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Author: pembacategar


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Post time 14-4-2014 04:56 PM | Show all posts
fossil posted on 14-4-2014 02:27 PM
ai sebut gengsentap jer kena tolak 25...takperla redhooo

ada org report kot ... tu yg kena cantas ....


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Post time 14-4-2014 04:57 PM | Show all posts
myralupilato posted on 14-4-2014 05:43 PM
yg suka benar kutuk fizikal org kembang, buruk la itu ini tu cer tepek muka sebenar

ada berani?

is taht ur real picca ...
cayalahhh ...

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Post time 14-4-2014 05:02 PM | Show all posts
hijau_serindit posted on 14-4-2014 02:28 PM
memang xkembang pon. just berisi sikit je laaa.. n diorg laki bini memang sempoi. peramah. {:1_132 ...

kak ijau ... anak2 tu qal and fal ke ?
ke fal sorg ?

makin comel fal sejak rambut dah makin byk

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Post time 14-4-2014 05:04 PM | Show all posts
sophiesoraya28 posted on 14-4-2014 04:57 PM
is taht ur real picca ...
cayalahhh ...

yup. i mmg letak muka sendiri je dari awal berporum. kehkehkeh

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Post time 14-4-2014 05:52 PM | Show all posts
sophiesoraya28 posted on 14-4-2014 05:02 PM
kak ijau ... anak2 tu qal and fal ke ?
ke fal sorg ?

Qal dgn Fal... 2-2 ada. Fasha nampak ibu yg penyayang. Dia amik gambar, mesti tarik Qal & Fal..

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Post time 14-4-2014 05:56 PM | Show all posts
hijau_serindit posted on 14-4-2014 06:52 PM
Qal dgn Fal... 2-2 ada. Fasha nampak ibu yg penyayang. Dia amik gambar, mesti tarik Qal & Fal.. {: ...

si ayah mmg nak anak2 tgk polo dr kecik la ...
dlm islam pon galakkan anak2 belajar berkuda, berenang dan memanah ...
sunah nabi ....

takde gmbr ke kak ijau..

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Post time 14-4-2014 05:59 PM | Show all posts
sophiesoraya28 posted on 14-4-2014 05:56 PM
si ayah mmg nak anak2 tgk polo dr kecik la ...
dlm islam pon galakkan anak2 belajar berkuda, ber ...

yup... kalo tgk, yg main polo ni, mesti akan tarik anak main polo gak. Akak dgn husband pon nak anak akak main. Tp bgantung minat dia gak laaa....

tak dok gamba. borak2 je dgn dia. ramai lg nk amik gamba dgn dia. dia bagus. tak menghampakan sapa nk amik gamba dgn dia..

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Post time 14-4-2014 06:03 PM | Show all posts
hijau_serindit posted on 14-4-2014 06:59 PM
yup... kalo tgk, yg main polo ni, mesti akan tarik anak main polo gak. Akak dgn husband pon nak an ...

yer la ... memang nampak diorg ni sempoi  ...

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Post time 14-4-2014 06:08 PM | Show all posts
sophiesoraya28 posted on 14-4-2014 06:03 PM
yer la ... memang nampak diorg ni sempoi  ...

Sempoi & tak sombong...

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Post time 14-4-2014 06:28 PM | Show all posts
hijau_serindit posted on 14-4-2014 10:05 AM
dari padang polo terus ke teluk cempedak ek...

btw, fasha xdak la kembang sgt. perot dia men ...

fal pun dah nak setahun dah...ade la jarak sikit ngn adik dia nnt

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Post time 15-4-2014 12:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 14-4-2014 07:28 PM
fal pun dah nak setahun dah...ade la jarak sikit ngn adik dia nnt

Kejapnya dah setahun ...
rasa macam baru jer fs dpt baby now preggy lagi...

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Post time 15-4-2014 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Betol ke pregnant? Kt ig kempis je perutnya...gmbr lama kot

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Post time 15-4-2014 03:48 AM | Show all posts
Makin lama jejai nya muka nak dekat sama ngan brother dia

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Post time 15-4-2014 03:49 AM | Show all posts
2 hours ago
My dearest rayfal, Today at 921AM you will turn one. Exactly a year ago i held you for the very first time, its a feeling that i will never forget, a feeling that is so unbelievable that i could not even start to describe. you were a small 2.68kg little bundell of joy. you felt fragile and so tiny. You and yop rayqal are the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. And I couldn’t believe that you were mine Adjusting to life with you at home definitely took some time. It was several weeks before you learned how to sleep at night and, even still, you would only sleep in bed with your ibu and me. I didn’t mind, in fact i loved it. Masa baru lahir, all you really did was sleep and eat. Not much crying. U were such a good baby, u only woke up once at night to nurse. you smiled in your sleep. I even remember the first time you did a social smile. We were in a ferry from pangkor to lumut. It was the most memorable thing in my life, You slept with us and while you were the smallest, you also got the biggest space hahaha when daddy was young, often i hear about the sacrifices that all parents have to make for their children.I honestly have not felt like I have made any sacrifices at all. Thank you for letting me be a daddy for a second time that day a year ago, and thank you for continuing to let me be your daddy today. On this special day there are a few things i would like to remind you, though you do not understand it now, u will understand it in the future. Sayang, ingat kepada tuhan, semoga menjadi anak yang soleh kepada ibu dan bapa. Ingat dan sayangi tok tah dan yop rayqal serta semua kaum keluarga. Semoga menjadi seorang yang berguna kepada bangsa, agama dan negara insyaAllah. I love you more than words could ever say. I love you with all my heart and soul. Happy first birthday sayang bucuk epot daddy ni. Love always and forever Daddy.

Very the touching!!!

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Post time 15-4-2014 04:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_blingblings posted on 15-4-2014 03:49 AM
2 hours ago
My dearest rayfal, Today at 921AM you will turn one. Exactly a year ago ...

Ya Allah sebaknya.. moga rayfal dan abgnya rayqal membesar menjadi anak yg soleh..

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Post time 15-4-2014 05:03 AM | Show all posts
proud daddy


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Post time 15-4-2014 05:05 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-4-2014 05:05 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-4-2014 05:06 AM | Show all posts
Makin handsome rayfal


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Post time 15-4-2014 05:08 AM | Show all posts


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