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Author: ismaha

[tvN]Deserving of the Name_Kim Nam Gil_Kim Ah Joong

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Post time 3-10-2017 12:38 PM | Show all posts
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Some last goodies for the night! I've been reading up a list of interesting facts posted in DC by a production crew who worked on the drama.

Translated the ones that I think are really interesting! These details actually made me love the drama even more!

    1. Original working title was "Joseon Doctor Heo Cham Bong"
    (If not for "Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim", this might have came true...)
    2. Bong Sik was originally a chicken, not a pig.
    3. Mak-gae was originally written to be a guy.
    4. There were lots of ad-libs from the leads.
    5. There were lots of BTS makings. (T/N: SCREAMMMMSSS, okay, need my hands on the Director's Cut now.)
    6. Ep 8 was crazy, people on set were holding in their breath and shedding tears as well. A best scene indeed, filmed excruciatingly from sunset till sunrise. (T/N: This should be referring to KNG's crying scene when Ddak-sae got beaten up and died.)
    7. The dating montage in Ep 13 were mostly ad-libs. Both main leads were great in ad-libs and adapting quickly on the go.
    8. The hand-drawn portrait of Yeonkyung in the phone was prepared beforehand.
    9. The Namsan date was also mainly ad-libs by the leads, only given brief scenarios.
    10. The production people worried a lot about the kiss scene. It makes sense to let it happen when feelings are in full swing on both sides, and when each of their own wounds have been healed at least once. And so, the writer decided that the best timing to let it happen is in Ep 12 after both went through and got over a difficult experience in Ep 11.
    11. Candidates for the last closing credits line: 1. To those who were part of this unusual destiny, live up to your name. 2. You who were in my heart.
    12. The director added the last line "Please just remember this, my heart beats for you." while editing.
    13. None of the staff knew about the last line and all got a shock when watching the last ep at the after-party.
    14. Even the production crew thinks that the voice-over narration is amazing. KNG even teared while recording the narration.
    15. KAJ was the one who suggested that blue was for Yeonkyung and pink for Heoim. The crew commented that KAJ is really smart and on the ball on such little details. (T/N: I'm guessing this refers to the apron and morning toothbrush scenes where both were wearing the opp 'default gender' colours.)
    16. KNG is really good at remembering the pressure points taught by the medical advisor. Crew commented that he must be really smart as well. While they used body dummies or CG for the needle inserting scenes, almost 99% of them were filmed directly by KNG without body doubles.
    17. The ending options: 1. What was aired. 2. Heo-im time-travelling with a young, thoughtless doctor who gained the needle box. Ended up going with option 1.



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Post time 3-10-2017 12:43 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 3-10-2017 12:33 PM
erk awat ? smua film heol, heols ad adengan 18sx kah ?

almost filem KNG ada make love scane ..yg tak ada pirates,one day yg tak sanggup nk tgk filem dia jadi gay..


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Post time 3-10-2017 12:45 PM | Show all posts

ada 2 pilihan ending ke rupanya..


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Post time 3-10-2017 12:47 PM | Show all posts
bong sik tue asalnya adalah chicken..tapi mcm x comel mcm anak pig tue.. mcm tak kena jer klau chicken..

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Post time 3-10-2017 12:50 PM | Show all posts
KAJ tue memang suka pilih warna pink untuk actor2 hero yg berlakon dgn dia...dlm filem dgn joo won pun ada satu scane dlm filem tue yg couple kena bg baju matching KAJ pilih warna pink juga.. nasib baik KNG nampak macho juga dgn warna pink..

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Post time 3-10-2017 01:09 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 3-10-2017 11:27 AM
oh ada ek? sbb kak ayu tgk mlm td..habis jer terus ttp tv..
tkder dh nk tgk sampai kuar senarai n ...

kan ... mula2 rasa tak puas hati ending cene HI & YK

sekali ... kuar scene JH & MG baru puas hati

kira ending yang kureng best tu diselamatkan oleh scene JH & MG. rugi loh dah naik nama baru tunjuk scene tu.

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Post time 3-10-2017 01:22 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-10-2017 12:43 PM
almost filem KNG ada make love scane ..yg tak ada pirates,one day yg tak sanggup nk tgk filem dia  ...

iols nk tgk filem pirates n one day..oneday tu br lagi kan dgn cho woonhee

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Post time 3-10-2017 01:25 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-10-2017 12:45 PM
ada 2 pilihan ending ke rupanya..

maybe ramai nk happy ending kot tu yg aired option no.1 hehehe
iols speku jer

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Post time 3-10-2017 01:50 PM | Show all posts
santubung replied at 3-10-2017 01:09 PM
kan ... mula2 rasa tak puas hati ending cene HI & YK

sekali ... kuar scene JH & MG baru puas ha ...

yer kak ayu scene HI jumpa dgn YK tu feelnya biasa2 je
tp scene Makgae dgn JH tu mmg best....
ada lak kat soompi konon2 buat script sendiri..
lawak juga tp menarik..

I just imagined this scene if LUTYN has 20 or more episodes

HI and YK on a date, both of them saw JH with a girl who has round eyes and long hair. HI said she looks familiar, YK said she looks like MG. HI was furious so he went to JH but YK stopped him from having such violent reaction and she just laughed.

HI: Why are you laughing?
YK: You're getting paranoid already. Just let them date okay? Are you alright, yeobo?
HI: Let's go get some ice cream, yeobo. Maybe I was just hallucinating.

MG saw YK and HI and she was hiding behind JH

JH: What are you doing?
MG: N- nothing.
JH: What are you so nervous about? You look pale.
MG: I'm fine. *JH saw YK and was about to wave his hands but MG stopped him by covering his mouth*
MG: If you will let them see us I swear. *Puts a knife on his neck*
JH: Fine. You want to go now?
MG: I still want to eat.
JH: Damn you, woman. You will be the death of me.

When MG turned around, she met HI eyes who got shocked of what he saw. MG grabbed JH hands and they ran away from the cafe like little kids

HI: MG, that brat!


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Post time 3-10-2017 01:53 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-10-2017 11:43 AM
filem KAJ ..cari jer filem romance dia dgn jisung ...

tkde pun KAJ berlakon dgn Jisung

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Post time 3-10-2017 02:08 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 3-10-2017 01:53 PM
tkde pun KAJ berlakon dgn Jisung

ade .. tajuk dia Watcha wearing / PS partner


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Post time 3-10-2017 02:15 PM | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 3-10-2017 02:08 PM
ade .. tajuk dia Watcha wearing / PS partner

ok tq.............

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Post time 3-10-2017 03:06 PM | Show all posts
rei_fiesya replied at 3-10-2017 01:22 PM
iols nk tgk filem pirates n one day..oneday tu br lagi kan dgn cho woonhee

haah one day tue thn nie .. tapi one day tue mcm bosan jer citenya...


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Post time 3-10-2017 03:11 PM | Show all posts


Majlis Pengkritik Kdrama akan pertimbangkan untuk CARI 2017 K-Drama Awards, untuk tahun ke-6.
Bagi sesiapa yang sudah menonton drama Live Up To Your Name
Browse for more info.
Anda boleh memilih mana-mana cara yang anda rasa memudahkan anda

Tagkan @dauswq , @ismaha , @eddlisa_uyuk untuk menuntut kredit setelah masukkan review.

(Pilih yang mana yang anda rasa mudah untuk dibuat)

---> Baca Review dari CARA 2
" >>KLIK SINI<<"

(Kredit extra diberikan kepada yang menulis / memasukkan review dengan lengkap/detail)


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Post time 3-10-2017 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Edited by ismaha at 4-10-2017 07:51 AM

Review dari iols ...

Rating Keseluruhan Drama:  Deserving of the Name / Live up to your name (9.25/10)

1. Cerita (9/10)

Permulaan cerita ni saya tak expect much . Bercadang tengok sebab KAJ (Saya tak pernah tengok drama dia, cuma film je). Begitu juga dengan KNG. Selalu nampak beliau kat tv tapi tak jatuh hati langsung. HEHE. Jadi, sebagai pengemar k-drama, saya cuba tonton dan bagi peluang ..  antara moment2 yang saya ingat :

- Moment funny, macam mana HI jadi agak kejakunan naik escalator, naik lift .. main pintu .. mabuk naik ambulans hahaha…
- Moment YK-OHara-HI …. Oh Hara org yang bertanggungjawab mengkenen2kan mereka. so cute
- Part pertama kali YK kat Joseon ..
- Moment YK ajar HI makan Ramyeon dan sama2 tengok tv dan dating scene dorg sangatlah sweet . HAHAH.
- Moment mereka kena berpisah .. melodrama sgt .. sangat menyakitkan.
- Sesi gambar family. Ni ending yang saya nak sebenarnya, .. How I wish dorg kawen

Ending yang sebenarnya, so far puas hati … comel sebab YK cam tarik tali, dia happy HI datang balik, Cuma dia risau kalau2 HI tinggalkan dia lagi . Perbualan mereka kelakar.

Saya dapat rasakan, ending asal mereka tak bersama.. mungkin terlalu banyak permintaan untuk HAPPY ENDING, writer panjangkan story dia … tq writernim for granting our wish !

2. Keberkesanan Lakonan (10/10)

-Kim Ah-Joong (Choi Yeon Kyung)
1) Lakonan sheols semakin improve. Dia sangat menyerlah dalam drama ni.  Tahniah kpd KAJ atas pencalonan Best Actress (Drama) di The Seoul Awards 2017.
2) Emosi lakonan beliau sampai, dia berjaya buat saya menangis. Lakonan KAJ paling best masa episod akhir, di mana dia merayu kat datuk dia untuk ikut HI ke Joseon.
3) Suara KAJ sedap didengar .. lembut je .. tak rasa annoying.
4) Appearance KAJ yang menarik dan fashionable sbg doctor sgt attractive dan cantik

- Kim Nam Gil (Heo Im)
1) Expression beliau yang intense dan boleh berubah 360 darjah. Dari sedih tetibe jadi kelakar. Daebak KNG.
2) Cuma saya tak berapa suka tengok dia sedih. Mata dia tu.. aish ! tlg jangan berlakon sedih2 lagi pls .. sayup sgt tengok. Mcm real kesedihan tu.
3) Penampilan pula, saya lebih suka tengok beliau ada misai. Too bad, misai tu palsu. HAHAH. Gaya pula, okay la .. Cuma tak berapa suka dia pakai baju sama cam atok YK.

*Chemistry HI & YK
- Chemistry dengan KNG, sangat dapat dan natural. Sweet dan sangat romantis.  Body language mereka buat saya terfikir yang mereka ni betul2 bercinta ke?
- This kind of romance rare la for me. So caring, so touchy, so manja, so clingy .. hmm ade ke drama lain yang mcm ni? Sila bgtau tajuk

Untuk kedua-dua watak ni, saya happy sebab both equal . Tak lebih tak kurang.  Saya juga nak calonkan both untuk Best Actor & Actress + Best Couple. DAEBAK #KIMKIMCOUPLE

3. Aspek teknikal (Lakon layar, teknik pengarahan, sinematografi)   (9/10)

Secara teknikal, saya rasa semua drama korea memang cantik sinematografinya … saya tak berapa pandai nak nilai, pada saya okay je ..  hehe .

4. Skor muzik (4/5)

- BG music semua best .. sesuai dengan cerita
- Suka instrument masa scene HI dan YK … kedengaran romantis
- OST daebak ! semua lagu best dan paling fav lagu Always dan Dream or Reality. Ulang2 dengar.

5. Kebarangkalian untuk tontonan semula (5/5)

Definitely not my one time watch. Ini pun rasanya dah berkali-kali ulang untuk kali keberapa.




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Post time 3-10-2017 04:10 PM | Show all posts
nanti mlm skit baru iols htr review iols... kdrama award cari bila start ..x sabar plk nk htr percalonan drama nie ..tiba2 tak sabar plk nk join kdrama cari awards tahun nie..

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Post time 3-10-2017 06:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shanew3stga1z replied at 3-10-2017 03:58 PM
Review dari iols ...

Rating Keseluruhan Drama:  Deserving of the Name / Live up to your n ...

Sokong dengan sume komen/review uols ni...
Nak hantar review tak pandai.. haha...

Memang jatuh hati ngn both hero n heroin pas tenguk drama ni...dua2 memang best berlakon..

Padahal awal2 tu dah set malas nak layan drama ni pasal tak kenal sgt pelakon2nya n tak pernah tenguk pun kecuali KAJ dlm 200 pounds beauty tu....
Nasib baiklah bagi can jugak tenguk... trus melekatt...hihi

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Post time 3-10-2017 06:51 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 3-10-2017 12:11 AM
Highly recommended.. silakan tenguk.. antara cite korea yg best untuk tahun 2017

baiklah... iols menurut perintah

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Post time 3-10-2017 06:52 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 2-10-2017 08:53 PM
drama nie best...recommed sangat2...

well noted ana. meols akn start mlm ni la kot. hopefully x terlajak sampai pagi.

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Post time 3-10-2017 09:22 PM | Show all posts
qis13 replied at 3-10-2017 06:37 PM
Sokong dengan sume komen/review uols ni...
Nak hantar review tak pandai.. haha...

uols boleh hrt review cara ke 2.. just bg point jer dan huraikan yg ringkas2 ..yg tue bg yg tak tak reti tulis review panjang..


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