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Author: wonto

[SBS] Secret Door [CARI 2014 K Drama Best Supporting Actor: Lee Ji Hoon ]

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2014 03:00 PM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 11-12-2014 02:39 PM
sedih kan... luahan hati king alangkah bgus ye kalo CP dilahirkan di kalangan org biase.. mesti CP ...

ichi, kak @ayushuhada04

AccessionThe era before his rule was in disorder as his father was killed by royal decree of his own father, King Jeongjo's grandfather. King Yeongjo's ultimate decision to execute Crown Prince Sado was greatly influenced by other politicians who were against the Crown Prince. After King Yeongjo's death and on the day that Jeongjo became the King of Joseon, he sat on his throne in the throne room and looked at everyone and said, "I am the son of the late Crown Prince Sado..."[[url=]citation needed[/url]] This was a bold statement that sent shivers down the spines of all the politicians who were complicit in his father's death.
During his accession, he also issued a royal decree that his mother, Lady Hyegyeong, be a Dowager Queen since his father, her husband, was supposed to be the King before him. Thus, she became the Queen Dowager, the widow of Crown Prince Sado. From then on, King Jeongjo experienced many turbulent periods, but overcame them with the aid of Hong Guk-yeong.[1]

waktu yisan sbut dia anak putera sado tu best..
klu buat drama mst best


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Post time 11-12-2014 03:07 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 11-12-2014 02:58 PM
ko x tgk eh daus?
2-2 main lead sbb LJH pn berat wtk dia
berkisar 2 org ni di samping menteri ja ...

for one drama, kita mmg ambil satu jek lead actor...dlm academy of motions pun camtu, no matter berat pun wataknya, still satu jek lead actor/actress reserved utk satu film/drama
jadi just follow sequence dr dramawiki, lead actor - king, supporting actor - crown prince

Last edited by dauswq on 11-12-2014 03:08 PM


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 Author| Post time 11-12-2014 03:18 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 11-12-2014 03:07 PM
for one drama, kita mmg ambil satu jek lead actor...dlm academy of motions pun camtu, no matter be ...

ooo...ok,tq daus


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 Author| Post time 11-12-2014 04:13 PM | Show all posts
lyn ost
@ismaha dh tgk ending blm?


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Post time 11-12-2014 10:24 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 11-12-2014 02:49 PM
kan...x pyh menangis smp meleleh ayaq idung
CP tgk blkg king pn dh ckup sedih bg dia.
mst ka ...

takpe kot.. mmg dah tau CP Sado mati kan...

anak CP tu mmg bijak kan.... king pon suke ddia...
mmg sedih sgt mase chae pujuk dia kat luar tuh...

kira writer ni agk bagus jgk la sbb dia tunjukkan anak CP remaja pastu terus skip dia jd king... hensem sgt CP...

tp muke king tu plak byk sgt tompok2 coklat... gelik aku tgk...

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Post time 11-12-2014 10:26 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 11-12-2014 03:00 PM
ichi, kak @ayushuhada04

AccessionThe era before his rule was in disorder as his father was kill ...

mmg cool sgt time tuh....
tecapai jgk hasrat bini CP nak jd queen... hehehehe
satu lg yg aku suka takde tunjuk cinta2 jidam dgn CP... mcm watak tempelan je jidam besar tuh..

eh bkn dah ade drama Yisan ke... kak ayu ade bgtau hari tuh...


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Post time 11-12-2014 10:27 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 11-12-2014 03:07 PM
for one drama, kita mmg ambil satu jek lead actor...dlm academy of motions pun camtu, no matter be ...

oh ye ke... aku igt dua2 lead...
sbb heroin pon mcm supporting jek...


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Post time 11-12-2014 10:30 PM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 11-12-2014 10:27 PM
oh ye ke... aku igt dua2 lead...
sbb heroin pon mcm supporting jek...

utk rare case spt drama secret door ni pun tak de lead actress..

so klu korg nak nominate, kena under supporting actress

aku perhatikan drama misaeng pun ade tendency yg kang so ra bukan lead actress, tp more to supporting role..
wlpn dia sorg jek pompuan yg menyerlah dlm drama tu...
tp aku tak tgk drama tu biar diorg decide whether kang sora suit ngan lead role tu

Last edited by dauswq on 11-12-2014 10:31 PM


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Post time 11-12-2014 10:40 PM | Show all posts


Pada tahun ini, buat pertama kalinya kami mengadakan cara penulisan review yang lebih mudah.
Markah review akan dikira untuk CARI 2014 K-Drama Awards.
Bagi sesiapa yang sudah menonton drama  SECRET DOOR ,
anda boleh memilih mana-mana cara yang anda rasa memudahkan anda

Tagkan @dauswq, @nzhass79 , @eddlisa_uyuk untuk menuntut kredit setelah masukkan review.

(Pilih yang mana yang anda rasa mudah untuk dibuat)

---> Baca Review dari CARA 2
" >>KLIK SINI<<"

(Kredit extra diberikan pada those yang menulis / memasukkan review dengan details dan lengkap)

@ichi @ayushuhada04 @wonto @teky @limau

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Post time 11-12-2014 10:57 PM | Show all posts
alamak lupa plak nak tulis ape... penuh dgn bola jek nih.... @wonto sile buat dulu... senang aku nak copy paste je nnt

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2014 01:08 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 11-12-2014 10:24 PM
takpe kot.. mmg dah tau CP Sado mati kan...

anak CP tu mmg bijak kan.... king pon suke ddia...

tu la..byk la scene sedih..
CP-king, CP-CPs, CP-yisan, CP-pembantu chae, min baek sang-min seo woob
MBS-adik sida CP...pndek kata byk la

ms tu muka king mcm bengkak kena gigit tebuan
makeup xbrp real sgt


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 Author| Post time 12-12-2014 01:10 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 11-12-2014 10:26 PM
mmg cool sgt time tuh....
tecapai jgk hasrat bini CP nak jd queen... hehehehe
satu lg yg aku suk ...

klu ikut situ,dia ckp dpn noron n soron kan..
ada ke?
klu buat yg bru pastu si je hoon ni berlakon ok gak
motip aku nk ad smbungan ....

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2014 01:13 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 11-12-2014 10:57 PM
alamak lupa plak nak tulis ape... penuh dgn bola jek nih.... @wonto sile buat dulu... senang aku nak ...

aku tgh emo,xleh buat lg
kena mkn dlu utk ilangkan kesedihan

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2014 01:19 AM | Show all posts
ichi posted on 11-12-2014 10:26 PM
mmg cool sgt time tuh....
tecapai jgk hasrat bini CP nak jd queen... hehehehe
satu lg yg aku suk ...

aku gugel,ada la ichi..
tp pkcik 3 meals ni yg berlakon

baek dong soo pn ada dlm ni
siap tyg kt sri lanka lg

byk menang award gak ni..
kak @ayushuhada04 pnh tgk x?


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Post time 12-12-2014 12:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 11-12-2014 10:40 PM

abg daus..aku layan setengah jln ja derama ni...hihihi

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Post time 12-12-2014 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Terbaekk cerita ni.. cuma.. CP tu mati camne? masuk dalam tong tu.. lepas tu cmne acara kematian die? hehehe

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Post time 12-12-2014 10:45 PM | Show all posts
wasap posted on 12-12-2014 04:47 PM
Terbaekk cerita ni.. cuma.. CP tu mati camne? masuk dalam tong tu.. lepas tu cmne acara kematian die ...

based dekat wiki CP mati selepas 8hri duduk dlm tong besar tuh.. sesak nafas atau lemas camtuh...... and mase tu tgh summer...

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2014 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wasap posted on 12-12-2014 04:47 PM
Terbaekk cerita ni.. cuma.. CP tu mati camne? masuk dalam tong tu.. lepas tu cmne acara kematian die ...

Dlm drama ni just tnjuk CP msuk dlm tong beras tu.lps tu trus tnjuk scene ank CP dh remaja n jd king

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2014 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ichi posted on 12-12-2014 10:45 PM
based dekat wiki CP mati selepas 8hri duduk dlm tong besar tuh.. sesak nafas atau lemas camtuh.... ...

Aku dk ulang ost yg sayu tu ja ichi..

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Post time 14-12-2014 08:48 PM | Show all posts
TT, saya mohon tukar tajuk ya..

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