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Author: GuaAnakMelaka

[Dunia] LGBT boikot Sultan Brunei kerana hudud

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Post time 23-4-2014 04:40 PM | Show all posts
minyakzaiton posted on 23-4-2014 04:11 PM
maaf, saya sedang mengaji dan mengkaji ilmu tasawwuf amalan para sufi. hal2 yang anda sebutkan itu ...

Hahahaha.....belajar tasawwuf kununn..........prrrrrrrrrrpfffftght

Cuba bagi tahu satu tokoh sufi yang hudud mudud kehulu hudud mudud kehilir, Isle kesana Isle kemari, hanya Isle menjada minda kesana hanya Isle menjanda minda kemari..... Siapa? Syeikh al Akbar Ibn Arabi? Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi? Bahauddin Nasqsaband? Idries Shah? Martin Lings? Professor Syed Naguib Al Attas?

Ni ha, The Sheikh (Ibn Arabi) punya famous poem. Cer tengok ada dia Isle kesana Isle kemari, hudud baik untuk anda kehulu kehilir?

O Marvel! a garden amidst the flames.
My heart has become capable of every form:
it is a pasture for gazelles and a convent for Christian monks,
and a temple for idols and the pilgrim’s Kaa’ba,
and the tables of the Torah and the book of the Quran.
I follow the religion of Love: whatever way Love’s camels take,
that is my religion and my faith.

Maideen~ Orang tasaop dia pon tasaop....prrrrrrrrrrrpffffffttght


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Post time 23-4-2014 04:42 PM | Show all posts
minyakzaiton posted on 23-4-2014 04:13 PM
sawan di forum yang lain dengan nick yang lain maksud anda?

Newbie berhinguih ahli tasaop hanya mampu serkap jarang saja ka? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrpfffftght

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Post time 23-4-2014 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 23-4-2014 04:40 PM
Hahahaha.....belajar tasawwuf kununn..........prrrrrrrrrrpfffftght

Cuba bagi tahu satu tokoh  ...

nyata anda tidak faham dengan maksud mengaji dan mengkaji kerana anda begitu yakin apabila saya sebut mengaji dan mengkaji, terus anda label saya seorang pengikut dan pengamal sufi. harap anda belajar lagi.

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Post time 23-4-2014 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 23-4-2014 04:42 PM
Newbie berhinguih ahli tasaop hanya mampu serkap jarang saja ka? Prrrrrrrrrrrrrpfffftght

newbie yang memberi pendapat dan pandangan yang memakau hati pembaca lebih baik dari anda, otai yang berbahasa pasar.

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Post time 23-4-2014 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Moga2 orang kapiaq insap . Kami yang agama ISLE tak pernah menghalalkan perbuatan gay dan lesbian seperti mana yang Paderi Gay anda buat .

ISLE adalah agama yang cukup sempurna. Kira gay dan lesbian  yang kena penyakit gila babi kerana otak tak sempurna sebab menghalalkan jantan kawin dengan jantan dan pompuan kawin dengan pompuan .

Mari ramai2 mengutuk perbuatan gay dan lesbian yang otak penginapnya bawah sikit dari pesakit mental Hospital Tanjung Rambutan


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:09 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 23-4-2014 09:36 AM
Gay je yang kena hudud.

Lesbian takpa. Idop hakak2 lessy!

jahatnya mulut

suka2 hati keji agama org lain


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:16 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 07:09 PM
jahatnya mulut

suka2 hati keji agama org lain

Tu pun terasa?

Rilek la. Korang dok kapiaq sana, kapiaq sini aku rilek je pon.

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Post time 23-4-2014 07:17 PM | Show all posts
Tak kan nak sokong gay dan lesbian kot ? Baik maki hamun kat depa


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:19 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 11:09 AM
jahatnya mulut

suka2 hati keji agama org lain

siann ko sentap.. dia xguna mulut pun... dia taip jer...

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Post time 23-4-2014 07:20 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 23-4-2014 07:16 PM
Tu pun terasa?

Rilek la. Korang dok kapiaq sana, kapiaq sini aku rilek je pon.

jgn guna kalimah "tu pun terasa"

xkan paderi memancutkan dosa2 tu pun dikira syumul


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:26 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 11:20 AM
jgn guna kalimah "tu pun terasa"

itu ayat.. .bknnya kalimah...
byk sgt tonggek dan lahap najis kan sampai ko dh xreti beza kalimah dan ayat...
ko la anggap syumul kot... sbb ko pun tonggek sekali...


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:32 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 07:20 PM
jgn guna kalimah "tu pun terasa"

Back to topic lah. Ini cerita pasal LGBT dan Islam.

Patutnya kita cerita pasal Masjid Gay-Friendly di Perancis;

Atau Masjid mesra LGBT di Kanada;

Motif sangat ko kuat terasa hari ni Hannah. Heran aku sebab aku rasa betul2 inesen apa aku taip tuh.

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Post time 23-4-2014 07:34 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 23-4-2014 07:32 PM
Back to topic lah. Ini cerita pasal LGBT dan Islam.

Patutnya kita cerita pasal Masjid Gay-Frien ...


sebab org2 Kristian xboleh jadi  penceramah Islam

kena peluk Islam dulu lah


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:36 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 11:34 AM

sebab org2 Kristian xboleh jadi  penceramah Islam

orng2 jahil, munafik dan pelahap najis suka tonggek pun xleh jadi penceramah... kalau tidak rosak lah islam...
smpai pemahaman sendiri kata kena potong kredit ibarat dapat pahala...


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:37 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 23-4-2014 07:32 PM
Back to topic lah. Ini cerita pasal LGBT dan Islam.

Patutnya kita cerita pasal Masjid Gay-Frien ...

chazeyy mmg mcm tu

bila guna kalimah "terasa" tu terus rasa mcm hulk hogan

kenyataannya , kalau benci Islam kenapa meluru dtg tanpa diundang bergossip disini

pergilah ke bod paderi sana

mulut kata benci benci benci tp hati??

chazeyyyy ada jatuh cinta dgn mana2 org2 Islam ke?

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Post time 23-4-2014 07:40 PM | Show all posts
budakecik posted on 23-4-2014 07:17 PM
Tak kan nak sokong gay dan lesbian kot ? Baik maki hamun kat depa

Sokong lah. Demi kesejahteraan ummah.

Gay-friendly 'mosque' opens in Paris
By Robin Banerji
BBC World Service

A prayer room described as Europe's first gay-friendly mosque is opening on the outskirts of Paris.

The new centre is run by Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, a gay Islamic scholar, married to a gay man, and the founder of Homosexual Muslims of France.

Mr Zahed regularly attends the Grand Mosque in Paris, but says he wants to create a more "inclusive" place for gay, lesbian and transgender Muslims.

He says many of them felt uncomfortable praying in established mosques.

"Many gay men don't go to the mosque because they don't want to be recognised," says Mr Zahed.

"They don't want to be ostracised because they wear earrings or because they're effeminate or they're transgender, something that's pretty obviously rejected in many mosques in France," he says.

Mr Zahed's South African gay husband has encountered similar problems. "The first time he came to the mosque he was wearing earrings. After the prayers somebody came up to him and tried to take them off and told him, 'This isn't right, you shouldn't do that here'. It was a kind of soft but very obvious aggression," says Mr Zahed.

He cites another recent case of what he describes as discrimination. "A transgender from a Muslim background died last summer. It was hard to find an imam to pray for her. Nobody wanted to. In the end, we had to do it. We had to pray for her," says Mr Zahed.

For the moment the place of worship is a room in a Buddhist prayer hall. The room holds more than 20 people and is decorated with calligraphy in Chinese characters.

London Imam Ajmal Masroor says that Mr Zahed's meeting room does not constitute a mosque as it does not fully adhere to Islamic preaching and practice.

Mr Zahed says his "mosque" is not trying to be specifically gay-friendly, but "inclusive". He is also trying to integrate the sexes in Islam. He wants men and women to be able to pray together, not just "gay and straight".

Men and women pray together in Mecca, he says, so why can't they in ordinary mosques?

So far the reaction from the rest of the Muslim community in France has been mixed. France has the largest Muslim community in Europe outside Russia.

The Paris Grand Mosque has issued an unequivocal statement. "The fact that he's opening a mosque or a prayer room is something that's outside the Islamic community. The Koran condemns homosexuality. It is banned," said a Grand Mosque spokesman.

Other Muslims have been intrigued enough to ask Mr Zahed how he justifies his stance. "eople are trying to understand who we are, where we come from, what our interpretation of this or that verse of the Koran is, and that's diversity and dialogue and I'm happy with it," says Mr Zahed.

He also says he has received messages of support from ordinary Muslims in France.

He is, however, concerned enough about the safety of his new congregation to be reticent about revealing exactly where it will be meeting.

At the moment Mr Zahed is not getting any special protection from the French police and the French authorities have told him they are not aware of any specific threats from within the Muslim community.

But he is still concerned about violence "or a simple demonstration". Not least because if there are "demonstrations [outside] or threats when you are trying to get in, it's not going to be a peaceful context to be connected to each other and to pray".

Traditionally, Muslim religious authorities have opposed gay sex. They argue that the Koranic authority for this is the story of God's destruction of the city of Sodom because of its citizens' sins.

"Homosexuality is a choice, it's a desire, it's not something that you are born with," says the London imam Ajmal Masroor. Homosexuality is not acceptable for either Sunni or Shia Muslims, he says, because God intends for sex to occur between men and women only, within marriage, and "any sexual relationship outside marriage is a sin".

However, that does not mean that Muslims should discriminate against homosexuals, says Mr Masroor. Mosques are open to everyone.

Rather than trying to separate themselves homosexuals should be attending mosque like other Muslims, argues Mr Masroor. But they should not be trying to change the religion. "If you join Islam, you must conform to Islamic teachings."

Mr Zahed says that "Islam has nothing to do with homosexuality".

"Islam is not a totalitarian fascist identity. You should not use Islam to justify your prejudices and try to control the sexuality and gender of individuals," he says.

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed spoke to Newshour on the BBC World Service.


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:48 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 07:37 PM
chazeyy mmg mcm tu

bila guna kalimah "terasa" tu terus rasa mcm hulk hogan

Yang porumer Moslem berbondong2 komen di tered Kristian Amerika sentap bla bla bla tu motif ko tak halau pula sekor2 dari mengomen walaupun ianya takda kaitan dengan urang Islam Malaysia?

Inesen sangat apa aku taip tu Hannah. Tahap inesen budak 5 tahun ha. Apa entah menghina aku pun tak faham. Bukan aku ada hina Tuhan korang kah, nabi korang ka, macam si Ayun Meden dan porumer2 Meleis selalu buat.

Lagipun betul la kan? Kenapa diskriminasi gay saja? Sila diskriminasi lesbian sekali. Nyampah la mereka mentang2 gegirl peluk2, pegang2 tangan bila berjalan orang kata oh itu normal persahabatan sorang pompuan. Mahu hudud, hududkan lesbian sekali. Gay dan lesbian juga fonen semua masuk dalam kategori homoseksual laknat.


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:49 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 23-4-2014 07:48 PM
Yang porumer Moslem berbondong2 komen di tered Kristian Amerika sentap bla bla bla tu motif ko tak ...

xkisahlah sebab kami faham konsep trinity tu semua

tp kami xberiman

tp chazeyyy xbolehlah perasan bagus di thread muslim dlm bab2 Islam mcm ni

sebab chazeyyy esok2 mati masuk neraka xkeluar dah

kena teirma hakikat tu okeh.


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Post time 23-4-2014 07:51 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 11:49 AM
xkisahlah sebab kami faham konsep trinity tu semua

tp kami xberiman

ko tu dh confirm masuk syurga ke..

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Post time 23-4-2014 08:03 PM | Show all posts
HannahMontana posted on 23-4-2014 07:34 PM

sebab org2 Kristian xboleh jadi  penceramah Islam

Apa benda ko merepek ni?

Aku pun nak merepek la.

Isaac juga dikenali sebagai Ishak dan Ishamel juga dikenali sebagai Ismail berasal dari sorang bapa Yahudi yang sama iaitu Abraham juga dikenali sebagai Ibrahim. Sorang tu anak isteri yang sah. Sorang lak, kalau dalam Bible juga dikenali Alkitab, anak kelahiran sorang gundik. Tapi dalam Quran, gundik itu kononnya telah dinikahi sebelum disetubuhi. Kedua-dua anak lelaki ini berkahwin dan kemudiannya beranak pinak, dan keturunan mereka menjadi tersangat ramai bagaikan bintang di langit, kerana Elohim juga dikenali sebagai Allah telah berfirman Dia akan memberkati Abram juga dikenali sebagai Ibrahim dengan keturunan yang ramai. Suku sakat keturunan padang pasir ini kemudiannya melebarkan fahaman mereka ke serata dunia dan sukses hingga ke hari ini. Malangnya suku sakat keturunan padang pasir ini masing2 klem dia sorang jah yang betul disebabkan wujud persamaan juga perbezaan yang sangat ketara di antara keduanya. Maka apa yang terjadi adalah pengikut2 fahaman ajaran padang pasir ini pun ikut berseteru juga di serata dunia dari zaman beribu tahun lampau sebelum piramid dibangunkan, hinggalah sekarang. Masing2 klem, dia jah boleh ke sorga, dan untuk masuk sorga, semua orang mesti jadi macam dia.

Sekian, repekan si penglipur lara.

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