Post Last Edit by Buddhitakso at 11-1-2012 08:50
Nirvana is a phenomenon beyond all conventional phenomena. Conventional phenomenon is subjected to conditional & duality influences – in continuous & constantly changing state of affairs. Nirvana phenomenon would arise when there is non-existence of conditional & duality influences – a complete neutralising state of affairs.
There is no mind, no thinking, no becoming, no changing, no evolution, no clinging, no wanting, no impermanency in Nirvana. Moreover, Nirvana is not about wanting for nothing. In the first place, there is no wanting to begin with, therefore, wanting could not be the cause for nothing. Letting go is not the same as giving up hope (a frustrated expression). Not to hope is not to become; not to become is not to cling and suffer.
So the choice is yours ultimately – to hope & suffer or not to hope and not to suffer. There is no right or wrong choice – but simply wholesome or unwholesome choice. Wholesome would mean seeing things as they truly are & in totality of perspectives; unwholesome would mean seeing things as they delusively are & in non-totality of perspectives. As such, for one to be awakened or otherwise is entirely a personal aspiration and not a commandment of sorts.
In Buddhism, there are no commandments to be found; no hierarchical ranking between followers, etc. All sorts of authoritative claims based on personal gratifications are purely egocentric in nature and devoted followers must not put in their faith blindly on anything; come what may.
To see it, know it and let go – no need to grasp it – this is how one practises ‘Seeing things as they are’
– see only with eyes and mind, don’t get into any involvement; more importantly – let go the self and ego factors.
Be freed, be liberated, be disappeared! |