Quran tidak terbakar dalam kebakaran kereta
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Nak tanya, Quran itu hebat,suci secara fizikalnya(kertas) kah atau kerana syariat kebenaran yang terkandung di dalamnya? |
Post Last Edit by mnm77 at 1-9-2009 08:18
22# Flaming_Boy
'Uqbah ibn 'Aamir (Radhiyallaho anho) narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "If the
Qur'an is placed in a skin and then put in the fire, it will not get burnt." (Darimi)
The scholars of hadith have interpreted this hadith in two ways.
1. Some of them take the words 'skin' and 'fire' in the literal sense. In this case the hadith refers to a miracle which was particular in the lifetime of Rasulullah (SAW) in the same way as the miracles of other prophets were specific to their lifetime.
2. In the second case, the word 'skin' is interpreted to mean the human skin and the word 'fire' means the fire of Hell. Thus the application of the hadith is general and not confined to any particular period. It means that if any hafiz of Qur'an were cast in due to any crime on his part, the fire of Hell will not affect him.
In another hadith it is said that the fire will not even touch him. The second interpretation of the above mentioned hadith is also supported by another hadith reported by Abu Umaamah (Radhiyallaho anho) and also given in the book Sharhus Sunnah, by Mulla Ali Qari, which says, "Learn the Qur'an by heart, because Almighty Allah does not punish the heart which contains the Qur'an ." In its meanings this hadith is clear and confirmed by the Qur'an.
Those who regard memorizing the Qur'an as useless should, for God's sake, ponder over these merits. The last-mentioned one alone should prompt everybody to dedicate his life to learning the Qur'an by heart, because there is no one who has not committed sins and does not deserve the fire of Hell. In Sharhul Ihya there is a list of those people who will rest in the shade of Allah's mercy (protection) on the horrible Day of Judgement.
It is mentioned therein that according to a hadith reported from Hadhrat Ali (RA) by Dailami that the custodians of Qur'an, in other words those who learn the Qur'an by heart, will be in the shade of Allah, in the company of the Prophets and other virtuous people.
[Fadhail Quran] |
Pada pandangan saya, sememangnyalah Al-Quran itu terpelihara dari segi kandungannya.
Tidak mustahil juga Al-Quran itu tidak terbakar jika berlaku kebakaran. Namun kalau dibakar naskhah Al-Quran, hakikatnya kertas teks Al-Quran itu boleh terbakar. Al-Quran itu sebenar tempatnya di hati, bukannya di kertas. Kita tidak perlu rasa pelik jika ada Al-Quran (kertas) yang terbakar, apatah lagi Al-Quran itu tidak diambil iktibar lagi.
Pada saya, keajaiban yang berlaku pada mushaf Al-Quran yang tidak terbakar dalam kebakaran kemungkinan juga disebabkan mushaf Al-Quran itu menjadi asbab ada orang yang selalu membacanya, yakni para Huffaz, orang yang rajin menghafal Al-Quran, ataupun orang yang temannya Al-Quran.
Begitu juga halnya dengan Masjid, mana-mana Masjid yang selalu diimarahkan, Insha Allah Masjid tersebut tidak akan musnah walaupun berlaku bencana alam seperti gempa bumi atau tsunami. Terbukti Tsunami yang berlaku dulu memusnahkan binaan-binaan yang kuat, tapi ada Masjid kayu tidak musnah. Ajaib! |
may i know , sapa tu "darimi" person? |
Post Last Edit by mnm77 at 1-9-2009 08:21
25# mbhcsf
Imam Ad-Darimi adalah seorang Muhaddith (pakar ilmu hadith)
WAllahu a'lam |
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