Wong mangan wong. | People will attack other people. |
Anak lali bapak. | Children will ignore their fathers. |
Wong tuwa lali tuwane. | Parents will not want to take their responsibility as parents. |
Pedagang adol barang saya laris. | Merchants will sell out of their merchandise. |
Bandane saya ludes. | Yet, they will lose money. |
Akeh wong mati kaliren ing sisihe pangan. | Many people will die from starvation in prosperous times. |
Akeh wong nyekel banda nanging uripe sengsara. | Many people will have lots of money yet, be unhappy in their lives. |
Sing edan bisa dandan. | The crazy one will be beautifully attired. |
Sing bengkong bisa nggalang gedong. | The insane will be able to build a lavish estate. |
Wong waras lan adil uripe nggrantes lan kepencil. | The ones who are fair and sane will suffer in their lives and will be isolated. |
Ana peperangan ing njero. | There will be internal wars. |
Timbul amarga para pangkat akeh sing pada salah paham. | As a result of misunderstandings between those at the top. |
Durjana saya ngambra-ambra. | The numbers of evil doers will increase sharply. |
Penjahat saya tambah. | There will be more criminals. |
Wong apik saya sengsara. | The good people will live in misery. |
Akeh wong mati jalaran saka peperangan. | There will be many people die in a war. |
Kebingungan lan kobongan. | Others will be disoriented, and their property burnt. |
Wong bener saya tenger-tenger. | The honest will be confused. |
Wong salah saya bungah-bungah. | The dishonest will be joyful. |
Akeh banda musna ora karuan lungane. | There will be disappearance of great riches. |
Akeh pangkat lan drajat pada minggat ora karuan sababe. | There will be disappearance of great titles, and jobs. |
Akeh barang-barang haram, akeh bocah haram. | There will be many illegal goods, There will be many babies born without fathers. |
Bejane sing lali, bejane sing eling. | There will be many people who forget God's will. |
Nanging sauntung-untunge sing lali. | Those people who forget God's Will may be happy on earth. |
Isih untung sing waspada. | But those who are remember God's will are destined to be happier still. |
Angkara murka saya ndadi. | Ruthlessness will become worse. |
Kana-kene saya bingung. | Everywhere the situation will be chaotic. |
Pedagang akeh alangane. | Doing business will be more difficult. |
Akeh buruh nantang juragan. | Workers will challenge their employers. |
Juragan dadi umpan. | The employers will become bait for their employees. |
Sing suwarane seru oleh pengaruh. | Those who speak out will be more influential. |
Wong pinter diingar-ingar. | The wise ones will be ridiculed. |
Wong ala diuja. | The evil ones will be worshipped. |
Wong ngerti mangan ati. | The knowledgeable ones will show no compassion. |
Banda dadi memala. | The pursuit of material comfort will incite crime. |
Pangkat dadi pemikat. | Job titles will become enticing. |
Sing sawenang-wenang rumangsa menang. | Those who act arbitrarily will feel as if they are the winners. |
Sing ngalah rumangsa kabeh salah. | Those who act wisely will feel as if everything is wrong. |
Ana Bupati saka wong sing asor imane. | There will be leaders who are weak in their faith. |
Patihe kepala judi. | Their vice regent will be selected from among the ranks of the gamblers. |
Wong sing atine suci dibenci. | Those who have a holy heart will be rejected. |
Wong sing jahat lan pinter jilat saya derajat. | Those who are evil, and know how to flatter their boss,will be promoted. |
Pemerasan saya ndadra. | Human exploitation will be worse. |
Maling lungguh wetenge mblenduk. | The corpulent thieves will be able to sit back and relax. |
Pitik angkrem saduwurane pikulan. | The hen will hacth eggs in a carrying pole. |
Maling wani nantang sing duwe omah. | Thieves will not be afraid to challenge the target. |
Begal pada ndugal. | Robbers will dissent into greater evil. |
Rampok pada keplok-keplok. | Looters will be given applause. |
Wong momong mitenah sing diemong. | People will slander their caregivers. |
Wong jaga nyolong sing dijaga. | Guards will steel the very things they are to protect. |
Wong njamin njaluk dijamin. | Guarantors will ask for collateral. |
Akeh wong mendem donga. | Many will ask for blessings. |
Kana-kene rebutan unggul. | Everybody will compete for personal victory. |
Angkara murka ngombro-ombro. | Ruthlessness will be everywhere. |
Agama ditantang. | Religions will be questioned. |
Akeh wong angkara murka. | Many people will be greedy for power, wealth and position. |
Nggedeake duraka. | Rebelliousness will increase. |
Ukum agama dilanggar. | Religious law will be broken. |
Perikamanungsan di-iles-iles. | Human rights will be violated. |
Kasusilan ditinggal. | Ethics will left behind. |
Akeh wong edan, jahat lan kelangan akal budi. | Many will be insane, cruel and immoral. |
Wong cilik akeh sing kepencil. | Ordinary people will be segregated. |
Amarga dadi korbane si jahat sing jajil. | They will become the victims of evil and cruel persons. |
Banjur ana Ratu duwe pengaruh lan duwe prajurit. | Then there will come a leader who is influential. |
Lan duwe prajurit | He will have his own armies. |
Negarane ambane sapra-walon. | His country will measured one-eighth the circumference of the world. |
Tukang mangan suap saya ndadra. | The number of people who commit bribery will increase. |
Wong jahat ditampa. | The evil ones will be accepted. |
Wong suci dibenci. | The innocent ones will be rejected. |
Timah dianggep perak. | Tin will be thought to be silver. |
Emas diarani tembaga. | Gold will be thought to be copper. |
Dandang dikandakake kuntul. | A rice cooker will be thought to be an egret. |
Wong dosa sentosa. | The sinful ones will be safe and live in tranquility. |
Wong cilik disalahake. | The poor will be blamed. |
Wong nganggur kesungkur. | The unemployed will be rooted up. |
Wong sregep krungkep. | The diligent ones will be forced down. |
Wong nyengit kesengit. | The people will seek revenge against the fiercely violent ones. |
Buruh mangluh. | Workers will suffer from overwork. |
Wong sugih krasa wedi. | The rich will feel unsafe. |
Wong wedi dadi priyayi. | People who belong to the upper class will feel insecure. |
Senenge wong jahat. | Happiness will belong to evil persons. |
Susahe wong cilik. | Trouble will belong to the poor. |
Akeh wong dakwa dinakwa. | Many will sue each other. |
Tindake menungsa saya kuciwa. | Human behaviour will fall short of moral enlightenment. |
Ratu karo Ratu pada rembugan negara endi sing dipilih lan disenengi. | Leaders will discuss and choose which countries are their favourites and which ones are not. |
Wong Jawa kari separo, | The Javanese will remain half. |
Landa-Cina kari sejodo. | The Dutch and the Chinese each will remain a pair. |
Akeh wong ijir, akeh wong cethil. | Many become stingy. |
Sing eman ora keduman. | The stingy ones will not get their portion. |
Sing keduman ora eman. | The ones who receive their portion will be generous. |
Akeh wong mbambung. | Street beggars will be everywhere. |
Akeh wong limbung. | Bewildered persons will be everywhere. |
Selot-selote mbesuk wolak-waliking jaman teka. | These are the signs that the people and their civilization have been turned upside down. |