i am not answering this on behalf of Tiarabut as myself a big fan of AF and Hafiz and as someone who understandbig TV production structures as AF.
I pity you guys, i pity because obviously there are a lot more we need to educate people.
firstof all, i known Tiara well, your statement that she doesnt do herhomework really hurts me because i have work with/for her since 2004and i know that she the most diligent person around...
and ifyou are a true AF fans, after 7th season, by now you should understandthe procedure of getting the songs onto the list... again and again,the principal and the faculty were bombarded with accusation of givingthe wrong song to the students, i must stress it here, they have nocontrol over the song list! not that they are a puppets but doing a national TV shows like this, getting a song onto the list itself is a task as it involves copyrights and such and this is big production with multi levl and layers.
the faculty are as surprise as the kidsface you see when they get the songs as they themself only know aboutwhat song were given to the students minutes before they went into thesession. the challenge are not just on the kids but also onto them andevidently there are tested with accusations by fans that they are notdoing their work when what you see on TV are only 1% of their hardwork,
i know of a faculty members who work after hours everydaygiving tuition to the kids after the cameras and operation shuts down.i know of a faculty members who cant sleep worrying about the kids'snew assignment and when in to work as professional as she is. i know afaculty members who sacrifice a lot of time doing extra work on her offdays to make sure the kids performe well every week and it broke theirheart to see the kids got voted out and i am sure it will break theirheart to read your comments here too. ( i know they do read)
andi am sure AF production team chooses this song for Hafiz for a veryvalid good reason, as a singer and a coach myself, i would see this asa challenge for hafiz as as a viewer i have yet seen hafiz beingchallenge tbefore, he has been in his safe zone elements before and tome he peaked too soon. and he stays there ever since... i want to seehafiz soar! like akim like aril like aishah who keeps on climbing thecharts with improvements.
i am so with Anonymous who wrote thecomment at 11.45am april 21 . he/she hit the jackpot with her/hiscomment. if hafiz did well and i am sure he will... i am sure you wontbe writing a thank you notes to the faculty because now you know it isnot their choice! datin seri principal is the principal ... her task isto make sure whatever challenge the students and the FACULTY were givenwere to be carried out perfectly and i know she did a damned good jobat it with evidences so clear every weekly concert!
challenge is good and we want to see hafiz cemerlang and i am sure he will...
again i must stress this is my personal opinion as it breaks my heart to see hardwork went unnoticed!
yes she is the principal but ini bukannya sekolahbetul... ini TV so there are other level higher in the production.there are things she can do and there are thing she cant as she is NOTthe executive producer of the show. again guys, the faculty dont choosethe songs. read my reply above lagi sekali dan fahami the challenge ofthe faculty everyweek
btw, sekolah akhir semester pun kementerian pendidikan yang buat soalan peperiksaan bukannya pengetua sekolah... betul tak
afundi hafiz!
[ Last edited by ugly_duckling at 22-4-2009 02:47 ]
Originally posted by myakayina at 22-4-2009 15:53
nak hafiz nyanyi lagu Dikir Rambong lagu kumpulan Kapilla ker apa ntah dulu tuh...siap bawak
geng dikir barat sekali atas pentas...
yg penting kena duet ngan kapilla..
more like kapila feat. hafiz gitu