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Author: Lorra2411

(MBC-2018) Terius Behind Me - So Ji Sub, Jung In Sun, Son Ho Jun, Im Se Mi

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Post time 27-10-2018 01:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afidahoney27 replied at 27-10-2018 12:37 PM
Kalau ikut pndapat 20sen iolss, bon sbnrnya mmg dh into ae rin sangat cuma dia hold back sbb selam ...

Huhu..sedih lak baca pendapat 20sen chuols tu..hope sgt for happy ending..dah lebih separuh perjlnn dah cite ni..watak yg jahat2 semua dah tau..tinggal kisah romance bon n ae rin je yg lom terserlah lagi..x tahu le bila kes nak epi makin gawat nmpk eh..x sabarnya nak tgk bon let down his guard & focus kat ae rin pulak lepas ni..harap iols x kicewa sbb harapan setinggi gunung ni..hahahaha

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Post time 27-10-2018 02:17 PM | Show all posts
afidahoney27 replied at 27-10-2018 12:10 AM
Perghh mantap storyline cenggini hehe
Tp kureng logic laa sbb ae rin dh kawin lama, joon joon twi ...

maybe bukan anak ae rin yg betul.. sbb i pelik joon2 tak penah tnya lgsg pon pasal ayah dorang lepas ayah dorang mati...

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Post time 27-10-2018 06:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 27-10-2018 01:28 AM
Kan..lambat sgt progress nya..iols speku pas ni Mr jin ngorat ae rin lah..nnti baru lah bon rasa j ...

i is kesian kat mr jin tu tau,x bopa bijak dia dia bijak sbb pecayakan bon..

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Post time 27-10-2018 07:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 27-10-2018 08:45 AM
Ok mlm tadi Lepas buat kajian terperinci iols tarik balik speku iols smlm..iols rasa ae rin ni BUKAN ...

betul juga teori uols ni..may b ae rin tu x la nerd sgt kan..sbb dia pnh kerja
dia jenis cpt alert kan..marilah speku lg uols sampai rabu dpn..hahahhaah..lahai harini sabtu ka

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Post time 27-10-2018 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 27-10-2018 09:28 AM
yang pasal minum mojito kat namsan tower ni iols speku tuan director buat pick up line ni saje je  ...

lg satu pengarah saja tu nk suruh kita syak ae rin,nk bg kita pikir sesama..bnyk yg kita x sangka  kan..contoh  cam ep ar rin slmt kan bon,x sangka ae rin n ji yeon ada kat jambatan tu jugak kan..
kita pun dah mcm agent kis dahni..hihihi

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Post time 27-10-2018 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afidahoney27 replied at 27-10-2018 12:21 PM
Khenn..iolss pon rasa joon joon twins nnti yg akn bg usb tu,
Citer ni byk twist tk disangka haha ...

jin tu pandai la acting..muka dia jahat jahat takut gitew

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Post time 27-10-2018 07:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cheebooo replied at 27-10-2018 02:17 PM
maybe bukan anak ae rin yg betul..  sbb i pelik joon2 tak penah tnya lgsg pon pasal ayah doran ...

twin ada ae rin cakap baoak derang g travel  jauh,masa dia baca story book..
ae rin x tau lg kan hb dia kena bunuh

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Post time 27-10-2018 07:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
piahsemah replied at 27-10-2018 07:04 PM
twin ada ae rin cakap baoak derang g travel  jauh,masa dia baca story book..
ae rin x t ...

A ah..mmg ae rin ada xplain kat anak2 dia Kan masa epi mula2 dulu..part ni iols rasa tuan director mmg saje tak nak fokus lelebih..lgsg xde scene ae rin mourn lepas husband dia passed away..puncanya sbb nak focus pada relationship bon n ae rin..aci tak teori iols?hahahaha

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Post time 28-10-2018 02:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 27-10-2018 01:42 PM
Huhu..sedih lak baca pendapat 20sen chuols tu..hope sgt for happy ending..dah lebih separuh perjln ...

Iolss feel u sistah hihiks
Kann, ep next week pon mcm intense kalau ikut preview..iolss pon nk bon dgn ae rin move on to next phase, tgk fancam dorg shooting kt ig rambut aerin dh ade yg speku ade time jump nanti
Kalau tak pon aerin buat makeover, sbb join bon ala2 real spy couple giteww

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Post time 28-10-2018 02:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cheebooo replied at 27-10-2018 02:17 PM
maybe bukan anak ae rin yg betul..  sbb i pelik joon2 tak penah tnya lgsg pon pasal ayah doran ...

Actually curious jugak psl ni..pnh sekali je aerin bgtahu joon joon psl ayah dia pegi trip lama..lepastu mmg xde scene dorang tnya psl ayah g mane ke..
Tp kalau perasan awal2 citer tkde pon tunjuk interaction joon joon dgn ayah dorg, dgn aerin pon scene gaduh je last before dia mati..
So mcm nk indicate yg joon joon lebih rapat dgn aerin, yelah sbb ayah dorg bz keje..
Ramai jugak kasi view yg lbh kurang sama psl hubungan suami aerin dgn twin tu..

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Post time 28-10-2018 02:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 27-10-2018 07:31 PM
A ah..mmg ae rin ada xplain kat anak2 dia Kan masa epi mula2 dulu..part ni iols rasa tuan director ...

Aci sbb ramai bg insight camtu..just ade satu scene je aerin nangis peluk kemeja yg dia beli nk hadiahkn suami lps dorg gaduh mlm tu..
Oklah bg iolss utk tunjuk yg aerin bknlah tk syg suami dia cuma tgh berkonflik as husband wife..
Mmg central part citer ni bila bon 'masuk' dlm family aerin pliss cepatlah become real family hahah

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Post time 28-10-2018 02:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
piahsemah replied at 27-10-2018 07:02 PM
jin tu pandai la acting..muka dia jahat jahat takut gitew nk jadi jahat tu ade tp cepat terkejut tu pasal jd lawak hahah
Best laa watak dia, antagonist yg ade twist

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Post time 28-10-2018 06:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afidahoney27 replied at 28-10-2018 02:44 PM nk jadi jahat tu ade tp cepat terkejut tu pasal jd lawak hahah
Best laa watak dia, a ...

iols muskil ni..apasal x naik noti erk uols komen ni..hari hari iols masuk rumah ni..huhuhu
iols dah jadi kipas mati bon ae rin

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Post time 28-10-2018 11:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
piahsemah replied at 28-10-2018 06:01 PM
iols muskil ni..apasal x naik noti erk uols komen ni..hari hari iols masuk rumah ni..huhuhu
iols  ...

Hahaha..porem ni pun dah pening kot sbb umah ni byk sgt yg reply komen...mmg betul tu.. hari2 mcm dah wajib singgah umah ni..x singgah mmg x sah..hikhik

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Post time 29-10-2018 02:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
piahsemah replied at 28-10-2018 06:01 PM
iols muskil ni..apasal x naik noti erk uols komen ni..hari hari iols masuk rumah ni..huhuhu
iols  ...

Haha pulak..iolss pon masuk tp tgh2 malam sikit
Baru je lepas repeat episod bon makan dgn joon2, aerin..nampak hidden smile dia time pandang dorang giteww kann

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Post time 29-10-2018 09:14 AM | Show all posts
cheebooo replied at 26-10-2018 03:05 PM
i speku ae rin ex gf bon yg kena tembak tu..  mayb ex gf bon tak mati lepas kena tembak. n ...

iols pon memula speku gini jugak,part yang ae rin buat2 pi tgk frame gambaq Do woo tu pun iiols rasa Ae Rin dah tau tu kunci nak masuk bilik rahsia,,hehe


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Post time 29-10-2018 10:44 AM | Show all posts
afidahoney27 replied at 28-10-2018 02:30 PM
Iolss feel u sistah hihiks
Kann, ep next week pon mcm intense kalau ikut preview..iolss pon nk bo ...

uols skodeng ig sapa ni?? tepek mai la foto share ngan weols kat sini..huhu

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Post time 29-10-2018 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 29-10-2018 10:44 AM
uols skodeng ig sapa ni?? tepek mai la foto share ngan weols kat sini..huhu

u gugel ja kat ig tu hashtag terius behind me,iols ada nmpk pic ae rin rambut dah lurus n bon pakai kot mcm agent balik

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Post time 29-10-2018 04:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
piahsemah replied at 29-10-2018 01:22 PM
u gugel ja kat ig tu hashtag terius behind me,iols ada nmpk pic ae rin rambut dah lurus n bon paka ...

Alahai piah..iols nye ig ala2 idup segan mati tak mau gitew..kena godek balik la ig iols tu demi oppa...ahahaha

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Post time 30-10-2018 11:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mimiekiut replied at 29-10-2018 10:44 AM
uols skodeng ig sapa ni?? tepek mai la foto share ngan weols kat sini..huhu

Duk lalu kat ig terjumpa heheh
Alaa sory iolss takreti nak tepek, tk ingat jugak dh ig mane

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