A netflix documentary recently memang best to watch. March haritu and baru sempat tengok. Over 9 years dah and its still no closure.
I make simple notes so maybe those yang lebih arif boleh share you all punya input..and maybe share your own theories. And yeah let it swirl further and would appreciate if anyone have time to add on.
Flight MH370, a Boeing 777, left Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at 12:41 a.m. local time on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board. More than 150 passengers were Chinese. There were also 38 Malaysians, seven Indonesians, six Australians, and several passengers from a host of other countries, including France and the US. Twelve crew members were on board as well. MH370 path before it disappeared from the radar, ![](https://i.insider.com/5b5c81ab2be4ab1a008b481c?width=800&format=jpeg&auto=webp)
The plane travelled south and maybe turned back north. 26 countries and no one was able to detect, found anything. Gila gempak! kalau ni disebabkan pilot, i must salute gila. But then bila i tengok documentary ni, i tak rasa its becoz of the pilot. hmmm So let's jump to the theories, 1) shot down during the joint military ? 2) hijack by the terrorist? 3) forced to land and diego garcia? 4) oxygen deficiency? did someone damage the oxygen supply? 5) suicide by the pilot?
I wish i have more time, nak masuk meeting dah, but sadly and entahla i mcm tak proud dgn how the government during this time, the final report saying cannot determine with any certainty. sambungla you all!