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Author: unagilagi

SERUM muka yang anda guna?sila share....

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Post time 8-4-2017 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 23-3-2017 03:58 PM
colleague mzz hari tu tunjuk dekat mzz serum mealya..tak reti eja lah huhuh
mzz tengok since dia gu ...

Sis... sy pakai vc warna kuning tu mmg best... ni dh msk botol ke2...muka pn dh jarang naik jerawat...

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Post time 9-4-2017 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tengku_anggun00 replied at 14-3-2017 10:50 AM
nie dh masuk botol yg ke-4 i guna brand Bio-Essence 24K Bio Gold Water. Kulit i jenis bminyak & jera ...

nk cuba laa bio tue..sbb mslh kulit kta sma..

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Post time 9-4-2017 07:31 PM | Show all posts
I guna Kiehl's Dermatologist Solutions™ Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate to help with my acne scars. Nampak the difference tapi memang kena consistent pakai every night. I dah guna for a few months, scars memang tak disappear tapi dia macam fade sikit2 and skin tone pun Alhamdulilllah, dah rata. Cumanya, pricy la Also, my skincare products now I dah fully switch to Kiehl's sebab Alhamdulillah, berkesan for my skin, hopefully it continues to be effective. ... o-peel-concentrate/

Tapi generally for peeling serums / serums yang contain acid ni, HARUS pakai sunscreen / sunblock during daytime OK, kalau tak memang result tak menjadi, silap2 pigmentation pulak.

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Post time 9-4-2017 08:23 PM | Show all posts
I baru 3 minggu guna Bio Essence Gold Water dan bio essence snail secretion repair serum. So far so good.. jerawat pasir dah takde kt muka.. jerawat period cepat kering..pores semakin kecik.. i love it.

bebaru ni menyinggah kt counter estee lauder, ejas2 skit dpt la 3 paket free sample Advanced Night Repair serum tu.. baru 2 hari try, paket pertama pun x habis lg.. serum ni pun ok jugak.. bgn pagi muka rasa soft je.. nak beli mahal.. kalu sesuai dgn kulit akan ku merayap ke segenap counter estee lauder di KL ni mintak free sample bila stok habis

oh ya on top of that i pakai moisturiser Olay regenerist micro sculpting night cream..

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Post time 10-4-2017 09:08 AM | Show all posts
norzmr replied at 14-3-2017 05:40 PM
pernah pakai Azanis tapi effect dia panas...laa ni tak amik serum cuma pakai sleeping mask dan topen ...

tenkiu mod luv you

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Post time 10-4-2017 12:02 PM | Show all posts
nana3906 replied at 8-4-2017 10:13 PM
Sis... sy pakai vc warna kuning tu mmg best... ni dh msk botol ke2...muka pn dh jarang naik jerawa ...

Wahh ni yang semangat nak try yg VC pula
chuolls beli dekat hermo gak ke?

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Post time 10-4-2017 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Maceh momod bagi tacang

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Post time 10-4-2017 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Leo_Gurlz replied at 8-4-2017 03:00 PM
setakat nih i paling puas hati pakai nutox serum. terjebak beli nutox serum lepas guna toner nutox.  ...

Hi leo

yang Garden tu boleh apply pada kulit masih jerawat?


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Post time 10-4-2017 01:48 PM | Show all posts
nana3906 replied at 8-4-2017 10:13 PM
Sis... sy pakai vc warna kuning tu mmg best... ni dh msk botol ke2...muka pn dh jarang naik jerawa ...

Yang kuning tu untuk jerawat ke?

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Post time 10-4-2017 02:48 PM | Show all posts
arynna replied at 10-4-2017 01:33 PM
Hi leo

yang Garden tu boleh apply pada kulit masih jerawat?

yg garden i pakai nih untuk dry & dull skin tapi i pakai boleh kurang pulak scars . so mybe tak berapa sesuai utk acne. tapi mybe u boleh try garden of eden rosa T sbb yg tuh mmg utk acne sbb dia byk range serum. tapi rosa T i tak pernah cuba lagi. i tgk review ramai kata bagus.



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Post time 10-4-2017 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Leo_Gurlz replied at 10-4-2017 02:48 PM
yg garden i pakai nih untuk dry & dull skin tapi i pakai boleh kurang pulak scars . so mybe t ...

dengar review you macam best pasal garden tu try tanya
sebab dah veron taktau nak pakai serum apa sesuai utk acne
tq ya


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Post time 10-4-2017 04:40 PM | Show all posts
arynna replied at 10-4-2017 04:11 PM
dengar review you macam best pasal garden tu try tanya
sebab dah veron taktau nak pakai serum apa ...

i saje2 try sbb rasa mcm kusam jee muka. serum nih pon ada vit e so apa kata try alang2 kot boleh reduce scars sekali kann. mmg puas hati tak sempat habis 1 botol dah nmpak result and harga pon reasonable. welcome



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Post time 10-4-2017 07:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aquagirl replied at 9-4-2017 08:23 PM
I baru 3 minggu guna Bio Essence Gold Water dan bio essence snail secretion repair serum. So far so  ...

Advanced Night Repair tuh mmg best seller Estee Lauder tp mahal sket lah

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Post time 10-4-2017 09:24 PM | Show all posts
mzzenma replied at 10-4-2017 12:02 PM
Wahh ni yang semangat nak try yg VC pula
chuolls beli dekat hermo gak ke?

tdak, sy beli di ig jual produk korea

sy dh masuk hermo, tp hak kuning tu dh habis stock kan...


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Post time 10-4-2017 09:26 PM | Show all posts
arynna replied at 10-4-2017 01:48 PM
Yang kuning tu untuk jerawat ke?

iya sis... mmg kecut jerawat saya...



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Post time 10-4-2017 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nana3906 replied at 10-4-2017 09:26 PM
iya sis... mmg kecut jerawat saya...

Woww ok noted
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Post time 12-4-2017 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by melatibiru at 12-4-2017 12:18 PM

ai pengguna tegar bio essence gold serum..then ai mencurang bertukar pada nutox concerntrate serum...almost sebulan pakai...sangat best! Ai kaki makeup so akan pakai this serum then pakai sunblock. TBH my muka x la flawless but bila put serum ni under makeup, my foundation look flawless n matte! no shining/sebum/minyak kat t zone area...awesommmmmeeeeeee sangat!!! bertiang2 bio essence gold serum kalah tinggal belakang lol. As for rutin jagaan muka, yes mmg ada beza..muka bersih, lembut n makin firmer...



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Post time 12-4-2017 04:03 PM | Show all posts
pandora007 replied at 9-4-2017 07:31 PM
I guna Kiehl's Dermatologist Solutions™ Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate to help with m ...

dulu kiehls ada produk nama dia overnight biological peel

serious best gila nampak difference kt muka bila pagi. pakai every 2 days

sayangnya dah discontinue. and i heard refining micro peel ni sama mcm biological peel to yg dia reformulate.

masa utk pegi visit kiehls mintak sample nie



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Post time 12-4-2017 09:06 PM | Show all posts
ellekarma replied at 12-4-2017 04:03 PM
dulu kiehls ada produk nama dia overnight biological peel

serious best gila nampak difference k ...

Yes yes I pun pernah dengar pasal this overnight biological peel ni. This one I think works kalau guna consistently. My scars takdela hilang tapi skin tone rata and the pigmentation marks pun dah blur sikit2. Guna a few drops je (2-3) cukup so the bottle can last you for a while sebab pakai pun waktu malam.

Sukaa sangat Kiehl's Finally a brand that works for me, Alhamdulillah. Also I suka sebab Kiehl's tak kedekut samples



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Post time 13-4-2017 09:52 AM | Show all posts
pandora007 replied at 9-4-2017 07:31 PM
I guna Kiehl's Dermatologist Solutions™ Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate to help with m ...

samalah kita...  mmg dah tukar to kiehl's...
puas ati sesangat...
a bit pricey la kan... tp product kiehl's perlu guna sikit jer...
jadi boleh tahan lama... rasanya i dah guna lebih kurang 2 bulan...
tp serum tu cam luak sikit sgt2... so boleh jimat...
skang asyik kemaruk nak tambah product kielh's...
rambang mata... ehehehe
i dah ada 4 serum... night n day time...
then yg peeling punya... lagi satu yg pore punya...
ada lagi satu sale person tu rekomen serum 'powerful strength line reducing....'
dia ckp best before applying other serum... yg lain2 tu lagi senang serap... katanyerrrr...
tp aku mintak tester jek... ehehehe
then ada 1 moisturiser n sun block...
sun block tu tak perlu kot guna kielh's....
dia kata boleh bg shiny... rasa cam biasa2 jek...
so pasni jgn membazir... beli sun block farmasi cukup... ehehehe
ada dpt tester moisturiser yg lighter sket...
yg beli tu yg botol kuning... thicker texture... so itu best pakai mlm...
yg dia bg tester tu ok... mayber pasni target tu pulak...
dah cuba jugak treatment essence dia... ala2 skII katanya...
biasa2 jugak... so tak yah membazir... ihiks
hopefully bolehla bertahan ngan kielh's... pasal napsu asyik nak tukar2 jek... ahahahaha
tp sejak2 pakai kielh's ni dah ramai tegur kulit nampak makin ok n look younger gitu...



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