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Author: keypochino


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Post time 26-10-2020 07:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 26-10-2020 07:39 PM
aittt ble bayar ansuran hahahaha..

Biasanya depa buat byr 2× @ 3 kali.. Sy biasa byr deposit.. Bila dah sampai sy settle baki.

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 26-10-2020 07:32 PM
Hahahaha.. Mujur sy x minat bonia.

Murahnyaaa.. mmg tak mampu tengok aje laa

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-10-2020 01:50 PM
tu laa, knp la cikgu cikgi ni tak nak bagi jadual google meet..
senang nak plan masuk.. ni kena s ...

Allu MJ why not MJ cdgkn kt cikgu-cikgi tu utk buat jadual. Bg la reason supaya org dpt ready awal & kebrgkalian nk trlps tu rendah la sikit

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 26-10-2020 06:41 PM
Banyaknya kuih... sedap2 pulak tu..

Tu le...hari ni banyak tul juadah

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 26-10-2020 06:43 PM
Selango area mana.. 177 tuy.. td tengok kkm takde

109 kluster-kluster sedia ada
34 saringan kontak rapat
33 lain-lain saringan COVID-19
1 import dari Rusia

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 26-10-2020 07:14 PM
@Kak-Leen @keypochino @sarah82

kitaaa beli ni and belum habis belek... oh myyy.. apa ni shoppeee. ...

Apa ni?
Apa ni?

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-10-2020 02:10 PM
oohhh citer ni.. pernah tgk muka josef ni, mmg raut sadis lah!
benci dgn bapak camni, yg bininya  ...

Dahsyat kan? Xleh tahan nafsu serakah, anak sendiri didera mcm tu. Masa trial pun, mula2 x ngaku berslh. Lps dia tgk Elisabeth tu sekali lg, br dia tukar pengakuan dia, terima semua tuduhan tu

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 26-10-2020 07:45 PM
Tu le...hari ni banyak tul juadah

Dari pagi rezeki  melimpah ruah.


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Post time 26-10-2020 07:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 26-10-2020 07:44 PM
Murahnyaaa.. mmg tak mampu tengok aje laa

Sama la dgn aku.. Mampu tengok.. Berangan tak kena duit.. Hahahaha.

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 25-10-2020 02:29 PM
Eh  Nur Ezzanie Sherazade Gadis Pilihan kat Nona tu bukan awak kan?

Yeh? Nugu? Sapa tu?

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 26-10-2020 06:43 PM
Selango area mana.. 177 tuy.. td tengok kkm takde

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makadek replied at 25-10-2020 02:37 PM
1st time laa dtg ikea rest.takyah beratur panjang..aman2 nk cri seat..
Ku syak tesco mutiara dmsra ...

Dapnya Swedish meatballs + jam

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:48 PM | Show all posts

Sherazade...ada nama tu...melawak je...

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 25-10-2020 02:40 PM
our food represent us, how we put on the plate. My dad style makan kena berhidang.. kena ada towel ...

Then mine would represent me as someone who is comot

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 26-10-2020 07:46 PM
Apa ni?
Apa ni?

gelang accessories tuuu... anak2 kak leen sure tau... dila suka pakai benda2 gini... kalau kat mall mesti beli... ni nak belek2 apa ada..

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:49 PM | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 26-10-2020 06:46 PM
Dari pagi rezeki  melimpah ruah.

Ni dok mkn berpada2...yg berat simpan.gerobok dulu...esok ngap

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-10-2020 02:43 PM
sedey tu idok laa, rasa mcm uols malas nk layan dahhh..
tu yg main sauk buah aje, kannn

mana tau ni? Spot on!

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 26-10-2020 07:43 PM
Biasanya depa buat byr 2× @ 3 kali.. Sy biasa byr deposit.. Bila dah sampai sy settle baki.

ohhh.... nice make sure ori tau

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 25-10-2020 03:09 PM
I always get new vocab bila baca ur reply..

Ha? Bg cth sikit

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Post time 26-10-2020 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 07:48 PM
Then mine would represent me as someone who is comot

ye ke... i x rasa pun ur food bfr ni comot.. none of us here is comot.. all nampak elok  je

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