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Le Robe De Mariage Des Cieux ~ REPEAT ~ SAT&SUN/7AM @ 8TV

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Post time 26-6-2006 08:39 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Satu lagi drama lakonan MingDao aka Katak Senwell.. Tapi rasanya dia berlakon sebagai hero kedua jer kot dlm citer nie
Le Robe De Mariage Des Cieux( " Heaven's Wedding Gown" )


It was with much difficulty that Ai Qing was able to save enough money and arrive in her dream place, Paris. As a result, she was extremely happy about this. At the same time, Zi Hao is also in Paris receiving an international fashion award, the grand prize. They both got into a big argument at a small artistic shop over a small wooden horse that they both fell in love with. In the end, with the owner's consent, Ai Qing is able to obtain the wooden horse. The accidental meeting at the airport and on the plane, cause the two of them to have an even more unfavorable impression of each other. Both were rejoicing at the fact that after this trip, they would never have to see each other again. However, who would have expected that these two people's destinies are forever intertwined tightly together.

               Tao Village is a small village that Ai Qing's Grandpa and deceased Grandma cultivated together. It is also the Peach Blossom garden that is within Grandpa's heart. Therefore, looking after and protecting Tao Village is a job that Ai Qing sees as her responsibility.

               The mornings here are always filled with energy and vitality. Just when Ai Qing gets the peaceful feeling of "returning home is really the best", the sudden burst of noise from a car engine disrupts the village's peacefulness. Ai Qing gets an extremely disgruntled feeling and her good mood is completely destroyed. Just when she wants to go out and see what is going on, her Grandpa reminds her that today is the day where the small children are coming to the village for a visit. For this day, Ai Qing has long been planning for a long time. She is going to dress up as a European sheep herder to attract the attention of the little children. Who would have thought that just when she is getting into the whole act, a car would burst out of nowhere and disrupts everything. It frightened the horse into running away, the children starts crying and the troublemaker, Cheng Hai Nuo, loses consciousness from his injury.

               Seeing that Hai Nuo is hurt and without giving a thought to blaming him for the trouble, she and Grandpa hurriedly treats Hai Nuo. Under all this confusion, two strangers, who are dressed completely out of place, shows up. They happen to be Zi Hao's assistant, Freddie and a lawyer. Holding on to a piece of paper that is a contract, they request that she and her Grandpa move out within a short period of time because the village has changed ownership. This place will soon be rebuilt to hold the offices of Global Group.

               At this time, Ai Qing is startled to discover that her elder brother, Ya Qun, has secretly betrayed the village, this place that she has regarded as her home forever. In order to be able to preserve the village, she goes to the buyer's company. To her surprise, she finds out that the buyer is actually the person who has left her such an unhappy impression in Paris, Zi Hao. It turns out that Zi Hao has taken a liking to Tao Village and decides to rebuild the village into his own fashion designing center.

               Remembering the Paris trip, even though there is still discontent in her heart, Ai Qing still hopes that Zi Hao could dispel the notion of rebuilding the village. Zi Hao, of course, refuses Ai Qing's request.

               The disappointed Ai Qing returns home. Before she can even find the time to digest the disappointment in her heart, she has to deliver the cheese that is made in the village to the vendor that is set up next to race track. She just happens to catch the end of a competition, the moment when Hai Nuo receives the prize. Hai Nuo's eyesight is extremely good, within such a huge crowd, he is able to catch sight of Ai Qing. He immediately throws his prize cup to his companions and shoves through the crowd of people. Under the gaze of everyone, he directly expresses to Ai Qing that he wants her to be the princess that is within his heart. Ai Qing didn't give a thought to the jealous and envious stares of all the girls that are standing aside. She only felt that this was a baffling joke. This day has sure been one unfortunate one!

               One day has passed by, but Ai Qing's troubles have not ended yet. When she wakes up from her drunken state and finds herself lying on top of Hai Nuo's bed, this is truly an earth shattering discovery

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2006 08:40 PM | Show all posts

Tao Ai Qing (portrayed by Cyndi Wang Xin Ling)---19 years old.

Village master's granddaughter. She has the personality of a typical village girl - naïve and pure, distinguishes clearly between like and dislike. For her goals and ideals, she would dash forward regardless of any consequences. The more obstacles that she comes in contact with, the braver she gets. Yet because she is excessively optimistic, she can be a bit rash on certain things and she also keeps old friendships in mind. From childhood, she is fond of village life. Although her figure is petite, she is full of energy and life and very optimistic. Her understanding of animals is not any less than a veterinarian. She received a herb pottery from her mother, who passed away, and towards the use of the herb, she has a clear understanding of it. Even though she is not good at hand crafts yet she is fond of making clothes for her beloved things. Therefore, she would use the abandoned window curtains to make clothing for her house pet "Wu Long Cha". The plant that is named "Knight" even has its own knight suit. The thing that she hates the most is anyone who harms her beloved Tao Village.

Lu Zi Hao  (portrayed by Li Wei Lian)----27 years old

Son of the CEO of Global Group. Handsome and self-confident, possesses an arrogant and uncommon personality. In addition, he is someone who requests perfection in things. After bringing back a prize on fashion designing from France, he starts to create his own brand and becomes a top fashion designer. Furthermore, he is often the focus of everyone's attention, just like a celebrity. He is someone that everyone envies and admires. Even though that is the case, he still lacks interest in inheriting his family's huge business. He believes that a big enterprise should be managed by the people instead of by a dictatorship or a single person. All he wants to do is to show off his capabilities in the fashion world and use his own designs to conquer the world. He knows what he wants to do and what he can do. Towards his own future, he has a perfect plan in place. He has extreme confidence in every decision that he makes and hates anything that is unexpected. To him, Ai Qing is the most troublesome "accident" that he meets. As a result of his surrounding and his talent, this gives way to his "I'm better than others" personality. It is very hard for him to endure anything that is lacking in perfection. Starting from the first day that he meets up with Ai Qing, they have become sworn enemies. He can't bear the closeness that Ai Qing has between her and animals. However, unconsciously, he gets attracted by Ai Qing's carefree and kind-hearted personality and in the end, he falls in love with her.

Chen Hai Nuo (portrayed by Mind Dao)---21 years old.

A famous race car driver, reckless and uninhibited. He does what he wants, just like that of a wild, untamed horse. Yet he is very popular with the females. He is the type of lady-killer that females between the ages of 3 through 73 would love. He believes that anything unexpected can happen in life and that planning for the future is a waste of time. He never lacks in "followers" who follow him around. His parents left behind an antique shop called "Jia Jia" for him. However, what he regards as his most important treasure is not women and not his parents' inheritance, but is his head of thick, shiny black hair and his beautiful, dazzling car. He likes to be affectionate with those girls that admire him but he will absolutely not let anyone touch his hair. Even if the girl is extremely pretty, it wouldn't do any good. His hair is his life. He has also never driven anyone around in his treasured car. That is, until he gets acquainted with Ai Qing. He fell in love at first sight with Ai Qing's independent nature. From then on, his thick, shiny black hair and his treasured car becomes the second most important thing in his life. The number one most important thing in his life is Ai Qing, whom he regards as his only woman in his life.

Katrina  (portrayed by Guan Ying)---21 years old.

Zi Hao's girlfriend. Although she is young, but because of the environment that she grew up in, she has a more mature mentality. Her father is the manager of famous models in Milan's fashion world. He has trained her to become a famous model that is worth millions of dollars. Not only is she beautiful and charming but she also understands that if she wants something, then she would have to take the initiative to fight for it. She is also a perfectionist like Zi Hao. She possesses the same arrogant nature as Zi Hao and also doesn't lack in the number of guys that want to pursue her. However, aside from Zi Hao, she has no feelings for anyone else. She has extreme confidence in Zi Hao, until she finds out that Zi Hao's gaze is starting to turn over in the direction of Ai Qing. She feels that she will be faced with a challenge that she has never faced before.

Credit to LunarDreamz

[ Last edited by  adiela811 at 26-6-2006 08:48 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 26-6-2006 08:54 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 26-6-2006 08:59 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  adiela811 at 26-6-2006 10:13 PM ]

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:30 PM | Show all posts
huhuhu.. time aku tgk....iklan nie.. aku terpkir2 sape yg akn bukak thread nie...itu je dlm otak aku

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Siapa-siapa yang rajin tu bolehlah buat sinopsis ye, tak dapat tengoklah klu hari Sabtu...selalu ada hal

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2006 10:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 lonso's post

hahah..aku ler orgnyaaa....dah tengok ke citer nie? best ker?

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:40 PM | Show all posts
aku x tgk lg citer nie.. cube ko tanye.. kot2 ade dah tgk aku rase maybe kimmy dah tgk kot die xpert ckit.. citer2 nie... sape yg rajin bleh buat sinopsis yek.. dipersilekan

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:41 PM | Show all posts
Daripada characteristicnya dalam citer nie, saya rasa akan sukalah tengok citer nie sbb ada lumba kereta....tapi sayang, hanya dapat tengok hari ahad je....

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Hari-hari le kamu tengok wajah Ming Dao nie ye, dari hari Isnin sampai lah hari Ahad

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 pheonix_lady's post

tulah psl.. hari2 muke ming mengadap.....putera katak sorg nie.....berturut-turut citer die.. mase meteor garden disiarkan pon.. jerry muke die x ade lah berturut-turut

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:48 PM | Show all posts
I've already dl this drama last year but without subs. So I just watched the first few episodes randomly.

I'd say this is going to be an interesting drama. Yup, Ming Dao is the second lead here. Cyndi Wang looks so weird here with that hairstyle of hers. Maybe she should go to Neo-Image for a haircut.

In the last episode, watch out for a cameo appearance by Angela Zhang.

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:51 PM | Show all posts
pss sape nak buat.. sinopsis nnt kasi kaler kuning yer..coz.. sbtu ahad ramai org x leh tgk.. bape episod yek citer nie.. kalo best.. abis lg lah duit aku beli.. cd..huhuhu

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:54 PM | Show all posts
nak tau saper dah tgk citer ni??? KIMMY... last year masa habis citer Prince First Love dia ada bukak thread citer ni dan punyalah promote kat aku... kata sure aku akan suka kat hero no 2.. mingdao la tu kekeke...masa tu citer ni siar kat astro shuan xing... sbb aku tak ada channel tu jadi aku tak tgk & sekarang thread dia pun dah kena sapu oleh admin...

aku masa nampak iklan ni tadi.. punyalah tak sedar diri menjerit citer mingdao lagi... hari2 tgk mingdao... sampai kena marah dgn mak aku.... kekekeke

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Post time 26-6-2006 10:57 PM | Show all posts
Betul-betul lah Ming Dao nie jadi penghias tv kat M'sia for the year 2006 ye.....Actor of the year

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2006 10:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 eyka's post

yeyey..KIMMY dah tgk..kalau kimmy yg promote nie misti bestt nie.....

ari2 ada kuau muke mingdao nieee....hangau aku dibuatnya lagik... :love:

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Post time 26-6-2006 11:01 PM | Show all posts
lps nie.. ape 2 citer yg kimmy promote sumer aku tgk... sbb taste kimmy nie very gud....

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Post time 26-6-2006 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Cerita ni not bad... tapi tengah2 tu Ching rasa cam boring sikit ar... tapi overall cerita ni best jugak...

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Post time 26-6-2006 11:13 PM | Show all posts
aik....kuar balik cerita ni??...thread yg aku  bukak dulu dah hilang dah???....dah kena  vacuum dek Admin lah ni...

yup ....cerita ni lah yg pertama kali aku tgk   Miang Dao sama dgn Princess Fiona dulu kat Ch. 38....tapi dia cuma 2nd hero je.  Ist hero LEON WILLIAM dari Singapore.....nanti dengarlah dia cakap, yg tak fasih sgt dlm mandarin...dia jugak berlakon dlm Green Forest selepas cerita Robe ni.

Memang sayang lah Miang Dao jadi 2nd hero, sbb lakonan dia dlm drama ni memang bagus.....malah lebih bagus dari Leon lagi...tapi dah director pilih dia 2nd hero, nak buat camne........

Jangan lupa dengar lagu thema nyanyian Cindy Wang....memang sedap....bagi aku lakonan Cindy biasa saja....tapi yg menguatkan drama ,adalah lakonan Miang Dao.....

aku rasa ramai nanti yg kesian kat Miang Dao berbanding pada Leon untuk semua, Leon William ni boleh menyanyi...suara dia boleh tahan sedap.......

[ Last edited by  Kimmy at 26-6-2006 11:14 PM ]

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Post time 26-6-2006 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adiela811 at 26-6-2006 08:54 PM

Smart lah rantai mereka nie. Rantai nie kan yang mereka buat iklan tu

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