stended nepal jer..bukan kokosyen). pastu x sabar2 nk letak barang atas conveyor etc.

dah setel..masuk departure hall..and tgu flight. and our flight was delayed due to bad weather. actually...aku rasa untuk flight2 pagi nih it is quite common kot..mainly sebab kabus etc. so terpaksa tunggu for another announcement. akhirnya kul 930..flight kami berangkat lah.

perjalanan singkat..30minit..sgt cepat terasa..apetah lagi tgh enjoy view himalaya (central region - manaslu, pisang, lantang) etc. flight xde bumpy and was smooth.

sampai2 jer..terus amik luggage then cari our travel agent...akhirnya jumpela..seorang pakcik dia durga. dia juge adalah merangkap kitaorgnye trekking guide later. first destination was to annapurna tourist centre untuk register for ACAP permit. kitaorg naek teksi..keta kia picanto yg kecik neh.

after that, kitaorg terus ke hotel utk check-in and tinggalkan luggage. kitaorg stay at Yeti Hotel. some piccas from our hotel

hotel ok...selesa..and staff friendly..cuma biasala...part power cut tu..but ada schedule so u won't get caught by suprise ke ape..then air dia bau sket la...hehe..typical.

okeh..sambung later...



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Post time 27-11-2013 07:38 PM | Show all posts
nenektua posted on 26-11-2013 02:02 PM
pi nepal ni, kalo tak trekking boleh dak?
setakat jalan2 je

nenek! boleh je kalau tak nak hike and trek

cheap holiday je santai2 cuci mate kehkehkeh

tp...... nnt laaaaagi rindu dgn valley hostel and persekitarannya ehehehe


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Post time 27-11-2013 07:42 PM | Show all posts
About-Jane posted on 26-11-2013 11:39 AM
ahaks..lela..sorry..tertunda2 report..sbb at the same time menghedit gambar2 n menghapdet blog.

Assalam AJ,
am going in a few days time

nak tanya katne eh yg you kate kedai hiking gear tu?
nearer to your hotel ke?

sbb mana la tau lela nak beli something last minute
hope you dont mind sharing


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