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Author: Sutera_China

Lopak Masuk Ke Kesatuan Ummah Saudagar Perfume

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Post time 24-5-2016 11:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ummah pun berduyun membeli mengkaya kan lagi minah nih


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Post time 24-5-2016 11:36 AM | Show all posts
fifie_olin replied at 24-5-2016 11:16 AM
kann..aku tertipu nok...
igtkn lain dr yg lain..
haukk sgt..

hahaha nak jual berapa
boleh la beli setakat nak letak kat toilet ofis. buat spray time berak

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Post time 24-5-2016 11:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nanti lopa buat jus goyang rapat

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I masih setia dengar britney perfume
Kecuali kalau zac efron keluarkan perfume

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Adeakukesah11 replied at 24-5-2016 11:19 AM
ummah pun berduyun membeli mengkaya kan lagi minah nih

boleh la little miss khan tmbh koleksi chanel, sephora mekap.

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Esmiria replied at 24-5-2016 10:36 AM
Xde brg lain ke.Blik2,perfume,busana,tudunv..

Bkpe x buat perniagaan organ orang

Ade fIzo omar jual burger...kekekeke   

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:05 PM | Show all posts
korang kena faham konsep OEM...
barang elektronik macam laptop, handphone korang tu pun kilang OEM yang buat okeh made in china...
the brand establish their own pattern / product..
kalau perfume ni hire chemist buat mix and match je, then hantar sample dekat KKM
bukan line pharmaceutical nak rnd buat long term monitoring bagai

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:10 PM | Show all posts
perfume retis saya pernah gune dari bieber je, tu pon kawan hadiahkan...

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
immaryjane replied at 24-5-2016 12:01 PM
boleh la little miss khan tmbh koleksi chanel, sephora mekap.

Lepastu boleh lah berhashtag #chanel #sephora segala kat ig beliau

Puii sangat

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:15 PM | Show all posts
fynnkakiblock replied at 24-5-2016 10:11 AM
Fs dh claimed perfume #1 di Malaysia (utk produk retis kot)

bukan semua retis claimed produk diorang number 1 ke?
mungkin no. 1 mewakili kawasan rumah masing masing agaknya..
kosser sangat...

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Bosannya ikut trend yang orang dah buat. Tak de ke retis nak jadi trendsetter, nak produce something out of the box? Pencuci vjj ke? G string la senza ke?

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:33 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 24-5-2016 12:38 PM | Show all posts
selamat maju jaya lopak

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2016 12:42 PM | Show all posts
kalau si lopak jual jus perapat kalu, mmg kesatuan ustazah siber mengamuk lah uolls.tak syariah compliance! hahahaahaha!

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:48 PM | Show all posts
bagus lofa ni... jeles dgn kegigihan die... huhuhu bertambah2 rezeki die..

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:50 PM | Show all posts
xde ke yg dah try fasha sandha punya? iols teringin nak try.. che ta punya dah bau, x wangi langsung..

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Good luck and all the best Lopak.

Lepas ni jual apa pulak?

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kaut je ape2 bisnes yg dijangka boleh bg pulangan. kalau nak cerita pasal tamak, tu owner genting highland tu, bukan industri tu je dia labur duit tuk bisnes, macam2 . Selagi ada peluang, selagi masih muda, selagi berupaya cari la rezeki, janji halal. Good luck lopa

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Post time 24-5-2016 12:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lotionmilo replied at 24-5-2016 12:00 PM
I masih setia dengar britney perfume
Kecuali kalau zac efron keluarkan perfume

Fantasy ke?? Memula suka bau ni. La ni x suka too strong bau dia. Pakai sikit dah pening. Skrang sembur kt bilik tido je

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Post time 24-5-2016 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KIKIKI90 replied at 24-5-2016 08:50 AM
bila trend copy ape org buat ni nak habis ha? org jual tudung, kau nak jual tudng jgk.. org jual per ...

hihi..jgn dikutuk tudung2 lofa ni...lofa da bg statement org2 luar ngr claim yg tudung naelofar ni satu inovasi dlm industri tudung tau...3minit lpas release new collection tudung dia je da kaut rm1.3juta..betul la kut sale dia cecah 50juta last year

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