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The Answer of : (Muslims) Polygamy & Veil / Hijab

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Post time 8-4-2016 01:12 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by kapulet at 8-4-2016 01:57 AM

I think this is the best so far answer or reason for all other faiths on these 2 topics:
  • Why Muslim's Men Can Have (up to) 4 Wives? and
  • Why Muslim's Women Should Wear Hijab?

Ahmed Deedat best answer to the questioners, fact answers with some funny way..
the only religious book on Earth.. which has the statement, "marry only one", is the Quran
Another explanation by Dr Zakir Naik on polygamy..'Woman Challenging Zakir Naik on Polygamy'

-polygamy in Hindu
-polygamy in Christian
-scientific points

hope we can get better interfaith understanding..

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Post time 12-4-2016 09:04 AM | Show all posts
What is this $hit doing here? This is column for non-Muslims to discuss their faith, NOT for some warmongering Arab dogs to whack their tails.

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Post time 15-4-2016 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Kapulet (obviously a Muslim) thinks that he (or she) was being smart by putting Zakar Naik's posts in here, as if this guy (Zakar Naik) is a smart interpretation of Islamic way. Very stupid attempt to increase Islamic popularity and to increase interest on Zakar (tak boleh) Naik's tour that currently in Malaysia - courtesy of the every stupid regime of BN (The Bangsat Nasional) Party. Give a warm clap for Najis and his 40 thieves.

They think that they (Muslims) can fool others into thinking Islam is a good religion because they have morons like Zakar Naik talking bull$hit on stage. They asked questions about why Muslim men marry up to 4 (regardless whether they can provide for them and their children or not) or why Muslim women wears a guni sack over their heads, about vegetarianism is not good for the body and things like that. They spend HOURS explaining it to other ignorant Muslims who nods their heads like a puppet.

Well, guess what - I can explain ALL these question in less than a minute. The REAL REASON why Muslims can marry up to 4, have to wear hijab, don't practice Vegetarianism and such :-


Muslims like Zakar Naik can talk for hours coming out of all sort of nonsense. But the fact is just ONE - Muhammad practice polygamy, told Muslim women to wear hijab and did not practice Vegetarianism (or even heard of it) etc and that is the reason why Muslims do not encouraged to do it (or have to follow it like Hijab). NOTHING MORE.

Muslims are herded ANIMALS - Islam is a guideline for the shepherds (the Muallahs) on how to herd the masses in accordance to the butcher's (Muhammad's) guidelines (Islam) and Muslims (the herds) CANNOT BREAK OUT from these practice. That is the truth and nothing else. Full Stop.

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Post time 18-4-2016 09:11 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... akir-224100408.html

KUALA LUMPUR, April 18 — At a forum last night, 40 Indian groups signed a resolution urging Putrajaya to ban Dr Zakir Naik from ever entering Malaysia again, claiming the Mumbai-based televangelist posed a threat to national security.

To back their argument, Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) national chairman P. Waytha Moorthy accused Dr Zakir of encouraging discord by allegedly promoting terrorism and criticising the various faiths practiced in Malaysia.

"Because he's a threat to national security, harmony and peaceful co-existence of Malaysians in this country.

"He's openly promoted terrorism and openly denigrated and ridiculed members of other faiths, that itself is a threat to national security and also to the harmony and peaceful coexistence to the people," he said during a forum at the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall yesterday.

He added that Dr Zakir should also be “treated like a terrorist” by the international community, but did not give the reason behind his call.

The resolution signed by the 40 NGOs also urged Putrajaya to implement the teaching of world religions in the education system to promote tolerance and understanding.

Dr Zakir’s one-week tour here organised by the Terengganu state government has received opposition from several Hindu and Indian groups, who claimed that the preacher regularly insults Hinduism in his lectures.

I have a few questions here :-

1). Why is only Hindu Organizations, NGOs, MIC and HINDRAF signing this resolution to ban Zakar Naik from entering Malaysia? Where is the MCA, DAP and other Chinese organization? Why are they not together with these 40 organizations?

By the way I believe that he (Zakar Naik) is currently in Terengganu (at least that is what Youtube videos of him speaking suggesting) so unless someone had excluded Terengganu as a Malaysian state, I think it is kind of too late for trying to ban him. He should be ARRESTED and DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY. Which bring me to another question - Does BN government have balls enough for that?

2. Since Terengganu state had invited him and his speech is clearly a threat to national security, Will the Federal Government take actions against those in Terengganu state government who invited him? Or will this be another incident which sweep under the carpet by Putrajaya because if they take actions, it will bruise the egos of muslims?

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Post time 18-4-2016 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 18-4-2016 11:26 AM

every faith  in my heart...religion is corrupt element...muslim becoming fanatic from day to day....this very dangerous

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Post time 18-4-2016 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 18-4-2016 11:21 AM
very faith  in my heart...religion is corrupt element...muslim becoming fanatic from day to day....t ...

It is not dangerous. Just stupid. Malays here still clinging to Islam like a drowning person clinging to a rotting branch in the high sea.
One day, a wave will come and break the branch, sending them down into the depths of the sea.
So leave them be to their fate.


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Post time 20-4-2016 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Zakar Tak Boleh Naik Fiasco :-
25 mistake in 5 Minutes.
A fool is better than Zakar tak boleh Naik.
This Indian Muslim pariah is a snake born in a human body. Beware that he does not swallow you whole.

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 Author| Post time 30-4-2016 05:22 AM | Show all posts
Edited by kapulet at 30-4-2016 05:23 AM

dear bro Sephiroth..
rilex, why r u so mad at me, at muslims..?
r u mad at me just bcoz i share this info..? hope not

well of course i'm a muslim..
and the REASON i share this topic here, for people who never know these information..
here, in non muslim zone (bcoz all muslims r already known)
i just SHARE the Answer of the Topic (stated above) with non muslims, so i hope (if not all) some of u guys will understand the real reason of it..
1. Why Muslim's Men Can Have (up to) 4 Wives? and
2. Why Muslim's Women Should Wear Hijab

i've been explain these to my chinese friends when they asked me bout these 2 questions, we have some good discussion.. so i'm thinkin' to share with u guys..

bro Sephiroth, i don't mind either u agree with it or not, or u accept it or not, its not my duty to make sure u agree or satisfy with 'the Answer' as clearly explained in the both videos..

i just don't understand why u seems so angry or show hatred to muslims / islam..
i don't mind to read your hatred replies anyway..
maybe you kind of vegetarianism (am i spell correctly), if you are so, i think veges should be nice type of guy, do u..? (but God creates or designed human to be vege & meat eater, with canine teeth we have and our body's digestive system for veges & meat)..

we (muslims) must tell our friends of other faiths including u bro, that God ask us to convey the message to the mankind, even just one verse (if not all).. as u know (or u don't know), the message of God to mankind was revealed to his messengers since the first man, Adam, to prophets after him, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, David, Moses, Jesus, (and many more, thousands of prophets before them all) with scriptures given to them in their time period of prophethood..
and God revealed the last scripture with His guaranteed that it will not being corrupted as the previous scriptures, Torah, Zabur, Injeel, etc. been corrupted by human hands (for example as u can see not even single bible version are the same, they're being contradict among them, bcoz of human made errors)..
and the last scripture, the Qur'an was revealed to the last & sealed of the prophet, Muhammad SAW.. therefore u will be find (some) similarities among other scriptures including Vedas (according to zakir naik) and Qur'an, (if u truly read & understand vedas, of course i don't read it bcoz i don't understand it)..
..sorry for off topic

again, i just share the info of The Topic, i don't ask u to agree..

lastly, did i offend you bro, or your religion, or other religion, i hope no..
the real truth is.. u & me & others r the same, we r just human, just like brothers & sisters..
what make us different, perhaps language, and our thinking, (colors not included).. and what we believe..
: )

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Post time 30-4-2016 05:05 PM | Show all posts
by Kapulet

dear bro Sephiroth..
rilex, why r u so mad at me, at muslims..?
r u mad at me just bcoz i share this info..? hope not

This is not Information, this is promotion for Zakir Naik. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

If you want to worship that Arab dog (Zakir Naik) you do it at Muslim and Muslimat. This column is for non-Muslims to talk about their belief, not about some dog named Zakir Naik.

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2016 03:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by kapulet at 10-6-2016 03:25 AM
If you want to worship that Arab dog (Zakir Naik) you do it at Muslim and Muslimat.
well.. we Muslim never worship people, we Worship The True Creator of everything, who has no image, no shape..only in The Day After, in Heaven we (hopefully) can see our Creator, God Al Mighty.. if we r good enuff in this world..
is for non-Muslims to talk about their belief, not about some dog named Zakir Naik.
whats wrong with my post in here.. this is Public Forum, i can post related topic in here and i believe my topic are relevant to be in this thread..
u can comment whatever u like, but u cannot stop me to share related things in here..
i wonder, why u like to messed up with other people bro, i see some other topic by other people and u keep 'disturbing' them, lets discuss nicely & knowledgeably..
why u keep on saying bad words and being your habit, thats bad..
as a karma believer, don't u feel bad when talking bad things, calling other people bad word..
don't u scared if in your next life maybe (coz of your karma), u will be created as what ur bad mouth like to called other people that u hate..?
if u wanna discuss, let it be nice & knowledgeabe.. if u don't agree on the topic, nevermind.. share whats in ur mind..
My topic (let me remind if u forgot) is bout Polygamy & Veil..
either u agree or not Polygamy is not only in Islam, even in Hindu has polygamy don't say u donno..
Christian also never mention in their scriptures that polygamy is prohibited, prophet Solomon (as they believed) have 1000 of wives, Abraham 2 or (some said) 3, etc.. and Jesus (as they claim as their God) never found in their scriptures that say never do polygamy or similar..
its the law made by man, i.e the Indian Gov. who made the law to strict to Monogamy, the Temple & the Church that banned, not their scriptures..
veil is mentioned in bible, christian women must cover their head, we saw christian sisters with veil full covered their head those days.. but not these days.. so do with jews women, and some indian woman with traditional costume with veil.. i see these similarity among the teaching..
so where is the unrelevant things if i cannot post in here..

anyway i belanja 1 more video : )

This is not Information, this is promotion for Zakir Naik. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
i'm not promoting zakir naik.. i prefer ahmed deedat, (zakir's guru) and his talk more easy to understand compare to zakir....
p/s: did u know there is a university in USA that established A Study of Ahmed Deedat, but i forgot where i read it..


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Post time 10-6-2016 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 11-6-2016 01:21 PM

by Kapulet

well.. we Muslim never worship people, ...

You worship Muhammad. Your Allah is Muhammad. And this is not even my own words.

Siti Khadijah once told Muhammad that Allah seems to eager to please Muhammad when Muhammad told his desire to marry more than one.

And incident with Aishah (his youngest wife) who said to had a one-night stand with a Muslim, Muhammad was quiet for a MONTH. Everyone asking why Allah did not speak out and he did not answer. Do you know why? Because Muhammad was Allah and Muhammad doesn't know whether Aishah had committed adultery or not.

So you see ... Your god is Muhammad a.k.a Allah. Your worship him indirectly, the same way Hindus worship their gods indirectly through idols or Christians worship their god through Jesus. But you are worse than them. Even so they worship idols, they do not wage war against others by stating an idol told them to do so. But you do. You wage war because Muhammad a.k.a Allah said so.

And that is the Truth.

whats wrong with my post in here.. this is Public Forum

This is public forum but it is a forum for NON-MUSLIMS to discuss their belief, NOT for Muslims to come here and try to "sell" their Islamic belief to others as you are doing. IF you have ANY questions about Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, you are welcome here. IF you want to speak about Islam, go to Muslim and Muslimat column. IF you want to "sell" your religion, go to Religion Section and try there. I'm sure people like Acong and Atheist could love to have you for company.

In this column, Muslims are not welcome EXCEPT with intention of learning about our belief, not sell your Islamic belief. UNDERSTOOD?

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2016 03:13 AM | Show all posts
You worship Muhammad. Your Allah is Muhammad. And this is not even my own words.
what r u trying to say..? its your word, from your comment post, but u said 'not even your words'.. ahahaha no need to putar belit ckp laa bro..

Muhammad is a man (creature) just like us, he has been chosen (just like previous prophets) as the last & final mesenger (after Jesus) to send the message of God The Creator asking every human to only worship Him, Allah alone to mankind..
Allah is the Creator of all things, the whole universe, the heaven & the earth, the seen & the unseen things, including u & me, and to Him we all will be returned to be judged of what we've done in this life test..

He send His messengers from early prophets Noah, Lot, David, Solomon, Abraham, Moses, etc. to their tell their people during their time period to follow the rules via these chosen prophets.. so these prophets was done their job sending the message of God to their people to follow the rule of God.. unfortunately majority people of their time refuse to be believers, they reject the message, they reject the prophets.. they still worship 'taghut' (stone / sun / star / statue / satan / fire / whatever they think with their brain)..

same goes to the era of Jesus, the children of israel reject the message of Jesus to worship Allah alone, they even wanna crucify him, but Allah saved him, bring him to the heaven (temporarily before he will be back to this world) & replaced the crucifed man with some one else (believed to be the betrayal of Jesus)..

and to prophet Muhammad too.. the last Messenger of God also being rejected by many of his people, but God promised him as the last prophet the message will later been arrived in every house of mankind.. the message was named Islam and today the message of Islam was enter every home all over the world.. meaning, prophet Muhammad was done their job..

dont get confuse, what i wanna tell u is, u r wrong with your statement - "You worship Muhammad. Your Allah is Muhammad" (as u said)..
i hope u understand why i tell some 'concept of prophethood' & the relation betwwen them & God.. obviously all the prophets are human just like us, God choose them among the best (from different era, roughly around 500 - 1000 yrs between one another prophets) to do the job.. some of them being killed by their people..

Siti Khadijah once told Muhammad that Allah seems to eager to please Muhammad when Muhammad told his desire to marry more than one.
u r totally wrong bro..
during Siti Khadijah (in Makkah before Hijrah to Madinah), prophet Muhammad never marry other woman.. she is the 1st and only wife until she die.. please get the right source / book..
she never feel / told his husband "that Allah seems eager to please Muhammad to marry more".. the concept of polygamy not yet happen that time (before Hijrah to Madinah)..

And incident with Aishah (his youngest wife) who said to had a one-night stand with a Muslim, Muhammad was quiet for a MONTH. Everyone asking why Allah did not speak out and he did not answer. Do you know why? Because Muhammad was Allah and Muhammad doesn't know whether Aishah had committed adultery or not.
i wonder where u get these all wrong story..? anyway let me brief to u.. its something like this..
when Aisyah was left behind (bcoz she's searching her necklace was missing / dropped somewhere) during convoi / caravan of Muslims back to Madinah, she realize she was left behind alone in the desert until one of the companion arrive at the place noticed she, the wife of the prophet alone walking in the desert.. so the man offer her to ride on his camel while he himself walking & handling the camel.. he respecting the wife of the prophet and intend to brings her back to the caravan group ahead..

so the story has become slander, the 'munafiq' gang (hypocrites - who act Muslim's companion infront but enemies inback) they created a story that she had been unfaithful to her husband (Muhammad), and the story being talk everywhere with intention to condemn the prophet by the 'munafiq gang' who always trying to find chances to condemn prophet Muhammad bcoz their boss named Abdullah bin Ubay was not selected as the leader in Madinah..

continue to read this..
the quite of prophet Muhammad bcoz, he as a prophet is the one who is not acting following his desire (like us), he is waiting the verse from Allah, yes Allah give answer to the clarify the situation, whos wrong / whos right, the people talking is right or his wife Aisyah is the right one.. these r among the answer from Quran.. and the prophet then said to Aisyah, be happy O 'Aisha! Allah Almighty has told you diligently clean of allegations..
u can read the fitnah story here..

so your claim is wrong again bro..

So you see ... Your god is Muhammad a.k.a Allah. Your worship him indirectly, the same way Hindus worship their gods indirectly through idols or Christians worship their god through Jesus.

(refer to my 1st - 6th paragraph in this post)
i hope u understand my word - "we Muslim Never worship people (and other things), we worship only Allah, The Creator"..
unless u got no brain cannot differentiate the concept of God & people (refer back my text above paragraph 1 - 6)..

But you are worse than them. Even so they worship idols, they do not wage war against others by stating an idol told them to do so. But you do. You wage war because Muhammad a.k.a Allah said so.

ahahaha u r funny.. "we wage war"..!!? i assume that u mean, we Muslim 'condemn them' by worship idol.. like that..!!?
fyi, we never 'condemn' (or what ever words may suits) other faith in their believes or their things that their worshiping.. Allah even prohibit us from doing that.. proof see this

we just tell them the true message, as Allah asked us to tell them (send the message) 'dont worship the wrong god', coz the real god is Allah.. because we afraid when the Day of Judgement, they (the unbelievers) will claim infront of Allah that we (Muslim) never send them the message (to avoid the punishment).. so we just send the information and this will be one of the witness in the Day of Judgement that we do share some message.. and God is All Knowing..

This is public forum but it is a forum for NON-MUSLIMS to discuss their belief, NOT for Muslims to come here and try to "sell" their Islamic belief to others as you are doing.
sorry i cannot see in this column the word Non Muslim Not Allowed, or similar meaning..

IF you have ANY questions about Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, you are welcome here. IF you want to speak about Islam, go to Muslim and Muslimat column. IF you want to "sell" your religion, go to Religion Section and try there. I'm sure people like Acong and Atheist could love to have you for company.

In this column, Muslims are not welcome EXCEPT with intention of learning about our belief, not sell your Islamic belief. UNDERSTOOD?
no, i dont understand why i cannot..
i read this Column Title - Kristian, Hindu, Buddha & Lain-Lain
and i read back my Thread Title - The Answer of : (Muslims) Polygamy & Veil / Hijab
well my topic got nothing wrong with the Column Title, can be in 'Lain-Lain' scope what..
i didn't insult Christian (infact we have many similarities), i didn't insult Hindu, Buddha, etc.. i just (trying to) answer your pathetic comments..
bro, i dont mean to "sell" Islamic belief.. read back my st post, as i said...
I think this is the best so far answer or reason for all other faiths on these 2 topics:
  • Why Muslim's Men Can Have (up to) 4 Wives? and
  • Why Muslim's Women Should Wear Hijab?
thats all...

anyway, can u explain why / how:
  • Muhammad was chosen & named as No. 1 in '100 most influential people in the world' (by Christian)
  • Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world - a jews historian once said 'the world civilization is Islamic civilization', when Islamic civilization was entered the golden age, europe still in dark age..
  • Islam is the 'fastest growing religion - maybe the reason they give is arguable, they said Muslim have bigger family many childs, they refuse to reveal numbers of converts (we said 'reverts' not converts) so lets see next..
  • Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles since 9/11 - they do research (they read Quran to find the answer) why 'Muslims destroy WTC' (infact its not Muslim, but their Gov) and they found the truth and accept Islam, its true real story.. the more their gov. insulting Islam, the more their people accept Islam..
  • last but not least (they r many more) EPF Simpanan Shariah draw non-Muslim interest - Christine Yeow, 49, said she has been waiting for EPF to implement the Simpanan Shariah because she wanted her retirement funds to be free of such investments as gambling, arms trading and so on. “Even though I am not Muslim, I have always believed that the Shariah concept is better than the conventional one".
    how bout u bro seph..?

again i'm sorry if i seems to insulting someone faith, believers.. if i do, moderator can delete this post.. or just tell me where i do wrong, i will delete my own post...
thanks & all the best for u bro seph..

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Post time 29-8-2016 06:19 PM | Show all posts
by Kapulet

its your word, from your comment post, but u said 'not even your words'.. ahahaha no need to putar belit ckp laa bro..

It means I'm quoting Siti Khadijah when I said Allah eager to please Muhammad (when he asked her permission to marry more than one, saying Allah married him to Jesus's mother and Moses's sister in heaven). Go and LEARN before talking.

. obviously all the prophets are human just like us, God choose them among the best (from different era, roughly around 500 - 1000 yrs between one another prophets) to do the job.. some of them being killed by their people..

And yet, Muhammad claimed he is the "last" prophet of (your) god which directly shoot down your statement that your god had choose among the best roughly 500 - 1000 years between each.  Who is the boss here then? Your Allah or Muhammad?

u r totally wrong bro..
during Siti Khadijah (in Makkah before Hijrah to Madinah), prophet Muhammad never marry other woman.. she is the 1st and only wife until she die.. please get the right source / book..

Do you want Siti Khadijah's quote from AL HADITH and AL QURAN? Is those book the right source or did your Muhammad told you to bull$hit more?

he is waiting the verse from Allah, yes Allah give answer to the clarify the situation, whos wrong / whos right, the people talking is right or his wife Aisyah is the right one...

And how long did Muhammad wait for Allah's response?

i hope u understand my word - "we Muslim Never worship people (and other things), we worship only Allah, The Creator"..

You Muslims ARE worshiping Muhammad. You are just too egoistic to admit that Allah = Muhammad. But FACTS do not change, no matter how much you putar belit trying to defend your arabic nonsense.

sorry i cannot see in this column the word Non Muslim Not Allowed, or similar meaning..

No one said Muslims (or non-Muslims) are not allowed. We are saying this column is for non-Muslims to speak about THEIR religion, NOT for Muslims to come and sell their Islam here. IF you have a problem, please get clarification from the moderators here - Fleurza (who I have not seen around here for a while), Kirhmuru (IF he is still alive) and relau (whoever that is).  UNDERSTOOD???

fyi, we never 'condemn' (or what ever words may suits) other faith in their believes or their things that their worshiping.. Allah even prohibit us from doing that.. proof see this

Your actions speaks differently than your words. We (non-Muslims) knows that Muslims are SNAKES and one should not trust even the mildest Muslim. If you think we (non-Muslims) will be fooled by your nice words on how peaceful Muslims are, you are sadly mistaken. Muslims are SNAKES, that is fact.

i read this Column Title - Kristian, Hindu, Buddha & Lain-Lain
and i read back my Thread Title - The Answer of : (Muslims) Polygamy & Veil / Hijab
well my topic got nothing wrong with the Column Title, can be in 'Lain-Lain' scope what..
i didn't insult Christian (infact we have many similarities), i didn't insult Hindu, Buddha, etc.. i just (trying to) answer your pathetic comments..

Do you have questions about Kristianity, Hinduism, Buddhism? Or any other (non-Islamic) religions out there? If you have something to say about Islam, then you should go to the specified column for Islam - which is Muslim and Muslimat (where NON-MUSLIMS DO NOT COME AND CHAT ABOUT THEIR RELIGIONS OUT OF RESPECT FOR ISLAM AND MUSLIMS).

Your presence here peddling Islam in our column shows that you do not have any respect for non-Muslims here or our rights to discuss things matters about our personal belief, religions and society. But you know how to talk crap.

anyway, can u explain why / how:

I will not explain NOTHING regarding Islam, Muslims or anything else regarding Islam or Muslims.

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Post time 20-10-2016 08:51 PM | Show all posts
You worship Muhammad. Your Allah is Muhammad.?

are u living 1500 M?

Google what is Islam ....

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Post time 24-10-2016 09:52 AM | Show all posts
by JandaROCK

Google what is Islam ....

Islam is an Arabic Politic System. Muhammad is Allah and Allah is Muhammad.
Nothing else matters.

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Post time 25-11-2016 06:17 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2018 01:17 PM | Show all posts
look what intelligent people honestly said about (Prophet) Muhammad SAW..


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