Reply #19 alongee's post
1)...kena carik org yg kita benar2 kenal utk kita kongsi kebahgiaan kita, bak kata true -x
2)..some people love to get attention, benda tu tak merosakkan sesapa...cuma kita yg mendengar nie lah![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif) |
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Originally posted by SONofODIN at 14-9-2007 06:45 AM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Bragging is like advertisement. You say something beyond what that particular thing can do.
Bragging is to impress and to get attention.
Most people bragged about what they don't have or what t ...
Aku setuju.
Kawan baik aku Nicholas, hari tu dia masuk TV, sikit pun tak ada brag hahaahah aku suka dia, sempoi gila ! |
bragging ni wa rasa seseorang yang low self confidence sebenarnya and he or she brags utk adaptkan diri dia dengan situasi yang dia ada dan dia rasa dgn cara itu dia lebih accepted ... so macam supaya 'being acceptance' |
in my opinion...people who loves to brags...has a low self confidence when
dealing with the rest in the community..hence the need to makes up stories that are larger
then life..in order for people surrounding them ...to notice their existence |
Sebenarnya semua manusia or mahluk lah senang cakap kat dunia ni pernah bragging and akan bragging sebab sifat bragging ni sifat yg duduk dlm diri manusia, tak kiralah dia sedar atau tidak. Yg tak pernah bragging cuma malaikat aje sbb malaikat mana ada nafsu. Mungkin setengah setengah org kata dia tak pernah bragging, tp bila jumpa org lain yg bragging, dia mula cebik bibir and menuduh org tu konon berperangai buruk sebab suka bragging bla bla bla .. menunjukkan org yg cebik bibir tadi tu nak cakap diri dia lagi baik drp org yg konon bragging tadi ... tp dia tak sedar itu pun bragging namanya, cuma mungkin perbuatan tu dibuat secara silently, alasannya dia cuma bg komen ikhlas ... tp ikhlas ke kalau ada unsur kata mengata ... tiba tiba sikap bragging dlm diri org yg cebik bibir tu tadi nampak mcm dimaafkan .... bottomline ... bragging jugak lah namanya ..... especially bila org lain buat, bila kita buat, bragging tu kita tukar as other vocab pulak utk tak n ak nampak sama taraf dgn org bragging tadi ..... so????? ADIL kah kita??????? Layakkah kita menghukum org lain sedangkan kita pun cuma manusia biasa yg ada sama nafsu sama kekurangan ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
i agree to most of the arguments presented before me. in my own definition, being confident about yourself is one thing, but BRAGGING is you brought that confidence with intention to belittle others around you.
Melayu kita mmg faymes dgn BRAGGING ni. jiran sebelah dok cerita beli furniture dari italy, kita pun nak sampuk gak cite beli furniture dari france. kawan ni beli habib perabih 2ribu, dia plak sibuk nak lawan beli 2.5 ribu. mcm2...
huhu...the list would be endless.
i dont mind if the situation of story is really truistic, meaning that only that person is accessible to such and such things, like my fren sorang ni ada ninja cbr, boleh la kutuk kapcai kot. but he doesnt BRAG in a way that anything better than ninja cbr sucks because he doesnt have one.
that is the malaysia story. since last year i went to australia. my goodness! that species do exist here! she is my neighbour and she always say she is the favourite, she is the best, she is the bla2 lah. huhu...malasnak cite pasal dia. sbb to me, BRAGGING means belittling those who around you, and it is a sad sad situation when you cant differentiate your fantasy and the reality. |
i dont have much problem with ppl bragging ..
sometimes ada bagusnya bercampur/dikelilingi orang orang camni ...
sebab most of the attention pergi pada dorang,
easier for ppl like me to be invisible in the crowd ..
lagipun kadang kadang i find these ppl amusing,
angkat lengan tinggi tinggi bagi nampak gelang emas sampai ke siku,
or ada jugak fesyen terbaru, loket emas habib jewels je yang keluar from slits kancing leher baju,
or orang tua tua zaman dulu, suka senyum lebar lebar bagi nampak gigi emas di celah celah gigi batu ..
besides, ppl yang suka bercakap ni biasanya ada 2 jenis, either:
1. they talk abt themselves , or
2. they talk abt other ppl ..
if terpaksa pilih, better the former daripada the latter ... |
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