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Mcm mana nak masukkan Video Youtube pd posting Cari??
[Copy link]
Salam semua..
manja harap ni tempat yg btul utk topik yg manja type ni...
mcm gambar nak posting kat forum cari ni kena guna photobucket..
tp mcm mana pulak utk nak posting video pd posting..
jadi forum semua bleh tgk video tu dlm thread??..
so far ni yg manja dpt..
Once you click the Embed button, you will see the HTML code for embedding the video, as shown below.

By clicking your mouse within the new embed code (in the form field), all the text in that field is highlighted. You then right mouse click in that field, and select Copy from your browser's drop down that will appear when you right click in the field, as shown here:

Here's what the embed code looks like for the video above:
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html"
width="640" height="390" src=""
frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>Then, open the source code of your web page, and using a tool such as NotetabPro or Expression Web, paste it into your page (either right click again where you want it, and select Paste, or place the mouse cursor where you want it, and hit Control and V on your keyboard at the same time. The embed code will be thusly deposited into your web page. Save the page, upload it to your web server using an FTP client, and view it in your browser!
Tadi manja dh cube copy yg biru tu..pastu paste dlm kotak yg khas lepas klik ikon youtube tu..
pastu kluar la video..dh bile manja post...yg kluar dlm thread..kosong jek...
so mcm mana yea??..mana silap manja??
Harap korang bleh tlg..manja....thanx in advance...
Last edited by manjalara_01 on 11-8-2012 03:40 PM
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