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GUINEA-BISSAU: President Guinea-Bissau mati dlm serangan!!

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Post time 2-3-2009 09:29 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Monday March 2, 2009
Guinea-Bissau's president killed - residents
By Alberto Dabo

BISSAU (Reuters) - Soldiers killed Guinea-Bissau's President Joao Bernado "Nino" Vieira on Monday, hours after the tiny West African state's army chief was killed in an attack, residents of the capital said.

File photo of Guinea-Bissau's President
Joao Bernardo Vieira at the EC
headquarters in Brussels, May 18, 2006.
(REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/Files)

Gunfire and the crump of heavier weapons resounded in Bissau city and it was unclear who was in control.

Two residents, who both declined to be identified, said they had been told by presidential guards that Vieira had been killed and his body was lying in his home.

The country of just 1.6 million people, a former Portuguese colony, has suffered years of coups and civil strife and has been used in the past few years as a conduit for smuggling Latin American cocaine to Europe.

Vieira is a former military ruler who was ousted during a civil war in the 1990s and returned to power in a 2005 election.

He had been at odds with armed forces chief of staff General Batista Tagme Na Wai, who was killed in an attack on Sunday evening.

Tensions are rife within Bissau's political establishment and security forces. In January, the armed forces command said militiamen hired to protect President Vieira had shot at Na Wai.

A member of the militia denied the shooting had been an assassination attempt, but the armed forces command nevertheless ordered the militia be disbanded.

The 400-strong force had been recruited as Vieira's personal bodyguard by the Interior Ministry after the president was targeted in a machinegun and rocket-propelled grenade attack on his residence on Nov. 23 last year.

Analysts say political instability has been exacerbated in the past few years as Latin American drugs gangs have taken advantage of Guinea-Bissau's poorly policed coastline and remote airstrips to smuggle cocaine through Africa to Europe.

They say well-resourced drug cartels with access to weapons, speedboats and planes have been able to secure cooperation from senior officials in the armed forces and government in one of the world's poorest countries, whose main export is cashew nuts. (Additional reporting by David Lewis in Dakar)

pres ker tak pres ker... tak immune dari kena serang !!!   

[ Last edited by  amazed at 2-3-2009 09:30 PM ]

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Post time 3-3-2009 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Dunie sekarang dah x selamat anything can happens within a minutes.

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Post time 4-3-2009 01:48 AM | Show all posts
kat manaer ni?papua new guinei ker?

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Post time 4-3-2009 07:10 AM | Show all posts
West Africa.

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2009 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Presiden rayu antarabangsa stabilkan Guinea-Bissau

BISSAU: Presiden sementara Guinea-Bissau, Raimundo Pereira yang mengambil alih kepemimpinan semalam, berharap pihak antarabangsa dapat membantu menstabilkan kembali negara berkenaan.

Pereira berkata negara yang kerap mengalami rampasan kuasa itu, memerlukan bantuan untuk dibangunkan semula selepas peristiwa dramatik yang menyaksikan presiden negara itu dibunuh tentera Isnin lalu.

"Selama beberapa dekad, tiada presiden yang sempat menghabiskan tempohnya," kata Pereira, yang merayu kepada negara pertuturan Portugis, seperti Kesatuan Afrika dan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) agar dapat menghulurkan bantuan.

"Bantu negara ini stabil semula," katanya, dan menambah beliau akan mengetuai kerajaan Bissau sehingga pilihan raya umum diadakan, yang perlu diadakan dalam tempoh 60 hari mengikut perlembagaan.

Pembunuhan Presiden Guinea-Bissau, Joao Bernardo Vieira dan ketua tentera, Jeneral Tagme Na Waie dikutuk oleh Majlis Keselamatan PBB, yang 'menggesa kerajaan Guinea-Bissau agar membawa mereka yang bertanggungjawab ke muka pengadilan'.

Menurut doktor, Vieira dipukul teruk sebelum ditembak beberapa kali ditekak dan muka dalam serangan balas dendam berikutan pembunuhan Jeneral Na Waie.

Pereira mengangkat sumpah pada satu majlis dihadiri Perdana Menteri, Carlos Gomes Junior dan disaksikan perwakilan khas dari Persatuan Ekonomi Negara Afrika Barat (Ecowas).

Ketua Ecowas, Mohamed Ibn Chambas berkata pelantikan Pereira adalah langkah ke arah memulihkan keadaan mengikut perlembagaan.

"Kami mahu peralihan dilakukan bagi membolehkan Guinea-Bissau kembali semula ke demokrasi," katanya.

Terdahulu, Pereira mengadakan perbincangan dengan wakil negara asing, termasuk Timbalan Menteri Luar Portugal, Joao Gomes Cravinho. Pembangkang utama Guinea-Bissau, Parti Perubahan Sosial pimpinan bekas presiden Kumba Yala yang ditumbangkan dalam rampasan kuasa 2003, mengecam pelantikan Pereira dengan secara tergesa-gesa dan memberi amaran kekacauan baru akan berlaku.

Pemimpin Libya, Muamar Gadafi yang juga pengerusi Kesatuan Afrika, berkata kesatuan itu akan menghantar wakil ke Bissau untuk melihat situasi di sana dan mengelakkannya daripada menjadi bertambah teruk. - AFP

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