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Author: tommy_mylex

Worship jesus nonsense

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 6-9-2006 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Sri Lakan Tamilians are a mixture of Hindus, Muslims and Christians. They are the oppressed lot and are fighting the unjust government directly not blowing up innocent people in other countries. The do not fight in the name of GOD but fight to retain their right ti live in peace in the country of their birth. If they are terrorist than those suicide bombers if Sourthers Thailand are terrorist too. Don't you think so? It is Muslims who kill in the name of Islam and Allah. So, it is clear that Islam is the cause for the growth of such lunatics. Period!

Blowing innocent people in own country  also considered terrorist. Palestinians also fighting for their land. Did they blow themselves in other country ? Why u didnt list the acrocities done by Israel against Palestinians as well ??

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Post time 7-9-2006 07:21 AM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilentKiller:Blowing innocent people in own country  also considered terrorist. Palestinians also fighting for their land. Did they blow themselves in other country ? Why u didnt list the acrocities done by Israel against Palestinians as well ??
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No, they do not. It is the Sri Lankan army that is killing innocent Tamilians. The Tamil tigers are only fighting against the Sril Lankan army and not civilians. The Palestinians are doing what they had been though to do by their terrorist leaders. Ofcourse not but fanitical supporters of Palestine are just doing that in Indonesia and other parts of the world. Why should I?  Isn't it enough that the nation's TV stations showing that day in and day out to instigate the sentiments of fanatics in this country? Now every day in the primetime TV news we are forced to see the destruction of Hezabollah villages but what about the Isreali villages damaged caused by Hizabollah's army? Why not the local tv stations show that too. No, they will not because they are all bias and perjudice against the Isrealis. Aren't they human beings too?  We are not Jews nor are we Arabs. We can weigh both side of the strory and not take sides. Our duty is to see how these nations can end their dispute without bloodshed and not support one against the other. May be Muslims are good at lighting fire to ignite more deaths to Jews. That is because Mohammed only wanted the Muslims to survive in this world while all non Muslims should die.

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The_Criteria This user has been deleted
Post time 7-9-2006 07:33 AM | Show all posts

Muhammad (pbuh) not indirectly worshipped

You are forgetting that Mohammed is indirectly worshiped in your prayers. His name is mentioned in prayers to Allah and here is one example: Ash'hadu anna Muhammadar-rasulullaah (twice - "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah")

The above statement, in no manner, implies Muhammad is worshipped.  It states that we affirm as muslims that he is the prophet (pbuh) that we follow.  The statement  directly follows the statement: There is no diety worthy of worship except Allah the Almighty.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 7-9-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts
No, they do not. It is the Sri Lankan army that is killing innocent Tamilians. The Tamil tigers are only fighting against the Sril Lankan army and not civilians. The Palestinians are doing what they had been though to do by their terrorist leaders. Ofcourse not but fanitical supporters of Palestine are just doing that in Indonesia and other parts of the world. Why should I?  Isn't it enough that the nation's TV stations showing that day in and day out to instigate the sentiments of fanatics in this country? Now every day in the primetime TV news we are forced to see the destruction of Hezabollah villages but what about the Isreali villages damaged caused by Hizabollah's army? Why not the local tv stations show that too. No, they will not because they are all bias and perjudice against the Isrealis. Aren't they human beings too?  We are not Jews nor are we Arabs. We can weigh both side of the strory and not take sides. Our duty is to see how these nations can end their dispute without bloodshed and not support one against the other. May be Muslims are good at lighting fire to ignite more deaths to Jews. That is because Mohammed only wanted the Muslims to survive in this world while all non Muslims should die.

I think u dont know whats happening in Sri Lanka till u say they do not kill civilians. Read the above link. You sounds as a fanatic as well here.
If u say local tv stations are biased, u are biased too here. If not why dont you list the acrocities done by Israel as well? I know u wont coz what palestians doing is nothing compared to what Israel done to them. Do you ever know about Shatila Massacre in refugee camp ?

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Post time 7-9-2006 11:14 AM | Show all posts

May you are the one who is not aware fo what is happening in Sril Lanka.

In 1948, at independence, the Tamils had 33% of the voting power in the legislature. Upon the disenfranchisement of the estate Tamils (in 1950), however, this proportion dropped to 20%. The Sinhalese obtained more than a 2/3 majority in the Parliament, making it impossible for the Tamils to exercise an effective opposition to Sinhalese policies affecting them..." - Virginia Leary: Ethnic Conflict and Violence in Sri Lanka - Report of a Mission to Sri Lanka on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists, July/August 1981

"We do not accept... that there is any justification for denying civic and political rights to the million or so Tamils of Indian descent who work on the tea plantations." - Robert Kilroy-Silk, M.P. and Roger Sims, M.P United Kingdom Parliamentary Human Rights Group Report, February 1985

"The Committee notes with concern the uncertain situation of 85,000 Tamils of Indian origin living in Sri Lanka. They possess neither Indian citizenship nor Sri Lankan citizenship, have no access to basic services such as education, and do not enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights." - Concluding Observations of  the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the Report submitted by Sri Lanka under Articles 16 and 17 of the Covenant - E/C.12/1/Add.24, 13 May 1998

The government should give renewed attention to Tamil concern over government sponsored colonisation schemes which bring large numbers of Sinhalese into Tamil areas and thus change the ethnic composition in such areas. This is particularly important in view of the insecurity of Tamils due to communal violence against them in areas where they live as a minority..." - Virginia Leary: Ethnic Conflict and Violence in Sri Lanka - Report of a Mission to Sri Lanka on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists, July/August 1981

We cannot make a judgement on this issue. We can say, without doubt, that the Government is driving Tamils from their homes and does intend to settle Sinhalese people in these areas. This, at least, lends support to the more extreme version believed by most Tamils." - Robert Kilroy-Silk, M.P. and Roger Sims, M.P United Kingdom Parliamentary Human Rights Group Report, February 1985

"Everyone has the right to education... higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit" - Article 26.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"In 1971, a system of standardisation of marks was introduced for admissions to the universities, obviously directed against Tamil-medium students (referred to earlier). K.M. de Silva describes it as follows:

    'The qualifying mark for admission to the medical faculties was 250 (out of 400) for Tamil students, whereas it was only 229 for the Sinhalese. Worse still, this same pattern of a lower qualifying mark applied even when Sinhalese and Tamil students sat for the examination in English. In short, students sitting for examinations in the same language, but belonging to two ethnic groups, had different qualifying marks.'

He observes that by doing this in such an obviously discriminatory way, 'the United Front Government of the 1970s caused enormous harm to ethnic relations.'

This was not the end; in 1972 the 'district quota system' was introduced, again to the detriment of the Ceylon Tamils. The (Sinhalese) historian C.R. de Silva wrote:

    'By 1977 the issue of university admissions had become a focal point of the conflict between the government and Tamil leaders. Tamil youth, embittered by what they considered discrimination against them, formed the radical wing of the Tamil United Liberation Front. Many advocated the use of violence to establish a separate Tamil state of Eelam. It was an object lesson of how inept policy measures and insensitivity to minority interests can exacerbate ethnic tensions .'

            (A.Jayaratnam Wilson, The Break up of Sri Lanka, C.Hurst & Company, London, Orient Longman Limited, 1988)

I nee not have togo further as I think you know what is happening to Tamilians in Sri Lanka. Can you see the similarities that is happening here right in our doorstep? So do not just make a remark without studing the real issue.

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 7-9-2006 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 7-9-2006 11:14 AM

May you are the one who is not aware fo what is happening in Sril Lanka.

In 1948, at independence, the Tamils had 33% of the voting power in the legislature. Upon the disenfranc ...

Thats from the Tamil perspective. We haven't heard what Sri Lankans have to say. Lets look for  the Sri lankan side of the story SK and show it to barney

Lets start with this

: ... rs_in_sri_Lanka.htm

[ Last edited by  KENNKID at 7-9-2006 11:34 AM ]

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Post time 7-9-2006 11:28 AM | Show all posts

Here is more of what the Sri Lankan soldiers do to the women and youg girls on the Tamil people.

Sri Lanka State Terrorism
Rape & Murder of Eelam Tamil Women

Human Rights NGOs condemn rape by Sri Lanka armed forces

    At the 50th Sessions of the UN Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, non governmental organisations condemned the systematic use of rape as a weapon of war by the Sri Lanka armed forces. (you may click on the adjacent icon to take a quick tour). The World Organisation against Torture declared on 12 August 1998 :

        "OMCT would also like to draw the attention of the Sub-Commission  to the situation of Tamil women in Sri Lanka.... Sri Lankan soldiers have raped both women and young girls on a massive scale, and often with impunity, since reporting often leads to reprisals against the victims and their families.

On the 25th of June 1998, the army chief of the Mirusuvil army camp in the Jaffna area, ordered Kanthasamy Kalanithy, a 26-year old Tamil woman, to marry one of his Sinhalese soldiers. He forced her to stand in front of ten Sri Lankan soldiers and to choose one of them, When she refused to respond he ordered one of the soldiers to put a pottu (a red spot signifying her marriage to him) on her forehead. When she screamed in protest, she was gang-raped and then killed. The army refused to hand over her body for examination and they have attempted to threaten her parents into silence."

In Sri Lanka, Tamil women are treated as booty of war and many cannot give their testimonies because of intimidation against their family and children."

International Educational Development declared on 13 August 1998:

    "The consistent policy of rape and violence against Tamil women that we have documented for many years is a fundamental military tactic of the Sri Lankan forces. The Krishanthy case has been well documented here, and the Sri Lankan government has used this case to show that perpetrators of rape are prosecuted. Of course, this is the only case in which perpetrators have been prosecuted. And the defendants were given the death sentence which does not exist in Sri Lanka. Is this a show trial? We think so. The government military forces are still raping Tamil women with impunity. Many of the victims disappear, as part of the grim statistics making the Commission's Working Group on Disappearances note with alarm that Sri Lanka leads the list in 1997 for disappearances."

Pax Romana, intervening in the discussion under Agenda Item 5 on the   implementation of the human rights of women on 14 August 1998, declared

    "......Reports about Tamil women being raped by the army are on the rise. Only one of the thousands of rapes which have been reported, has resulted in a conviction. Victims are frightened of reprisals and there seems to be little point in reporting their cases, since the only place to lodge a complaint is with the very same security forces who commit the rapes. There also seems to be little point to expect justice on the basis of the constitution since the constitution itself provides the mechanisms and justifications for the commission of these war crimes and encourages impunity. Let us only refer to one incident of a 26 year old Tamil woman. On 25 June 1998 the young, Tamil woman from Mirusuvil in Jaffna peninsula resisted to be forced into marriage to a Sinhala soldier and 10 Sri Lankan army soldiers therefore gang raped and murdered her..."

Apa ini semua?

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 7-9-2006 11:41 AM | Show all posts
The Sri Lankan side of the story

Mahanikawewa, Kebetigollawa
A large group of LTTE Tamil Tiger terrorists attacked the village,
killing seven civilians. Army and Police repulsed the attack;

Mahakalugollawa, Kegalu Oya, Siyambalanduwa, Moneragala
Terrorists entered the village and hacked to death five children aged
of one-and-half years, two and-a-half year, 13 years and 15 years.
They also set fire to two huts, where the children were living;

2 June 1987
Aranthalawe, Ampare
massacre and the brutal mutilation of 33 young Buddhist monks and their mentor
Chief Priest Ven. Hegoda Indrasara at Arantalawa in
Amparai, by the ruthless and bloodthirsty henchmen of the LTTE

Ini semua apa?

[ Last edited by  KENNKID at 7-9-2006 11:42 AM ]

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 7-9-2006 11:50 AM | Show all posts

You see here u clearly defending the LTTE. You are biased too here. So, for you its ok for blowing themselves up against civilians ? Then, whats wrong with palestinian people fighting for their land ? Whats so biased on tv stations here? You are biased here too. Didnt you read the link i provide ?

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Post time 7-9-2006 05:18 PM | Show all posts
{code] responded by Silentkiller:Barney,

You see here u clearly defending the LTTE. You are biased too here. So, for you its ok for blowing themselves up against civilians ? Then, whats wrong with palestinian people fighting for their land ? Whats so biased on tv stations here? You are biased here too. Didnt you read the link i provide ?[/code]

I'm not defending LTTE. I'm giving you facts whay they are fighting the Sri Lankan Government. The Palestinian problem is totally way off. They have their own country called Palestine but the Tamilians are Sri Lankans too in thier own counrty. After what the Sri Lankan did to them for the past 50 years now they are fighting for a seperate rule like the East Timorese of Indonesia. So when the Government forces slaughter the Tamil civilians the LTTE retaiate by killing the Singhalese civilians. This is comon as tit for tat. There is no bias but facts. I have see the Palastinians and the Lebanese site od destruction daily in the national TV but people have yet to see the destruction of the Isreali site so no harm in showing what the Ilsrealis have suffered.

This is the suffering of the Isrealis:

Israel on Thursday suffered the heaviest human losses since fighting broke out with Hizbullah 23 days ago as eight civilians were killed in rocket attacks and four soldiers were killed in clashes with Hizbullah terrorists in southern Lebanon.
Three soldiers were killed in an anti-tank missile attack on their Merkava tank. Another soldier was killed by a missile fired at troops in the southern Lebanese village of al-Taybeh.
The civilian casualties have been identified as: Sinati Sinati, 21, Amir Naeem, 18, Muhammad Faour, 1,7 of Tarshiha, Shimon Zaribi, 44, his 15 year-old daughter Mazal and Albert Ben-Abu, 41, Ariyeh Tamam, 51, and his brother Tiran, 39, of Akko.

The fallen soldiers were identified as: Sergeant Itamar Tsur, 19, of Beer Tuvia, Sergeant Andrei Brudner 18, of Rishon Letzion, Sergeant Alon Fintuch, 19, of Kiryat Yam, and Sergeant Yonatan Sharabi, 19.
Hizbullah fired 160 rockets at northern Israel on Thursday.

The Nahariya hospital received five seriously injured people, two who were moderately wounded in the rocket attacks, and 21 people lightly injured; 32 people suffered from shock. Two of the moderately and seriously injured are a seven year-old child, and an 18 year-old youth. A two year-old infant is lightly injured.

There are two other wounded people, one critically injured, and the second wounded, who were airlifted to the Rambam hospital in Haifa.

Israel Police and Magen David Adom emergency services reported that four people, including a man and his daughter, were killed in Akko after they left their shelter following the first barrage. Three farmers were killed in the Maalot-Tarshiha area while lying on the ground.

I far as I know both sides are losers. Both suffered casualities and lost fo loved ones.

I quote what Hassan Nasarallah said:

"The most honorable death is to be killed, as the Leader Imam Al-Khamenei said when 'Abbas [Musawi] was martyred. He said: 'Congratulations to 'Abbas, congratulations to 'Abbas.' The most honorable death is death by killing, and the most honorable killing and the most glorious martyrdom is when a man is killed for the sake of Allah, by the enemies of Allah, the murderers of the prophets [i.e. the Jews]."'

So, we undersand what Islam stands for and all you explanation would not do any good as the proof of it is above.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 7-9-2006 05:56 PM | Show all posts
This is ur previous post

No, they do not. It is the Sri Lankan army that is killing innocent Tamilians. The Tamil tigers are only fighting against the Sril Lankan army and not civilians. The Palestinians are doing what they had been though to do by their terrorist leaders. Ofcourse not but fanitical supporters of Palestine are just doing that in Indonesia and other parts of the world. Why should I?  Isn't it enough that the nation's TV stations showing that day in and day out to instigate the sentiments of fanatics in this country? Now every day in the primetime TV news we are forced to see the destruction of Hezabollah villages but what about the Isreali villages damaged caused by Hizabollah's army? Why not the local tv stations show that too. No, they will not because they are all bias and perjudice against the Isrealis. Aren't they human beings too?  We are not Jews nor are we Arabs. We can weigh both side of the strory and not take sides. Our duty is to see how these nations can end their dispute without bloodshed and not support one against the other. May be Muslims are good at lighting fire to ignite more deaths to Jews. That is because Mohammed only wanted the Muslims to survive in this world while all non Muslims should die.

Now u say this

I'm not defending LTTE. I'm giving you facts whay they are fighting the Sri Lankan Government. The Palestinian problem is totally way off. They have their own country called Palestine but the Tamilians are Sri Lankans too in thier own counrty. After what the Sri Lankan did to them for the past 50 years now they are fighting for a seperate rule like the East Timorese of Indonesia. So when the Government forces slaughter the Tamil civilians the LTTE retaiate by killing the Singhalese civilians. This is comon as tit for tat. There is no bias but facts. I have see the Palastinians and the Lebanese site od destruction daily in the national TV but people have yet to see the destruction of the Isreali site so no harm in showing what the Ilsrealis have suffered.

Did u see the contradiction ?

Why cant u post how many Lebanese civilians Israeli military killed during the war? Its nothing compared to the civilians killed by Hezbollah. Its tit for tat also.

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Post time 7-9-2006 06:39 PM | Show all posts

So be it and let them kill each other and get wiped out from the face of this earth. No more Lebanese, Isreali or Hizabollah. End of story and the world would rest at ease.

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SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Post time 8-9-2006 12:10 PM | Show all posts
So be it and let them kill each other and get wiped out from the face of this earth. No more Lebanese, Isreali or Hizabollah. End of story and the world would rest at ease.

Palestinians fighting for their land, they have cause to fight. So, we cant say they are terrorist, and we cant say Islam is terrorism. Hope u understand.

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Post time 8-9-2006 01:07 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by SilentKiller:Palestinians fighting for their land, they have cause to fight. So, we cant say they are terrorist, and we cant say Islam is terrorism. Hope u understand.
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As I have said earlier let them kill each other so in the end no one lives and end of the conflict.  May be we would see a peaceful world again.

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Post time 9-9-2006 02:42 PM | Show all posts
As I have said earlier let them kill each other so in the end no one lives and end of the conflict.  May be we would see a peaceful world again.
My answer:
That's why I said..stop attacking and accusing Islam, stop killing the Muslims and stop supporting the Jews and declare peace sincerely and world will be peaceful again....

'But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah. for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things)"
(Surah Al-Anfal 8:61)

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Post time 9-9-2006 06:45 PM | Show all posts
  1. responded by eastrun:
  2. That's why I said..stop attacking and accusing Islam, stop killing the Muslims and stop supporting the Jews and declare peace sincerely and world will be peaceful again....

  3. 'But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah. for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things)"
  4. (Surah Al-Anfal 8:61)
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Why don't the fanatics stop their kiling first and call for truce? Will it put them to shame? Is that what is all about? What you mean stop suporting the Jews? Why, aren't they human too? Please do not quote vesres from Quran which bears no meaning to the facts we are facing in this world here. If we want peace all parties should initiate and not just onside. Get your Islamic master of Saudi Arabia and the Al Queda terrorist leader Osama for a round table conferance. Than call UN leaders and Musims leader of Islamic countries to sign peace treaty. Oou first priminister TAR did it with the communist so why can't the Muslims of the middle east? Or may they pride of being Muslims does not alow for such talk?

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