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Author: copypaste82

Insurans semasa melancong.. Perlu ker?

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Post time 3-8-2014 09:39 PM | Show all posts
suesz posted on 25-7-2014 02:09 PM
Aku pun dah seram nak gi travel w/out insuran..
Ari tu riki satu insuran ni..etiqa kot..dia cuma  ...

Boikot HSBC

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Post time 4-8-2014 11:06 PM | Show all posts
dieya tak pernah ambik insurance yg airline
just harap insurance yg cover tiap2 bulan tu je...
dieya pernah pergi india naik airasia, mmg takde pun utk insurance cover...

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Post time 4-8-2014 11:25 PM | Show all posts
pokokbunga posted on 25-7-2014 12:33 PM
sejak 2 menjak byk kapalterbang accident nih, aku mula rasa pentingnya insurance nih. dahler bula 9  ...

Klu ko nak tau apa yg include ke tidak, ko kena contact insurance company yg ko sebut tu & tanya. Get more info from them. Ask a lot lot lot of question sebelum memilih insurance yg sesuai. Sbg customer, mesti tau hak kita. Jgn lupa juga proses claim insurance. Kdg2 ada  company ni saja buat lambat2.  Time kita beli semua mulut manis Juga lbh bagus klu ko shop around beberapa syarikat insurance yg berbeza & blh buat comparison.

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Post time 5-8-2014 05:11 AM | Show all posts
Experience claim insurance dari AIG, on the dot 21 hari dari date mereka terima claim kita, payment masuk account bank. (klau documents in order lah)

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Post time 5-8-2014 09:24 AM | Show all posts
transporter posted on 5-8-2014 05:11 AM
Experience claim insurance dari AIG, on the dot 21 hari dari date mereka terima claim kita, payment  ...

Yup! betul tu bro. Psl tu aku klu jalan2 kemana2 mesti amik dgn AIG.

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Post time 5-8-2014 08:10 PM | Show all posts
kalau nak sedap kan hati n nak travel in comfort , travel ins kena ada la... kalau ada ins tak lah  bimbang.. accident or bencana kita tak blh predict..mesti ada ini Travel Ins

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Post time 6-8-2014 01:44 PM | Show all posts
i ade amek travel insuran masa travel ke obesea tp untuk anak i sorg je sbb dia ade athma yg bile2 je bole kene..takut sbb mane tau dia kene gi hospital for nebulizer..i byr RM119 utk 30 hari kat AIA via email je ngan Holiday Tours, bole claim smpai RM6k bil hosp

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Post time 6-8-2014 08:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nk tanya gak LA... Cam ai... Nk ke morocco & Spain... Bila ai check ngan AIG.. Dia soh pilih yg paling jauh.. Ai pegi Turun di morocco, balik pon Dari morocco... Patut ke ai pilih Spain?

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Post time 7-8-2014 12:09 AM | Show all posts
kabintang posted on 6-8-2014 08:04 PM
Nk tanya gak LA... Cam ai... Nk ke morocco & Spain... Bila ai check ngan AIG.. Dia soh pilih yg pali ...

Durang pakai zone & duration berapa lama perjalanan ko.  Aku pun selalu amik dgn AIG.

Aku lupa zoning durang. Aku ada simpan kat ofis. Klu aku tak salah zone dia ASEAN Country, South East Asia, Australasia, Europe, Amerika/Canada.

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Post time 7-8-2014 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Ia by zone/region. Tapi Morocco & Spain lain region.
Premium utk Morocco RM130 while Spain RM111.
Jadi bubuh Morocco as country traveling to.
Biar bayar lebih so nnt takde dispute.

Website AIG ni guna 'flash player', nak buat purchase guna desktop.
Jika masih problem (eg firefox), guna browser lain.
Kebanyakan hand held device takde flash player.

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Post time 7-8-2014 08:45 AM | Show all posts
AIG country listing di sini

AIG policy wordings di sini

Bukan promote ya

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Post time 7-8-2014 10:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pokokbunga posted on 3-8-2014 09:39 PM
Boikot HSBC

Mmg tak pon hehe..
Nanti nak try Aig/Aia pasai byk yg recommend.

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Post time 7-8-2014 10:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
transporter posted on 7-8-2014 08:30 AM
Ia by zone/region. Tapi Morocco & Spain lain region.
Premium utk Morocco RM130 while Spain RM111.

I zero knowledge dlm travel insurans ni..
Cth i travel ke myanmar dlm 7hari pastu sambung flight ke spore dlm 3hari i kena beli dua insuran tuk negara2 tu ke?
Atau terus amik tuk s.e.a punya countries?
Terima kasih ye..

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Post time 7-8-2014 10:33 PM | Show all posts
suesz posted on 7-8-2014 10:24 PM
I zero knowledge dlm travel insurans ni..
Cth i travel ke myanmar dlm 7hari pastu sambung  ...

Myanmar & Singapore under Region 1.
Jadi under "I am travelling to:", boleh pilih Myanmar ataupun Singapore.
Provided ini adalah single trip.
Jika tidak, kena beli 2 policy berlainan.


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Post time 7-8-2014 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
transporter posted on 7-8-2014 10:33 PM
Myanmar & Singapore under Region 1.
Jadi under "I am travelling to:", boleh pilih Myanmar ataupun ...

Sorry tak baca abis hehe
Baru nampak ur posting utk country listing.
Single trip tu macam mana ya?

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Post time 7-8-2014 11:16 PM | Show all posts
suesz posted on 7-8-2014 10:41 PM
Sorry tak baca abis hehe
Baru nampak ur posting utk country listing.
Single trip tu macam mana y ...

Continuous journey dari satu negara ke satu negara lain dari fahaman saya.

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Post time 7-8-2014 11:22 PM | Show all posts
kalau domestic jarang amik insurance, kalau overseas mmg kena amik la...we never knw apa yg akan terjadi..iols pernah consult untk allianz travel insurance je...bagus jugak coverage dia...apart from baggage loss or flight delay and medical , ada jugak benefits yang mana kalau kita kena cancel trip sebab2 yg tertentu cthnya kematian saudara terdekat, bencana alam kat negara yg nak pegi tu, boleh claim sebagaimana kata ejen tu. boleh claim flight n hotels x silap. lepas tu, ada pakej untuk family 2adult and 2 kids x silap , murah sikit dari individual...prices may vary according to destinations and vacation period.

ada satu kes masa kat HCM x silap, ada satu bro ni claimed dia kena rompak..iols x sure dia report polis ke x? tapi kalau kena rompak, jgn lupa report polis untuk claim insurance..walaupun x byk at least ada jugak dari xde...

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Post time 12-8-2014 11:17 AM | Show all posts
im going to sydney in 2 weeks time.....dah beli insurans ace jerneh....sapphire plan RM61.75 termasuk stamp duty...tgk coverage ok jugak....beli online je..senang...die ade 3 plan...boleh pilih mane yg mampu...plan paling rendah dlm 40 ringgit rase nye...

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Post time 24-9-2014 11:09 AM | Show all posts
bila waktu yg sesuai nak beli travel insurance ye? my trip is on April 2015. patut ke i beli sekarang? thanks.

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Post time 24-9-2014 11:37 AM | Show all posts
hmmm...thread ni membuatkan aku rasa nak beli insuran melancong.tlg bagi aku paham mcmna insuran ni berfungsi.

aku perasan website utk transportation di europe asyik bgtau pekerja dorang strike.kalau dorang strike dorang xbuat keje ke?kalau flight aku delay disebabkan strike ni menyebabkan hotel di destinasi charge aku sebab 'no show' atau tak mau refund duit aku, adakah insuran ni akan cover duit aku?

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