Children Song
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Duas for up-bringing children
Multimedia Downloads - View by Reciter for Sayed Ammar Nakshawani
| | Date
| Islamic Date
| Language
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| Topic
| Occasion
| | | Sunday, June 17, 2007 | 2 Jamaada Al Thani, 1428 | English | Fatimiyah 1428 | Fadaq in History; Events resulting in the Martyrdom of Sayyida Fatima (SA) | Fatimiyah 1428 - 4th Night - June 17, 2007 | | | Saturday, June 16, 2007 | 31 Jamaada Al Ula, 1428 | English | Fatimiyah 1428 | Hijab; Gender Mixing ; Lecture of Sayyida Zainab (SA) in the court of Yazid | Fatimiyah 1428 - 3rd Night - June 16, 2007 | | | Friday, June 15, 2007 | 29 Jamaada Al Ula, 1428 | English | Fatimiyah 1428 | Pride and arrogance - using the examples in history and the Qur'an | Fatimiyah 1428 - 2nd Night - June 15, 2007 | | | Thursday, June 14, 2007 | 29 Jamaada Al Ula, 1428 | English | Fatimiyah 1428 | Female Role Models in Islam; Tafsir of Surah Kawthar | Fatimiyah 1428 - 1st Night - June 14, 2007 |
Sunni-Shia Dialogues/Books
- Yuhana Zimmi [23.8.2007][url=http://almawaddah.free-site-host.com/download_buku/download_file.php?id=67]
[table=98%][tr][td]Muharram 1429 - Strive towards al 'amr bil ma'ruf wa al nahy `an al-munkar
[/td][/tr][tr][td]The months of Muharram and Safar offer the yearly opportunity to commemorate the martyrdom of al Husayn ibn `Ali (A), the grandson of the Prophet (S) and the third Imam of the Shiite Muslims, at Karbala' on the tenth of Muharram in the year 61. The tragedy and heroism of the event, the resistance and self sacrifice of the martyrs, are remembered during these days by the Shi`ah and the Ahl al Sunnah alike, and by the Shi`ah with a special ardour, fervour and enthusiasm. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the ardour and enthusiasm inspired by the martyrs of Karbala' is something unsurpassed in the history of religions. No individual or group in the history of the world has attracted such sustained admiration and love in the hearts of their followers as the martyrs of Karbala' and in particular the figure of al Husayn ibn `Ali (A), an admiration which has not dwindled in the course of more than thirteen and a half centuries that have elapsed since that event.
Mourning ceremonies are held by Muslims throughout Muharram and Safar, and in gatherings which are called `majalis' (sing. majlis) elegies are recited and sermons are delivered from the minbar, the Islamic pulpit, in which the sufferings undergone by al Imam al Husayn, the members of his household and his companions are narrated. For the Shi'ah sect, the majlis and the sermons delivered therein are the primary source of religious education for the children, the illiterate and even educated adults. However, with the general decline and deterioration in the Muslim Ummah, of which the Shi'ah community is a part, the great educative potential of the majlis has slowly eroded, to the extent that not only the great educative purpose that lies behind mourning for al |
Dua al-Iftitah
Click Here for English audio commentary of Dua Iftitah by Ayatollah Dr. Sayed Fadhil Milani
Du' al-iftutah was taught by or twelth Imam (a) for Shi'as to recite every night during the month Ramadhan, The Du'a is excellent for moulding man's attitude towards his Creator as it discusses many aspects of the wrethedness of the human being, and the grace of Allah.
Dua'a Iftitah | دعا افتتاح | |
[ Last edited by JieShiang at 5-9-2008 09:49 AM ] |
Throughout the Month of Ramadhan, at Night |
Recite the following duas throughout the month of Ramadhan at night: |
Common A'amaal for Laylatul Qadr
19th, 21st & 23rd Nights of the Ramadhan month
Shab-e-Qadr is the night, which is the best night among the nights of the whole year. The "A'maal" (religious performances) of this night are better than the A'maal of 1000 months. In this night the divine Annual Decree is passed. The Angels and Roohul Ameen (A highly dignified Angel) descend on this earth, in that night. These call on the Imam of the time, and what is ordained (by Allah) for everybody is presented before the Imam.
To know more & prepare click-> Article on Laylatul Qadr
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