Nham22 replied at 16-7-2021 09:26 PM
I feel u sis... Been there.. Ex-banker.. Iolss resigned wokeyy.... Giler ape hari ahad pon kene ker ...
I resign dgn jaya nya (after berusaha to stay with the co tp mental i x mampu) and now dh almost 5 months tanam anggur. I admit its hard to secure a job now bcoz mkt quite picky & demanding. Managed to attend few intv but my rezeki is yet to come but I believe it will be insyaAllah. Kdg2 sedih jgk & rasa loser bile time fail & x perform masa intv. Since I high achiever & workaholic so its bit tough for me sometime bile xde kerjaya ni. Tp alhamdulillah I’ve been surrounded by a supportive family & friends yg x allow I berduka kenang nasib diri. Doakan rezeki I dtg bergolek soon ya and hopefully I can start work immediately. Amin For those yg tgh teragak2 utk buat keputusan, tgk kemampuan & daya ketahanan diri, wht if in every situation.... calculate your risk...setiap decision akan ada pros & cons....it also reminder to myself to stay sane. |
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