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Pengeluar arak ternama penyokong kuat US militari
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Post Last Edit by blastoff at 28-6-2010 13:04
Company Anheuser-Busch dari Amerika yang mengeluarkan arak berjenama Budweiser merupakan penyokong dan penyumbang dana kpd setiap agenda militari Amerika diseluruh dunia sejak 150 tahun yang lalu hingga sekarang , dan pengedaran jenama araknya di M'sia dilakukan oleh Company Carlsberg .
Anheuser-Busch has supported the U.S. military for more than 150 years. Whether lending technical expertise, materials and facilities to bolster America’s defense, or raising funds for veterans and dependents of military families, Anheuser-Busch has never hesitated in its commitment to America’s armed forces. The company and its charitable foundation have given more than $10.8 million to military charities since 1987, including the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, Pentagon Memorial Fund, the Hispanic War Veterans of America, and the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. In addition, more than 4 million members of U.S. and coalition armed forces and their families have visited Anheuser-Busch theme parks free of charge since 1991 as part of the “Hero Salute” program. In 2005, Anheuser-Busch became one of the first corporate sponsors of the Department of Defense’s “America Supports You” campaign. Anheuser-Busch has also been a long-time supporter of the USO.
Berjuta-juta duit di sumbangkan oleh tokey arak ni bagi memastikan kelancaran agenda zionis untuk mendominasi dunia secara kekerasan dan pembunuhan melalui peperangan.
So tidakkah kita merasa hairan bagaimana pemimpin2 politik di M'sia sanggup membantu mengkayakan tokey-tokey arak dengan cara menghalalkan arak untuk orang bukan Islam ?
Dengan memberi lesen bermakna memberi laluan pada tokey arak mengaut keuntungan untuk di gunakannya bagi merancakkan lagi aktiviti bunuh orang Islam oleh militari Amerika .
Dengan keghairahan para pemimpin M'sia mengutip cukai dari company arak , tidakkah itu bermakna mereka turut berkongsi keuntungan tokey arak tu dan secara tak langsung mereka turut berkongsi peranan dalam kelancaran agenda perang ketenteraan US terhadap umat Islam ?
Bagaimana pula dengan penyokong2 tegar para pemimpin politik tersebut yang menyetujui agar arak dijual pada orang bukan Islam ? Tidakkah they also have blood on their hands ? |
Ada yang tak nak masuk facebook pun kerana ada unsur yahudi katanya .... tapi dalam masa yang sama tak kisah pula untuk menyokong pemimpin yang mengkayakan tokey arak .... |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 28-6-2010 13:26
Iklan Budweiser dengan selamba aje menggunakan perempuan Asia dengan terpampang perkataan " wanna go home with ME tonight? I'm the designated driver "
Click link ni untuk view ads tu
Makna ads tu " tak pa kalau mabuk sampai tak boleh memandu sebab perempuan tu akan pandu balik dengan dia aje" ........
Ajakan kepada zina ? Dah jelas itu maksudnya, budweiser menyamakan perempuan Asia setaraf GRO aje. Muka perempuan tu nampak macam melayu pulak tu !
Sebagai tanda penghargaan pada pemimpin2 melayu yang dok sokong depa kot , tu yang depa guna model iklan ada iras2 perempuan melayu ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 28-6-2010 14:06
Penyokong2 PAS & UMNO -> pemimpin2 PAS & UMNO + ulama2 politik -> tokey2 arak -> US militari -> WAR -> muslim deaths
Semua saling bantu membantu . |
abis tu nak buat mcm mana,tongkat ali power taknak sponsor hamas |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 28-6-2010 14:22
abis tu nak buat mcm mana,tongkat ali power taknak sponsor hamas
permisi Post at 28-6-2010 14:04 ![](
Umat Islam perlu bersatu padu untuk tidak menjadi pengikut kepada pemimpin2 politik yang menolong tauke-tauke arak tu mengaut untung . Berhenti memberi sokongan pada pemimpin2 tersebut ,sebab pengikut dan pemimpin bakal berbalah di akhirat nanti saling salah menyalah antara satu sama lain , seperti yang di sebut Allah dalam maksud ayat bawah ni :
14:21 "Dan mereka semuanya (di padang Mahsyar) akan berkumpul menghadap ke hadirat Allah, lalu berkatalah orang-orang yang lemah kepada orang-orang yang sombong: ""Sesungguhnya kami dahulu adalah pengikut-pengikutmu, maka dapatkah kamu menghindarkan daripada kami azab Allah (walaupun) sedikit saja? Mereka menjawab: ""Seandainya Allah memberi petunjuk kepada kami, niscaya kami dapat memberi petunjuk kepadamu. Sama saja bagi kita, apakah kita mengeluh ataukah bersabar. Sekali-kali kita tidak mempunyai tempat untuk melarikan diri""." |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 28-6-2010 20:24
Pada tahun 2003 ketika perang Iraq, banyak rakyat German memboikot produk amerika yang dihasilkan company2 yang menyokong US troops ..... tapi sekarang ada pemimpin2 dan ulama2 politik di M'sia yg mengaku berjuang kerana Islam tapi berkompromi membantu tokey2 arak menguatkan US troops ! Sungguh memalukan ......
Children shout anti-US slogans as they gather with other protesters outside the US embassy in Berlin March 20, 2003, after the start of the US-led military action against Iraq. No more Coca-Cola or Budweiser, no Marlboro, no American whiskey or even American Express cards -- a growing number of restaurants in Germany are taking everything American off their menus to protest the Iraq war. Although the protests are mainly symbolic, waiters in dozens of bars and restaurants in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Bonn and other German cities are telling patrons, 'Sorry, Coca-Cola is not available any more due to the current political situation.' (Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters)
Click link bawah ni utk baca artikel itu : |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 28-6-2010 20:26
Kita perlu imbas kembali kematian begitu banyak kanak-kanak ketika perang iraq agar kita sedar dosa-dosa besar tidak terhingga yang di lakukan oleh sesiapa saja yg memberi sokongan pada kekuatan US troops .
The Most Tragic Victims of the Iraq War
by Dr. César Chelala
Recent information on the consequences of the Iraq war on civilians and children only confirms a devastating picture of the situation. According to an article in the medical magazine The Lancet, there has been an excess of 100,000 civilians deaths since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The deaths have included a substantial number of children. Carol Bellamy, UNICEF's Executive Director, has called the death of 34 children in recent bomb attacks "an unconscionable slaughter of innocents."
Many of those deaths have been the consequence of coalition forces' actions. According to the authors of the study published in The Lancet, there has been substantially more deaths in Iraq since the war began that in the period immediately before the conflict. The killings of dozens of children in Baghdad's recent bombings show, according to UNICEF, "a disregard for innocent lives that recalled the recent massacre of children in Beslan, Russia."
This is the third time that Iraqi children have been victims of war in that country's recent history. The two conflicts previous to the present one were the eight-year war with Iran in the 1980s and the Gulf War in 1991, which caused considerable damage to Iraq's infrastructure. In addition, the country has been under over 12 years of comprehensive United Nations' sanctions.
Although after it was introduced in 1996 the Oil for Food Program (OFFP), which allowed the Iraqi government to sell oil and use the revenue to purchase humanitarian supplies, contributed to reduce the impact of the sanctions, it had significant shortcomings. Among them was Saddam Hussein's decision to use the funds for personal gain rather than to improve the basic services' infrastructure in the country.
Previous to this last conflict, Iraqi children were already highly vulnerable to disease and malnutrition. One in four children under five years of age was chronically malnourished, and one in eight children died before their fifth birthday. This was happening on a population where almost half is under the age of 18.
A limited post-war nutritional assessment carried out by UNICEF in Baghdad found that acute malnutrition has nearly doubled to what it was before the war. That assessment also found that seven out of ten children suffered from various degrees of diarrhea, which led to a loss of nutrients and often to death if not properly treated. Following this last war an already deteriorated water and sanitation system practically collapsed, leading to loss and/or contamination of piped water and greater susceptibility to contracting diarrhea.
It was estimated that 270,000 children born after the war had none of the required immunizations and routine immunization services were all but disrupted. In addition, the existent stock of vaccines became useless as a result of the destruction of the cold-chain system.
Hundreds of thousands tons of raw sewage are still pumped into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers every day. Because water cleaning chemicals have been looted or destroyed, the quality of water being pumped into the homes is extremely poor and leads to more frequent illness and malnutrition among children.
As a consequence of all these factors, Iraq is the country that has least progressed in reducing child mortality since 1990. In the 1990s, the most significant increases in child mortality occurred in southern and central Iraq, where under-five child mortality rose from 56 to 131 per 1,000 live births. Due to lack of security, many babies are now delivered at home, and many mothers do not receive any pre-natal care.
In the main cities, every day children are killed or injured when in contact with unexploded ordnance (UXO), land mines and other kinds of live ammunition littering the country. In Baghdad alone there are approximately 800 hazardous sites related to cluster bombs and dumped ammunition.
The Iraq Education Survey, carried out by the Iraqi government with support from UNICEF, describes how children educational opportunities have been affected by the war. In the most affected governorates, more than 70 percent of primary school buildings lack water service. The survey shows that since March 2003, over 700 primary schools had been damaged by bombing, more than 200 had been burned and over 3,000 had been looted. After a year and a half of hostilities the suffering of civilians seems to increase, rather than decrease. Even more poignantly, that over half of the deaths caused by the occupation forces are women and children is a severe indictment against this senseless war.
Dr. C�sar Chelala, an international public health consultant, is a co-winner of an Overseas Press Club of America award for an article on human rights. |
Out of sight out of mind ..... tiada lagi fokus media pada Iraq sekarang, tapi kesengsaraan kanak2 iraq yang menjadi mangsa perang teluk sehingga ke hari ini masih berterusan ..... |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 30-6-2010 09:46
Budweiser kicks off FIFA World Cup sponsorship activity
LONDON - Budweiser has launched an on-pack promotion, called 'Live The Dream', which promotes its sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup.
The promotion will offer drinkers the chance to win one of 12 trips for two to next summer's event in South Africa where Budweiser will be the official beer of the tournament.
The initiative will run from August 2009 to mid-November 2009 on more than 2.5m Budweiser packs and the message will be supported with themed point-of-sale material that will be available to more than 23,000 take-home outlets. Some 200 cash & carry outlets will feature themed pallet shrouds to bring the sporting promotion to life in-store.
Andreas Hilger, marketing director for InBev UK, said: ‘This promotion will tap into the growing football fever by giving people the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the world's biggest sporting event.'
To enter consumers have to text or email answers to FIFA World Cup trivia questions featured on the inside of the promotional packs. There will be 12 weekly draws from August 28 2009 and winners will receive a pair of tickets to two 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa fixtures and return flights from London Heathrow.
Hilger added that the promotion's weekly prizes will encourage Budweiser consumers to enter a number of times over the summer months.
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 30-6-2010 09:52
So patut kah umat Islam boikot FIFA world CUP kerana antara penaja utamanya adalah arak ternama yang aktif sponsor agenda zionis ?
Umat Islam berseronok dok lalai nikmati keghairahan FIFA world cup, sementara askar US dan Israel tak pernah berhenti melancarkan plan after plan utk mematikan dan mensengsarakan umat Islam sebanyak mungkin . |
ha, sape yg rajin memboikot, sila boikot. jangan world cup dikira darurat sudah. |
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