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Please Masuk sini.....penting!!! - How to make a e-commerce bussiness plan?
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Hi all,
Sy ni nk minta tolong kt korang ade kne wt assignment psl disebabkan kesuntukan mase nk wt assignment..nk minta la korang tolong bg idea atau pn bg source2 yg sng sy study n nk ni keje smbil blaja.time nk cari information tu terhad sgt.......this comming sunday dah nk kne anta..huhuh..realllyyyyyx100 appriciate if u guys can help me out in this soalan die..
" Choose a product or services of your choice and prepare an e-commerce plan to market the product or services on the web.You are not required to develop a website...use the e-commerce concept to prepare the plan.your plan should also include internet Marketing concepts"
I belive, that there's a lot of Hacckers or IT person yg ade experice buat bussness plan can help me on this matter... me.... |
buat plan pun ko pening ke? |
bukak google.
search e-commerce plan example.
pasal assignment ni payah sikit aku nak tolong  |
kalau setakat nk advice bg tau suh cari kt google baik xyah..nk exact website ler..huhuh...xsmpat nk siap rasenye ni... |
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