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Author: annakin

mintak pandangan sedikit..

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Post time 24-9-2005 12:23 PM | Show all posts
tahniah... apa namanya?

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Post time 27-9-2005 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 24-9-2005 12:01 AM

...pain nie is actually subjective...the intensity of labor pain...the length of time labor lasts...and our individual response to the pain vary widely....and...the env ...

medical point of view or your first hand experience??..

coz been asking around a lot b4 deliver..and baca thru internet on other web resources... all agree that induce pain is way different from natural... and I have the misopportunity to experince i agree with them..

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Post time 27-9-2005 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mias_2004 at 27-9-2005 01:04 PM
medical point of view or your first hand experience??..

coz been asking around a lot b4 deliver..and baca thru internet on other web resources... all agree that induce pain is way different ...

...both ive said...pain nie is very very subjective...different pple will describe to u differently...i had a patient telling me that her labour pain was not as painful as her ruptured appendix...:cak: first delivery tak induced...2nd one induced...sakit tetap sakit...cant even tell which one is more painful...cos to me...the pain was indescribable...;)

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Post time 28-9-2005 09:54 AM | Show all posts
aku penah dgr org kata, kalau perut besar ke... mak nya besar ke... baby sure kenit!
kalau yg mak kurus2 ni baby sure besar!

ada betul gak tu... aku dulu pewut cam besar je... anak kluar 2.8 kg je!
kakak aku plak kurus je, tapi anak 3+ kg!

ramalan doktor selalunya lebih besar dari yg kluar...

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Post time 28-9-2005 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikedee at 28-9-2005 09:54 AM
aku penah dgr org kata, kalau perut besar ke... mak nya besar ke... baby sure kenit!
kalau yg mak kurus2 ni baby sure besar!

ada betul gak tu... aku dulu pewut cam besar je... anak kluar 2.8 kg ...
...dr cuma bley buat estimation based on the scans done...time my first one...dr cakap my baby's estimated weight was 3500gm...came out orait arr estimation minus few gms... second one plak...perut dr said...dia agak2 my second one would not be more than 3.2kg...sedih aku...perut besar...anak kecik...tapi...bila kluar...weight dia was 4440gm...:cak::bgrin:

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Post time 29-9-2005 05:16 PM | Show all posts
My untie pernah beranak anak dia kluar 5.5 kg. Memang besar macam baby dah 2 bln.  Baby tu besar so terpaksa operation.

My sister in law pulak, dia mengandung dan dah lebih dua minggu dari tarikh yg dijangka.  Doc. induce, tapi yg pelik nya, walaupun dah di induce, my sister in law masih x rasa sakit nak beranak.  Last-last doc operation je.

Nasib baik bila sampai my time, x de apa2. semua o.k.  Sekali teran je baby dah kluar.

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Post time 30-9-2005 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by annakin at 23-9-2005 03:32 PM

just nak inform yg wife i dah selamat bersalin last week, wednesday. Baby girl 3.25kg and alhamdulillah setakat ni sihat walafiat emak dan anak. My wife punya air ketuban start  ...

tahniah :pompom::pompom::pompom:

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Post time 1-10-2005 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by annakin at 9-9-2005 02:30 PM

I'm a newbie here. I nak mintak pendapat sikit those yang dah bergelar parents. I tgh expecting my first child and my wife right now dah 38 weeks pregnant (due 21/9). Alhamdulil ...

i like to put in my head that doctors are not existed to play god, they are just human, but  with fantastic knowledge god honour to them to act upon rahmat Allah, doctors can just come out with estimation but the results  not necessarily come out as accurate as we expect it to be or else manusia mungkin akan menolak kuasa & kebesaran  pencipta & akan hanya percaya pada kuasa science & manipulatornya. 3 anak anak aku yang keluar ni pun macam macam doctor bagi predictions, aku dengar but selain daripada tu masih tetap berdoa yang terbaik untuk anak anak yang bakal keluar waktu tu walaupun doctor kata baby ok, healthy, yelah pada aku kuasa Allah melebihi segala !

Congratulations to you anywy yang bakal sambut orang baru, mestinya akan tambah colorful hidup hang !!

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Post time 1-10-2005 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DUDAensem at 1-10-2005 10:13 AM
Congratulations to you anywy yang bakal sambut orang baru, mestinya akan tambah colorful hidup hang !!

...lehhh???...what talking u???...dia dah pon sambut orang baru tu...:bgrin:

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Post time 1-10-2005 04:26 PM | Show all posts
tahniah...! tahniah..!

seronok being a parent ni... selamat membesarkan anak...!!

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Post time 3-10-2005 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cikedee at 28-9-2005 09:54 AM
aku penah dgr org kata, kalau perut besar ke... mak nya besar ke... baby sure kenit!
kalau yg mak kurus2 ni baby sure besar!

ada betul gak tu... aku dulu pewut cam besar je... anak kluar 2.8 kg ...

macam betul for my case...

my weight WAS around 44-45 kg....with 152cm...aku comei jek...

baby kuar 3.75 kg?????

amacam??? tak pecaya ke????

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Post time 3-10-2005 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mias_2004 at 14-9-2005 03:23 PM

saya jawab boleh la ye.. sebab saya bersalin dulu kena induce.. sebab kena induce is air ketuban saya menitik , dia tak pecah.. so saya tak sedar langsung yg saya sepatutnya ke hospital.. saya  ...

ini tujuannya utk mempercepatkan bukaan jalan bersalin. i had this masa bersalin yg pertama sampai yg ke-3. yg ke-4 dan ke-5 tak masuk air sebab masa yg ke-4 tu dah bukak 9cm,then masa yg ke-5, baby dah engaged, tunggu masa nak push aje...

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Post time 12-10-2005 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Pengalam saya masa lahirkan Nureen 2 bulan sudah.
jangka 6/8 dan hari tersebut check up jalan masih belum buka masih menten doc ada gak seluk utk tgk jalan tu..
ahad balikrumah takde apa, malam tu tdo lambat kol 3 pagi start rasa contraction, saya kira kat jam 5 minit sekali kebetulan mak ada dan die bekas nurse katanya belum cukupkuat contraction tu..kami decide gi spital tros (tanda darah pon ada sket, contraction ni menurut mak sy dicetuskan masa doc seluk bawah masa check up sebelum tu.)
sampai spital doc check br buka 1.5cm..masuk wad, lepak jek..sampai teghari (masuk wad subuh) buka 2cm..doc kata lambat so die induce guna ubat utk makan, die beri separuh, sakit makin kuat check lagi laluan masih sama makan ubat lagi sampai kol 6 baru buka 3 cm so doc pecahkan air ketuban utk check katanya dah keruh tanda baby dah membuang sket, saya minta epidural sebab nak cuba normal dan tak tahan sakit (dah injet tahan sakit earlier) doc katananti dan epidural takut tak buka still kene operate so operate je..

berkenaan sakit ni tak tahulah kalo normal kurang sakitnya sebab tak pernah rasa..tapi yg saya lihat org yg bersalin normal lepas beberapa jam bersalin dah boleh berjalan..saya ni seminggu pon still susah nak bgn kalau dah baring..mmgbetul spt dikata normal ni sakit dulu baru lega,operate masa bb kuar tak sakit lepas tu sakit gak..

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Post time 12-10-2005 03:08 PM | Show all posts
:setuju: ngan pon ceaser gak...seksa woooo

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