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Earth Hour 2009: Jom tutup lampu :)
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Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homesand businesses turning their lights off for one whole hour. Only a yearlater and this event had become a global sustainability movement withup to 100 million people across 35 countries participating. Globallandmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome抯Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood indarkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by thehour.
In 2009, at 8.30pm on March 28, we are asking peopleacross the world to turn off their lights for one hour atleast and join together in creatingthe vital conversation about the future of our precious planet. EarthHour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make adifference.
It抯 as simple as a flick of the switch. Join us for Earth Hour 2009. |
JB line panas tutup....perampok indon-vietnam-bangla dah standby nk break in.. |
Reply #1 jane_doe123's post
aku boleh je... time tuh... lepak dalam keta... sejam je tido dalam keta apa kesah...  |
IN conjunction with the Earth Hour 2009, YTL Corporation will switch off the lights at 20 landmarks across the country and Singapore from 8.30pm to 9.30pm on March 28.
The one-hour lights off event is aimed at sending a message of hope and action against global warming.
The YTL establishments that will be part of the Earth Hour 2009 are |
aku tak tahu lagik nak support or not~~~~ |
This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world抯 first global election, between Earth and global warming.
For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote |
cop... ni tutup lampu je ke tutup letrik terus?
kalau stakat tutup lampu je tapi yang lain dok terpasang cam takde pekdah gak.. |
hmmmm baguz ke join kempen ni
risau plak jenayah makin berleluasa waktu EARTH HOUR tu
penjenayah dh standby jek gu masa... sng diorang nk projek |
Reply #7 blankie's post
The energy saved by turning off the lights for an hour "won't make an enormous difference."
So, if it won't cut carbon emissions, why bother then with Earth Hour, or Earth Day or Earth Live, last year's daylong concert for the environment?
Because climate change is essentially a political problem, and the language of politics is symbolism. Just because an act is symbolic doesn't mean it empty.
The only way to truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to take the pressure off global warming, is an international regime that puts a cap and a price on climate pollution. And the only way that will happen is if politicians around the world become convinced that climate change is an issue that matters to people, one that will make them change the way they live, buy and vote.
Unlike most of the issues that we grapple with, climate change is global. The pressure is on us to do the right thing." If shutting off the lights for an hour on a Saturday night makes that political support, well, visible, then Earth Hour will have been worth it. |
tutup seluruh current kat dalam rumah kan? ala2 blackout atau tutup lampu luar rumah je  |
Reply #10 jane_doe123's post
ohh.. ok.. aku tutup gak malam tadi.. tapi yang lain2 on ler..  |
aku pun tutup gak.... semua lampu kecuali lampu dapur.... bahaya beb klu gelap sume... jiran aku siap bunyi kan alarm kete setiap 1/2 jam... mesti diorg pun cuak jek dlm gelap2 nih.... |
aku tutup lampu
then gi kip mart masai
kat kip mart ader 2 kedai yg off lampu tp still berniaga
tapi masalah nyer
jalan jammed wooooooo
byk asap kenderaan kuar
still panas gak bumi ni..
tapi syok gak arr
jiran2 aku sumer off lampu then mesy tingkap kecuali aku ( bab aku gi kip mart kot 8.25pm - 9.30pm ) hu3 |
tutup lampu... tp bakar lilin... sama gak menyumbang CO2 kepada bumi....  |
swit tutup lampu bukak...kipas masih berpusing....laptop pun on....tu dikira tak?  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara