Originally posted by 100yenshop at 30-7-2008 04:54 PM
yen tak tau nak rekemen yg mana satu
byk yg yen install sume ada lag
pastu ada yang kena tekan shortcut button...
skg ni yg ada kt phone yen Ultimate Voice Recorder
itu pon tak berapa nak ...
apa yg tak bestnya pasal Ultimate Voice Recorder tu yen?? Pasal bunyi beep mcm yg musang cakap tu ke??
Kalau takat nak send busy tone pd black list.. Pun byk software lain selain drpd phonepilot kan yen??
Bukan takat utk handle call.. handle sms sekali pun boleh kan?? Betul tak??
Sbb terasa mcm nak try plak best call recorder tu.. seems like that is the right choice of software which serves the purpose..